Chapter 38

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It's been two days and Mani was finally being released from the hospital. I spent the last couple of hours finishing the baby's room; she was gonna love it. I really wanted to make Mani real comfortable after all she's been through the past couple months. I missed her so much I could barely contain my excitement.

It was almost time for me to pick her so I took a quick shower and threw some clothes on then headed to the hospital. Pulling up to the hospital entrance, I saw Mani waiting in the lobby. As she spotted the car she signalled to a nurse to help her. I got out the car and took the car seat and fixed it in the back seat then took the baby and placed her in it. She looked up at me with a big smile which made my heart melt. Next I help Mani in as she was still in pain from her surgery. When I got everything in the car we took off.

"You hungry baby?"

"Not really just really tired."

"Okay well imma still get you something so what you want?"

"Nothing to heavy."

"How about some soup?"

"That's fine."

I made a quick stop to pick the soup up then headed home. It was going to be tricky getting both Mani and the baby upstairs without causing her any discomfort. I decided to take the elevator. I carried the baby in the carseat while helping Mani through the door and unto the couch. I placed the carseat next to her and left to get the rest stuff out the car. By the time I got back upstairs they were both fast asleep.

I took the baby out of the carseat and took her to the nursery. Placing her on the changing table she opened her eyes slowly.

"Hey baby girl, daddy's just gonna change you okay."

She looked at me with a blank expression on her face. I took her hat off along with her socks and took her out of her blanket. After changing her diaper, I put her in an all in one and placed her in the crib. Before leaving I turned the baby monitor on.

"Emani wake up you gotta eat."

"Where's ..."

"She is fine, she is in the nursery."

"Can't I eat later I'm really tired."

"Fine. Come lemme help you too the bedroom."


I felt like shit. Thank God Jordan was patient with me or I would have lost it. He lifted me off the couch and took me to the bedroom and placed me on the bed. Soon as my head hit that pillow I was out.

Later that day...

When I opened my eyes it was really dark. Did I sleep all day? Oh fuck, the baby! I tried getting up but was struck with tense pain forcing me to lay down. Just as I was about to call out the door opens and the lights came on. In walks Jordan with the baby calm as ever.

"Good your up. You need to eat"

"I know I was trying to get up but couldn't."

"Take it easy, just relax that's what I'm here for."

He helped me sit up then placed the baby in my arms.

"Imma go heat the soup up okay."

Little did he know I was terrified to be alone with her. He looked like such a natural. Just the way he held her, she looked so comfortable with him and he was so at ease as if he does this all the time. She started squirming in my arms and I started panicking.

"Are you okay?"

"I can't do this."

"Do what, be a mom?"

"Yes, she always fusses with me and I could never calm her down."

"She probably senses you're scared baby it's okay just relax and let it flow."

He placed the tray on my lap and took the baby. She settled down immediately.

"Look at the way she response to you. She laughs with you and cries with me."

"Hey don't beat yourself up over that you'll get use to it."

He laid on the bed next to me and placed her on his chest. She looked so serene as she stared off.

"I think she is hungry again so try eating so you can feed her."

"Did you feed her while I was asleep?"

"Yh I gave her some formula."

The door bell rang so he got up and placed her on the bed next to me and left the room. She looked at me and made a face. Jordan better hurry back.


I opened the door and was astounded by what I saw.



"My name is Alex Turner and I'm your new neighbour. I just thought I would introduce myself."


I couldn't focus as her tall frame filled the doorway. She was all body and also very beautiful.

"So you gonna introduce yourself?" She asked giggling. It was an interesting sound.

"Sorry I'm Jordan."

"Well nice to meet you Jordan, see you around."

"You too."

She turned around and left leaving me standing there deep in thought. Is it bad that I wanna know her in the worst way? Good thing Mani can't read minds or she so kill my ass.

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