Chapter 46.

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I woke up with Mani still laying on my chest. After all we've been through it all came down to last night. We both made mistakes in our relationship that fucked us up only to make us come back harder and stronger than before. Just hope she's ready for what I had in store for her. She started stirring in her sleep which threw me off my train of thought.

"Morning babe."

"Morning Mr. Lamar. "

She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"What are we going to do today?"

"Whatever you want. I ain really pressed to cook a meal today."

"Guess we'll go out later then."

"Do I have to dress up?"

"Uh yes you do."

"You're just looking a reason to wear that new Armani suit you got."

"Yes so I ain gonna be looking fly and you're not. So get yo ass up and go look for something to wear."

I slapped her on the ass as she got up out of bed to go get cleaned up. I decided to chill in bed until Mani came back.  I had a big decision to make and it was now or never.


As I showered I thought about what I had to do today. It was Thanksgiving and I wanted it to be perfect this time. Why is it that me and Jordan can never have a good Thanksgiving? Come to think of it, last year we were going through the same shit . Just hope Christmas no one has to get shot. I turn off the shower and got out wrapping a towel around my body. When I entered the bedroom, Jordan was passed out.  I got dressed quickly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before I left. If Jordan was going get fancy so was I.

He would be mad if he knew I was driving his car but too bad. All the good dress stores were uptown and I wasn't walking my ass all the way up there to rush home. Plus most stores were closed and if opened would only be half day so I didn't have much time.

It took me about 20 minutes to make it uptown and find a parking space. Traffic was hectic. I walked into the nearest boutique and started looking around.  They had some interesting pieces but nothing that was my style.  Maybe for once I could come out of my element and try something new.

"Excuse me, do you need some help ma'am?"

"Uh yes please."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"I need something that screams... "

"Fuck me?"

I looked at the lady shocked but she didn't even seem phased. Welp, must be her store.

"Uh yes that's it."

"Follow me."

She had a sweet smile and a twinkle of excitement in her eyes as she led me to the back of the store. I was beginning to feel like something was up.

"Here we are."

"That's the dress."

I tried on the dress and it fit me perfectly.  The fabric felt amazing against my skin. Definitely getting this.  After paying a mortgage on that dress, I decided to go to the salon hoping to get fit in on such short notice.


I woke up around noon hungry as fuck. When I got to the kitchen I realized Mani wasn't home and my keys were missing. She had better not fuck up my car or it will be her ass when she gets back. I opened the fridge and took stuff out to make a sandwich. When I was finished, Mani came strolling in with a bag thrown over her arm. She threw it over the chair and placed my keys in the bowl where I keep them.

"Had fun."

She jumped not expecting to be caught.

"Hi," she answered sheepishly.

"All you had to do was ask."

"Like you would let me drive your car."

I made my way over to the couch where she was.

"Hell no! I would have driven you where you wanted to go."

"I don't see the big deal Jordan."

"Touch my Lambo one more time Emani, see if I'm playing with yo ass."

After my dad died, I inherited half his stuff and since Averie can't drive I took the Lamborghini. It was only fair. I gave Mani my Dodge Charger but she wrecked it the first day and I haven't picked it up from the shop yet.  I was so wrapped up in thought, I didn't realize she took the keys and was now headed towards the door. I bolted towards the door and when she saw me coming she started running down the stairs.

"Mani don't you dare !"

Soon I was outside running through the parking lot. Where the hell did Mani park? Soon as I spotted the car I ran over.

"Give me my keys," I said bent over and panting. Damn I was out of shape.

"Take it easy I just came to get the rest stuff."

As she exited the lambo I snatched my key out of her hand and walked off.


Mani loved fucking with me but I got plans for her ass later. She just wait....

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