°Chapter 4°

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Walking into the party I only had one mission; getting Jordan back. We have been together for 1 year and the whole time I've been fucking other guys which I can't say I regret. I can't help it if am addicted to sex, shit.

Jordan is different from the others though. He doesn't just want me for my body, he actually cares about my feelings and what I want. I was gonna stop fucking around with Troy months ago but that nigga sex game too strong ain't no telling what he was gonna do to my body each time we fucked.

"Hey Omari, have you seen Jor?"

"No, and even if I did I wouldn't tell yo ass."

He turned around and walked off to talk to some short asian bitch.

I walked off frustrated as hell but then remembered I didn't check the kitchen. When I walked in I saw him talking to my new roommate and the way he made her blush made me start to hate her just a little bit.

"Jor!" I shouted to get his attention as I walked over to where they were standing.

"The fuck do you want April," he spat venom just saying those words.

"I just wanna talk."

"You wanna talk but I don't wanna listen."

"Just let me explain and I'll leave you alone I promise."

"Excuse me Mani amma be back."


As mad as I am at April I still got a spot for her in my heart so amma hear her out but I'm just about done with her. We walked to the front where there were a few people smoking and drinking on the steps.


"Jordan, I never meant for it to happen the way it did. Troy lives next door and he comes over from time to time but..."

"Troy? As in the same nigga everybody been telling me that you've been fucking for months Troy?"

She suddenly went quite and turned away then she mumbled something.

"Speak up April! You was fucking moaning his name louder than that when you was riding his face earlier."

"Yes, I have been fucking Troy for two years because he is my ex boyfriend. We dated before you and I had anything. We been going back and forth but then I met you and it was hard leaving him to be with you..."

I walked away not wanting to hear the rest. She yelled for me to come back but I didn't turn around. I was so angry I didn't realise that I walked into someone,Troy.


"Oh shit! Jordan stop !"

He turned around and bumped right into Troy and before I knew it he punched him square in the face. I swore everybody at the party heard it cause next thing I knew everyone was outside surrounding them. The circle around them got tighter and harder to stay in.

I walked off  as I couldn't stay to watch the men that I love beat on each other. I knew it was wrong but Troy and I, we did break up before I met Jordan but somewhere along the lines everything got so blurred.

I walked to a bar and just drank until I was numb just wanting to forget everything and everybody. Waking up tomorrow I'm sure I won't remember what transpired.

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