Ch-83, The Three Love Tales❤️

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Take this as a party from my side! Tomorrow is my birthday, so I won't be posting anything!😂❤️ Do comment okay? 🥺❤️

A couple of months had passed already. The doctor from London had written to Somnath about a few methods he could decipher to cure Batuk's problem, but it seemed a bit too much for the meagre surety that was being attained.

"The chances are really less. It's not even certain whether Batuk would be cured or not. It's totally upto both of you, now!" Somnath told Mallika and Batuk who sat accross his table in his cabin at the hospital.

"Som Dada I will..." Batuk started but was interrupted by his wife.

"No Som Dada! We'll think about it, I don't want Batuk to take any risk. He'll do anything for me, but I need to make sure about his safety too. Please don't listen to him until I agree upon any treatement! He can undergo any treatment only after I approve it!" She said with authority and Somnath just smiled at her with admiration.

She's definitely grown so much mature and responsible than she was earlier! He thought and nodded.

"I promise Mallika! Before telling ny brother about anything, I'll tell my sister!" He grinned and she smiled back.

"So no one really cares about me?" Batuk huffed, rolling his eyes at them.

"Yeah we don't!" Somnath rolled his eyes and Mallika giggled.

But everyone knew how much they cared for him.


After Mallika and Batuk left, they'd went to have ice cream. They were sad, but not hopeless afterall. Moreover they'd made it clear that if they needed someone the most, that was just each other.

As they left, the telephone kept on Somnath's table rang and he picked it up quickly.

"Doctor Somnath Roy Chowdhary speaking!" He spoke.

"Kaka it's me!" Rudhi spoke from the other side.

"Kaaju? What happened? Why did you call?" He smiled and leaned back onto his chair.

Rudhi would call him sometimes when she was bored and wanted to use the telephone. She just loved to dial the numbers that were already written on a diary, always kept beside the telephone.

"Are you free? Okay so, Maa and Baba aren't home yet and Vansh and I want to go out to the park. Will you come home and take us?" She asked with a pout. Vansh was standing beside her and looking at his sister expectantly as she talked on the phone.

"Today? I'll have to see Baccha. I'll try to come home soon. But your Chachu must be coming back soon, take him if I get late, okay?" He smiled and Rudhi agreed.

"Tell me did you and Vansh had lunch properly today?" He asked instead. He too just loved talking to the kids on the phone.
"Is Vansh around?"

"Yes Kaka we ate properly. Dida fed us with her hands." Rudhi giggled.
"And Vansh is right here!" She said, handing the phone to her younger brother.

"Hello Baba!" He said excitedly.

"Hello my little Prince! What are you upto?" He giggled.

"I'm going on the terrace to play with Rudhi Didi as she has no school today." He told happily.

"Okay! Don't run alot and listen to your sister okay? And yes, take Koyeli Didi with you too!" He instructed.

Koyeli was still there in the house. She'd been working for the Roy Chowdharys for years now and had seen both these kids growing up.

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