Chapter 52.

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I woke up with Mani laying across my chest. Last night was very confusing. I didn't want to have sex with her but I didn't want to see her cry either. So I guess you can say I let her have her way as she always does. I took my phone off the bedside table and checked my messages as I didn't want to wake her. I had a meeting with the Atlanta team at 2pm so I guess I could chill for a bit.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, E."

She reached up and kissed me deeply while rubbing me down. She knew what she was doing and it was working. I flipped her over and broke away from the kiss trying to avoid this.

"What are you doing to me Mani, shit ma."

She was jerking me slowly making me hard and confused as hell. I was about to give in to her when the door bell rang. Thank you Jesus.

"I gotta go get the door."

"Urgh," she pouted and let me get up out of bed. "Hurry back and don't keep me waiting."

I pulled my sweatpants up and hurried downstairs. Iono what pills Mani be on but she needs to stop with that bipolar shit. She making my head spin. I looked through the peephole and saw a slim brown skinned girl standing outside.

"Hey are you Jordan Lamar?"

"Yes, and you are..."

"Your new assistant, Mia Sanchez," she said extending her hand.

I shook it then invited her inside.

"So not to be rude but why are here this early?"

"It's okay, I'm actually here to give you a run down of the job before the meeting later and introduce myself."

"Oh that sounds good to me but..."

"Jordan what's taking you so... long. Whose this?"

Damn, a nigga could never catch a break. I pray Mia ain't slick at the mouth or E gonna set it off like Jada.

"Emani this is my assistant Mia Sanchez, Mia this is Emani my ..."


I must be dumb, blind and deaf. Did that shit just happen or is this inception?

"Oh nice to meet you. Jordan's file did not mention that."

"I bet it didn't," she said sarcastically.

"Excuse us Mia. Make yourself at home while I got get showered and dressed okay."


I turned to leave but Emani was still staring at Mia. I went back and picked her up hen took her upstairs. When we got to the bedroom, I put her down.


She completely ignored me and walked off towards the bathroom. I followed her into the bathroom where she was already stepping into the shower.

"Are you coming or not?"

"Whatchu tryna do drive me up a wall?!"

"I'm tryna fuck in the shower since Mia already disturbed us once already," she said nonchalantly.

I must be tripping off some shit right now cause this could not be life. I sat on the toilet and put my hands over my face in frustration. I felt Mani straddle me and started grinding on me.

"Let me make you feel better babe."

"No E just shower and go home."

"Really Jordan! You gonna kick me out now because some bitch shows up on your doorstep?"

"Whooii, take the dramatics down a notch aite. Just shower and go home to Mari. You are acting crazy right now and talking out ya ass."

"Fuck you."

She walked out the bathroom pissed off. What am I going to do.


Was I acting reckless? Yes but with good reason. Ever since last night when I asked Jordan to make love to me I noticed he wasn't in to it. I was hoping this morning would be different but she showed up. I put on my clothes hastily and left the house. I walked across the street and hopped in my car then sped off to my grandma's house.

When I got inside, the first thing I did was take a long shower then went to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Good morning lil mama how are you this morning," I tickled her tummy which made her giggle like crazy showing off her deep dimples.

"I hope you had a productive evening with Jordan."

"I don't think so. You were right, I already made the biggest mistake and now I have to live with it."

"Time is longer than twine sweetheart, I think it's time you give Jordan some space and let him figure out what he wants."

My phone rang at that moment and it was Jordan. I walked to the living room to get some privacy.

"Hey," he said dryly.

"I'm sorry, I keep fucking up huh?"

"You said it homie."

I sighed deeply while rubbing my temple.

"E, you can't keep this up. You making this way to hard for a nigga with all theses mixed signals and shit."

"I know. I felt you slipping and I didn't know what to do."

"Shit God Damn E! I'm not going nowhere Emani! I'm tired of telling you that. I think now that we really need the space."

I was waiting on the tears but they won't coming. Guess I was all cried out.

"Hello? You still there Emani?"

"Uh yh. Uhmm Jordan I think you should take Mari until I get back. Probably finish quicker that way."

"I was thinking that too."

"Goodbye Jordan."

"See you later E."

I sat clinging to my phone wanting to take it all back.

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