Chapter 6.

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I was stumbling out of the bar with my heels in my hand and walked back to my dorm.

"April? Is that you?"

It sounded like Troy but being piss drunk I couldn't tell. I turned around so fast I fell over my own feet and landed hard on my ass. Next thing I knew I was being lifted and carried off.

"Where are you taking me?"

That was the last thing I said before I passed out. I opened my eyes and next thing I knew I'm in my bed.

"You gonna be okay?"

"Stay with me please. I don't think I could be alone tonight."

I got up and wrap my arms around his neck and started planting soft kisses on his neck trailing them up to his plump lips. I sucked on them gently until he responded ferociously. He moved his hands down my body where they landed on my ass, squeezing then cupping it. In one swift motion he picked me up and laid me down in the middle of the bed. Somehow in the back of my mind it felt different. The way he handled my body like it was foreign, or maybe it was just me being super drunk and extremely horny.

He pulled down my dress allowing him unlimited access to my breasts which he kneaded between his teeth while squeezing the life out the other. I wrapped my legs around him as my body was now throbbing for more. He got up and took his shirt off while I unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and boxer down in one swift motion. Throwing him back on the bed I got to work on his dick taking all of him in my mouth. I wrapped my long tongue around the head and got to work sucking like I was dying of thirst.

"Shit ma you gonna make me bust if you keep that up."

I smiled and got up pulling my dress right down along with my lace thong and let them drop down to the floor.

"Lay back."

Climbing unto the bed I did what he said. He grabbed my legs and pulled me down to his waiting erection. He entered me without warning making me cry out in pain which was soon forgotten as his assaults turned into sweet pleasure. He flipped me over and continued at the same pace. My pussy was getting wetter and swelling with each rough stroke. If he kept this up I was gonna have an orgasm any minute

"Oh fuck."

I screamed out at the sound of him slapping my ass which filled the room. His thick dick got even thicker as he built up to cum. Pulling out he ejaculated all over my ass checks.

"Damn April, lay on ya back now."

Once again I did as I was told and got on my back spreading my legs and started playing with my clit already aching for his dick. He started kissing my innner thighs roughly making his way up to my pussy. Looking at me he began attacking my clit as he sucked and bit hard on my lips. My back arched a he slipped his tongue inside me licking and slurping not letting a drop of my juice go to waste.

I moaned loudly as he slipped two fingers inside me never letting up his assault on my pussy. My body was going over the edge ready to combust from all the pleasure. Not able to take it anymore, I came gloriously in his mouth. Exhausted, I rolled over and closed my eyes.

"I see why Jordan don't wanna let go of this pussy,"

"Huh," I said confused.

"Thanks for the nut April. In case you wondering I'm not Troy, its Omari."

Oh no.

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