Ch- 50, Our Love Is Greater Than This!

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Firstly! This is the second update for the day! ......I've posted another part before this, do read tht one too!!❤️❤️

"The longer you leave a misunderstanding unresolved,
The more difficult it becomes to resolve it!..."

As Bondita laid beside Anirudh and Rudhi, she held his hand softly.
She was feeling sad and didn't really know how to forget thinking about all the negative possibilities that were making there way to her delicate mind.

She trusted her Pati Babu more than anything in this world. She definitely knew there wasn't anything like it seemed. She brought his hand to her own lips and kissed it with love.

Resting her head onto his hand, she slept, patting Rudhi's back gently.

After Bondita had slept, Anirudh finally opened his eyes to look at her. He carefully laid Rudhi on the bed for sometime and sat up, touching Bondita's cheek.

"I love you.....Bondita!" He whispered and bent down to kiss her head.

"Have faith in me. Though I am hurt, but I know our love is greater than any of this, isn't it?!" Anirudh whispered to his sleeping wife and kissed her forehead.

"Good Night!" He finally murmured, before laying back on the bed and taking Rudhi onto his chest again.

His baby didn't like to sleep on the bed anymore and even he found it tough to sleep without his newly found soft toy!

He slept clutching Bondita's hand in his.


"Pati Babu don't you want to get ready for work?" The next morning, Bondita asked him, walking inside the room after she had taken a bath and changed into her office saree.

"I will, in a while!" He replied, still snuggling in the blanket, gazing at his sleeping daughter.

"She looks adorable, doesn't she?!" Bondita smiled at their daughter as she followed his gaze.

"Ofcourse!" He just murmured with a smile.

"Don't go to the court today, Bondita!" He suddenly said.
"Finish your work at home, itself."

Bondita found it so weird. The man who would clearly fight the whole world to send her to the court daily, was asking her to stay back.

She walked upto him and sitting beside him on the bed, smiled naughtily at him.

"Why? Are you too planning to stay back today?!" Saying this, she moved closer to him and touched his cheek with her forefinger seductively.

Anirudh almost lost himself to her seductive touch, afterall it was so less that she did something like this. But he instantly breathed deeply and held her hand, giving her a stern look.

"What am I to you?!" He asked coldly.

"You're my everything, Pati Babu! My God, my...." She said without even thinking twice about anything. It was obviously nothing to be thought of!

"That's great!" He interrupted her.
"Now your God's asking you to not go to the court today! Do you still have questions?"

Bondita frowned at him for a moment, before finally speaking again.

"No.... But my Pati Babu says..." She started to defend herself.

Her Pati Babu had himself taught her never to comply to anyone's orders without a proper reason, may it be him!

"There are no Buts, Bondita! Stay back at home, today!" He snapped at her, before walking to the washroom to take a bath.

Bondita sat there in confusion, not able to understand her Pati Babu for the very first time. She wasn't able to understand his actions, his words, any of what he was doing.

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