Chapter 27.

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After she explained everything, we talked about it some more before putting it behind us completely. The conversation switched back to where was Emani.

"What do you mean she left?! Did you call her to find out if she is alright?"

"Mom I know that she won't take my calls.  I fucked up real bad."

"Call her Jordan and fix this!"

She hung up on me which is not like her which means she is real pissed off at me. I mean I'm mad at myself for cheating. Never in my life did I think I would be that kind of man; my father. I guess it had to happen one time or the other but this was the worse time.

I didn't know what to do at the moment because I can't remember shit. Walking around the coffee table, I kick a brown paper bag. I took it up and opened it. Fuck, the morning after pill. Mani never took it because of all the shit that went down yesterday. I really have to call her now. I scrolled through my contacts and pressed the call button nervous as hell. It rang twice then I got an answer.

"Oh thank God you answered."

"Hello Jordan, Emani's asleep."

"Oh hey Mrs. Perkins. Take it Emani's in Atlanta if you answered her phone. "

"I really need to talk to her, even though she doesn't want to talk to me I honestly can't remember what I did to make her leave."

"From what she told me it was bad. You guys argued, you left and came back home with a girl."

"It can get worse than that believe you me."

"What do you mean?"

"I think there is a chance Mani could be pregnant. Not 100% sure because it was just two days ago."

"Ok Jordan relax, I would have her take a test when she wakes up but for now just give her her space, you can call me to check on her if you like but that's about it."

"I can respect that. Thank you."

"What ever happened Jordan I know you didn't mean it cause I know you. You're one of the good ones that girls take for granted. Don't give up on Mani she'll come around but she won't stay for a repeat."

"I understand Mrs. Perkins."

"Goodbye Jordan and Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving."

She hung up leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Two days later...

"Mom calm down it ain't that serious, why I tell you shit is beyond me."

My mom was excited when I told her Mani might be pregnant. It was annoying as hell how she kept asking me a thousand questions. I decided to spend thanksgiving with my mom in Miami since Emani left me alone. Her grandma kept her promise and updated me on what she was up to every other day.

"I hope she is, I'm getting old and I need my grand babies."

"Then her life will be fucked up again, she would have to drop out of school."

"No she won't, she can have the baby and I can take care of it."

"You really pushing it mama just leave it be."

I walked out of her bedroom and went to mine to lay down. Soon as I was about to close my eyes, my phone rang. Without checking the caller i.d I answered.


"Hey Jordan, can we talk?"


I've been cooped up in my room for the past couple of days. My grandmother has been checking on me but I guess she was fed up.

"Okay Emani get up, no more staying in bed crying. You need to eat and stop running from your problems.

"I'm not running from anything, I'm just hurt."

"Love is pain, sometimes you are going to have to forgive those you love. Do you know why it hurts the most from the one's that we love? Because we expect that they will never hurt us no matter what so the disappointment is always greater. That also proves how hard you love someone. Do you think you would have been hurting so badly if you didn't love Jordan this deeply? Think about it."

She got up off my bed and went back down the stairs. It made sense that the reason I was feeling so much pain is because I don't just love him, I'm in love with him. I took my phone up off the bedside table and saw 12 missed calls but none from Jordan which made my heart break a little more.

Getting out of bed, I went into the bathroom to clean myself up before going downstairs. I must admit that a hot shower helped soothe me a bit, who knew. When I finished dressing, I made my way downstairs where grandma was getting Thanksgiving lunch ready.

"Oh by the way Emani, you parents are on their way over here."


"Because I invited them. Your mother is actually excited to see you."

"Again, why."

"Emani they are your parents no matter what you think of them you are going to be respectful when they get here is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now go set the table."

An hour later they arrived with a pumpkin pie and a bottle of red wine. I took them both and placed the wine to chill while I placed the pie with the rest of the food. Grandma brought the turkey to the table so it was time for everyone to eat. After saying grace, the food started going around the table until everyone's plates were filled.

"So Emani, how is school? You don't call us, you don't text. Your father and I was starting to think you didn't care about us anymore."

"All that money paid for you to go to that art school of yours and we can't even get a thank you for it."

"Thank You Daddy," I said sarcastically with a big smile.

"You ungrateful little slut!"

"Hey," my grandmother banged the table. "You are not going to speak to Emani like that in my house understand. Emani what did I tell you earlier?"

"I'm sorry grandma."

We went back to eating in silence until my phone rang, it was Heather. Did something happen to Jordan? Excusing myself from the table, I went into the kitchen to take the call.

"Hey, Heather is everything alright."

"Yes sweetie just calling to tell you Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you're doing okay."

"I'm fine thanks for asking."

"Just know that he's hurting to and I'm on your side. He may be my son but what he did was unacceptable."

"I don't know what's going to happen next honestly, I'll talk to him when I get back for now my space is what I really want."

"He knows that. Why do you think he doesn't call? He knows what you want Mani and he would give you the world and so much more."

"I know he would."

"Anyway I won't take up any more of your time. Bye"


I ended the call then went back to the table to face my parents. Lord please save me.

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