Chapter 13.

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I didn't mean to be so cruel to April but she deserved it for all the fuck she put me through. I put my hood up as I walked out the building and made my way to my complex. Just as I stepped out I heard shots fire off next thing I knew I was flat out on the ground and everything went dark.


Just as I was about to settle into bed, I heard shots fire. The first thing that came to my mind was Jordan. I rushed out of bed and flung on the hoodie I had on almost tripping as I struggled to put my converse on. Grabbing my iPhone and keys off the bedside table, I ran out of the dorm room. Taking the stairs three at a time I reached the bottom of the staircase and fled to the entrance where a crowd was already gathered. I said a silent prayer as I moved through the crowd hoping it wasn't Jordan. When I got through and saw him I dropped to my knees and covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as I rocked back and forth. I laid my head on his chest and surprisingly his heart was still beating but it was slowing down.

"Don't leave me again Jordan please."

I pleaded silently with God to let him make it. The ambulance pulled up moments later to take him to the hospital. I couldn't ride along in the ambulance so I had to take a cab. It took me 10 minutes to hail a cab and and an additional fifteen to reach the hospital they told me that he would be stationed.

Rushing up to the front desk I asked about Jordan and the nurse told me that he was still in surgery but I could wait in the waiting room. As I sat down I began to think about who would do this to Jordan. He was the nicest person, friendly with everyone basically he had no enemies as far as I knew.

I've been waiting for almost two hours. As I began to pace the floor, a doctor came into the waiting room.

"Family of Jordan Lamar."


"What is your relation to Jordan may I ask?"

"He is my best friend."

"What about his parents?"

"His parents are divorced, his dad in Atlanta his mom is in Miami."

"Well we will need to get into contact with them can you help?"


I gave the doctor all the info on Jordan's parents that I could remember. The nurse at the station called the college to get contacts for both his mom and dad then alerted them as to what happened.

"Is he going to make it?"

"Good news is two of the three bullets were in his left shoulder but the other bullet penetrated his chest cavity just above his heart missing it by couple centimeters. Currently we are working on trying to get that one out of him. Right now we had to put Mr. Lamar in a medically induced coma as he has also sustained some injuries to the head which caused some swelling.

"Is he gonna make it?"

"At the moment I can't say as there are many variables that could go wrong during his surgery but just be strong and hope for the best. Go home and get some rest you won't be able to see him tonight anyway."

"Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome."

As I made my way out the hospital I felt my heart breaking once again. Jordan just came back into my life and already he is being taken away from me yet again. Suddenly my world felt colder than it has ever been. All I could think of was seeing Jordan laying on the hospital bed all alone fighting for his life. I was in such deep thought I hadn't noticed that I had made it back to my dorm.

The custodian had cleaned the blood off the floor to the entrance where Jordan was. I fought back tears as I climbed the stairs. When I got in I went straight to the couch and curled up not wanting to think anymore.

"You promised you'd never leave me again please don't break that promise Jordan."

I closed my eyes and let the pitter patter of the rain on the windows put me to sleep.

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