Ch- 51, We Promise, Rudhi!

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As many of you have guessed it already, this track is a parallel to the last track from the show! Where Batuk's manly ego was hurt.

In the show, they didn't end this track properly and it just became a mess, according to me! (Not saying that the show didn't make it well)

I don't want anyone to judge anything or anyone so soon. No character is ever wrong, in my eyes and it's just the perspective that matters!

Here the track is the same, but it won't end the same! You'll get something new and nice, I promise!❤️

So please stay calm and don't loose hope about this track or this story.
You'll have always loved me and my work and I really am grateful for that!

Please keep that love and faith intact!😌❤️


"Happily Ever After is not a fairy tale!
It's a choice!❤️"

After Anirudh had left, Batuk looked at his mother and Kaka expectantly.

Kaka acted as if nothing at all had happened and continued to finish his meal.

Batuk looked up at his Maa, but Kaka just glared and Shubra Maa went inside the kitchen, fearing his wrath.

Batuk sighed and walked upto his Boudi's room.
Bondita was sitting on the bad, sadly while Rudhi was crawling around the  room, playing her undeciphered games.

Batuk walked in and sat beside Bondita on the bed.

"Boudi." He called and held Bondita's hand with love.
"Please don't be sad!"

Bondita lifted her eyes to look at him and hugged him, crying.
Batuk instantly wrapped his arm around Bondita shoulder, feeling so helpless and sad.

He was really sad for his Boudi and wanted to make her happy at any cost. But one thing was for sure, he wasn't angry at his Dada. He knew ot well that it all wasn't like it appeared.

"Batuk! I.... I really don't know what to do?!" Bondita sobbed on his shoulder.
"It's not that I don't trust Pati Babu. But I'm really not able to understand him sometimes. What all he does, what all he says, is sometimes too difficult for me to understand!"

"Boudi!" Batuk made her sit up straight and wiped her tears with love.
"Would you like Rudhi seeing you cry like this?" He asked and Bondita instantly looked at her baby and sniffed back her tears.

"That's like my sweet Boudi!" He told with a smile.
"Now listen to me carefully! You and I, we both know Dada well, right?" He talked to her and Bondita nodded like a little girl.

Batuk smiled again and continued.

"Boudi, I too was shocked by his behaviour this morning. But I think, there's something else going on in his mind. Something really big!..... Beyond what we both can guess at this moment!" He said and Bondita just looked at him with a thoughtful frown.

"But, can't he even share it with his wife? And why did he behave like those Orthodox husbands today? We all know, he isn't that! Why does he always has to make me cry like this?! Even when I know, he must be even more hurt after hurting me!" Bondita sobbed angrily. She was really angry at her Pati Babu!

"Boudi! I really don't have the answers to any of these, but I think you have!" He told.

"Me? How?!"

"Boudi, it's clear that Dada wants you to do something, but what?!" Batuk discussed, thinking deeply.

"I... I really don't know..." Bondita too, started to find her answers.

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