Chapter 18.

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Over the past couple of days, Austin has been over at the apartment almost everyday. The way they both laughed and looked at each other made me jealous. I was finally admitting to myself that I cared for Emani beyond just being friends. How do you tell your best friend that you are falling for them? How do I even react to her response?

"Earth to Jordan, you wanna go out or what?"

I snapped out of my thoughts not realizing that Austin had left.

"Where did Austin go?"

"He had baby mama drama to handle. So come on let's get out of here please."


"Great, I'll go get ready."

She skipped off to her room. Watching be so happy and carefree her made me smile. How could I have said no to her; plus I was tired of being cooped up in the apartment. I went to my room to get ready.

An hour later I looked at myself in the mirror. I dressed simple in a plain white v-neck, my black leather jacket, a pair of dark fitted jeans and some black timberlands. I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and went to check on Mani. I knocked on the door and she told me to come in.

"You not ready yet?" I said as I entered the room.

"Yh just give me a second."

I sat on the bed and checked my phone for any messages. I got couple of get well messages and also assignments from lecturers as I was falling behind in school because of the suspension and now the shooting.

"Okay we can go now."



I wore a white, cropped bustier with a deep V neckline paired with a black, silk jogger pants. I put on my red, pointy ballet flats to match my red cardigan. After putting on a bit of mascara, I lined my eyes with black eyeliner and then put on some red lipstick. To top off the outfit I threw my hair into a messy bun on top of me head.

As I stood in front of Jordan I suddenly felt shy. He was staring at me like it was the first time he was seeing. It was strange to have him look at me like that. I felt myself blushing.

"Well are we gonna go or are you just gonna stare at me all night."

"Uh sorry. Yh let's go."

I took up my black, oversized clutch and placed my phone and keys inside then led the way out of the room. Jordan opened the door for me then turned around to lock it. We walked down the stairs and into the parking lot in silence. Once again, he opens the door for me and I got into his Dodge Charger.

"Where are we going?" He asked after he jumped in and started the engine.

"I don't know."

"What you mean you don't know you the one said you wanted to go out."

"Yh but I don't know where to go in New York."


He pulled out of the parking lot and we were on our way to God knows where.


After the first couple minutes, I decided to break the silence.

"You look beautiful by the way."

"Thanks, you don't look too bad your self."

"Have you talked to your parents since you left home?"

"No, but I talk to my grandma at least three times a week. Talk to your mom too."

"What you gotta talk to my mom about?" I asked curious and slightly embarrassed for no reason.

"Why would I tell you that."

"Keep playing Mani."

She giggled which made me smile. I pulled up to a small Italian restaurant. It wasn't fancy so I know that she would love it. I got out and went around to open her door.

"Why you being such a gentleman?"

"Why you complaining when you know I always treat you right."

We walked into the restaurant and the waiter seated us immediately. He led us into an intimate booth in the corner of the restaurant. The table was lit with a single candle making the setting romantic. Mani sat far away from me looking scared as hell.

"Why you always gotta act so shy around me Mani like I'm some stranger you just met. It's really starting to get on my nerves."

"You basically are feels like I don't know you any more."

"Girl stop playing and come over here. I am the same Jordan, nothing changed."

She scooted closer to me but focused on the menu in front of her. After we figured out what we wanted the waiter took our orders and left. He came back couple minutes later with a bottle of red wine then left again.

"Why did you bring me here Jordan."

"You said you wanted to go out so, we out."

"Yh but this place is very romantic almost like we on a date."

"Chill Mani okay," I laughed. " I ain't felt like taking you to Popeye's I was saving that for our second date."

She looked mortified after that statement. I took her hand and rubbed the back of her palm.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel any type of way okay. If you want to leave we can leave."

"It's fine." she replied looking me deep in my eyes then turning away when the waiter returned with our food.

We ate and drank our wine in silence. After the meal, I paid and we left.

" Want to get some ice-cream?"


I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked around the corner to an ice-cream parlour. After we got our ice-cream, we sat on a nearby bench and ate. She dipped her spoon in my cup.

"Why you always do that."

"I love cookies & cream."

"So why yo ass ain't get it then."

"Cause I wanted rum & raisin."

I shook ma head and continued eating my ice-cream. Mani tried to be slick dipping into my ice-cream again but just ended up getting it on my face. She started laughing hard.

"You think that's funny huh." I took some out of her cup and put it on her cheek.

"The fuck Jordan."

We both looked at each other and busted out laughing. When we calmed down, I threw our cups in the garbage and she took her napkin and wiped the ice-cream off of my cheek then disposed of it into the garbage.

"Guess I have to lick it of yo face cause I don't have no extra napkins."

"Don't you dare Jordan!"

I moved to lick the ice-cream off her face but she got up off the bench. As she walked back to get more napkins, I got up and grabbed her by her arm turning her around in an attempt to get the ice-cream off her cheek but ended up kissing her.

Her lips were soft and tasted of rum & raisin ice-cream. It lasted 5 seconds until she pulled away. She looked petrified.

"I'm sorry," I said letting go of her arm.

"I'll go get the napkins."

She turned and practically ran into the parlor leaving me to think about how I just fucked up our friendship.

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