Ch- 73, The Questions That Never End

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"Hold onto the tiny moments and cherish the little snuggles.
They'll grow up so fast!"

"Mishti Shona what animal is that?" Anirudh asked pointing towards a stray dog.

He was standing with her in the first floor balcony of their beautiful home. Rudhi was happily looking around the scenery, enjoying being in her Baba's arms as they stood against the steel railing.

"Bhow bhow!" Rudhi laughed, clapping her hands.

"I told you it's a dog!" Anirudh laughed, his daughter just didn't want to learn.

"Bhow bhow sounds cute, Baba!" Rudhi argued, resting her hands on her waist.

Anirudh just eyed her for a second and quickly pecked her pouted lips.

"You're such a Drama Queen!" He chuckled, shaking his head.

"That's what you call Maa! I'll be Drama Princess!" Rudhi said with excitement, her eyes wide as she imagined herself as one of the princesses she saw in her story books.

"Oh yeah?! So what else do I call my wife, Princess Drama?!" Anirudh asked with wide eyes, squeezing her chubby cheeks.

"You call her Bonditaaaa!!" Rudhi listed, trying to recall what all she could.
"And also JAAN!! Baba what's JAAAANN?!" She asked innocently flattering her huge eyelashes at Anirudh.

"Um... Mm.. Yeah... Uh Jaan is...." Anirudh's face turned into a deep shade of pink as his four year old had just asked him such an awkward question!

"Yeah! Please elaborate, Baba! I also wanna know!" Anirudh turned around to see Bondita standing against the balcony door with her arms folded across her chest.

"Maaa!!" Rudhi jumped down from her Baba's arms and ran to her mother happily.

"B... Bondita!" Anirudh eyed her for some help but she just smirked at him naughtily.

Bondita had held onto Rudhi's hand and they walked back to Anirudh.

"Baba what happened? Don't you what's Jaan?" Rudhi asked, looking up at her father with her huge lovely eyes. She had gotten dark brown one's from Bondita.

Anirudh finally sighed and kneeled down to Rudhi's eye level. Touching her hands, he looked at her with a smile.

"Mishti!.... Jaan means life. And your Maa is my life." He told.
"You tell me, what happens if someone's life goes away?" He asked.

"They die..." Rudhi answered seriously, her smile dropping instantly on the mention of someone dying.

Why would someone die?, she thought.

"Yes! Which means they won't be able to live. Similarly if your Maa goes away from me, I won't be able to live in this world, Shona!" He touched her cheeks as the little girl looked at him.

Her mouth had drooped down and her lower lip bent forward. She was sad by his words.

"Maa!!" Rudhi looked up at Bondita with little tears in her eyes.

Anirudh had instantly held his daughter's hands lovingly. He knew his baby could cry anytime.

"Yes Puchki?" Bondita too kneeled down beside her husband.

"Maa! Please don't ever leave Baba!" Rudhi pleaded and hugged both her parents tightly.
"I want you both with me forever!" She cried, burying her face in their shoulders.

"I promise we will always stay together and I'll never go away from your Baba!" Bondita smiled, patting her daughter's back with love.

"Yes Mishti. Come on look at me!" Anirudh made her stand up and cupped her little face.
"You remember what we always tell you?" He asked.

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