Weeks passed since the whole incident with Alex and Jordan is just as mad as he was the day he walked in on us. Thanksgiving was approaching so I decided to use this weekend to really fix things. Every attempt to talk to Jordan turns into him threatening me to leave and ends with me crying myself to sleep. Every morning when I get up he makes sure not to be there so I don't even see Mari til in the evening and I'm swamped with work unable to spend any time with her. Jordan is going out of his way to make sure I suffer and it is working.
I decided it was time I put my foot down and try and salvaged what's left of my relationship before it's too late. I called Heather and she was not happy with what I did. I'm not surprised Jordan didn't tell her what happened. She agreed to keep Kamari for the weekend so we can sort it out. I just hope by the end of this I still have Jordan.
I have been avoiding Mani for weeks on purpose. She keep begging me to talk or listen but I'm just not ready to forgive her. I see her walking around depressed and I admit I do keep Mari away from her to try to hurt her. Every night I sneak into the bedroom and watch her sleep. I just wanna hold her and comfort her but I'm just too fucking hurt. It's draining pretending to be mad when I'm not; I was at first but now I just do it to hurt her. Mani just don't know how much I love her. My phone rang disturbing my thoughts.
"Hey ma."
"Hey baby, how you holding up."
"Jordan, talk to me."
"What more do you want me to say other than what I already have."
"Baby you would feel better if you tell her how you feel. Let it out, the good and the bad. Once you do you will have more clarity and know how to move forward in your relationship. You have to remember, even if you do break up she is still the mother of your daughter so you will have to deal with her."
"I Know that mom and I don't want to end t like that just want my space."
"Well then let Mani know that instead of having her wonder where she stands."
"I Know."
"Good. Now I'm coming for my granddaughter in an hour for us to spend the weekend together."
"Uh no you not."
"Yes I am. Better yet until you sort out your shit with Emani I will be keeping her so pack a lot of clothes."
"Why are you forcing this?"
"It's been a month Jordan man up and go talk to Emani."
Before I could respond she hung up. I sucked my teeth and went to go pack. I ain never spend so much time away from Mari unless she was at school and I was at school. This is going to be one fucked up Thanksgiving.
While I was waiting on my mom, Mani walked out the bedroom and sat on the far end of the couch. I figured I should tell her but just as I was about to there was a knock at the door. She got up to open it and my mom greeted her with a hug.
"Where is my baby?"
"Let's get some things straight ok. No drinking, no entertaining none of your man friends while Mari is around, no ..."
"Give me my grandkid before I smack you upside the head."
I reluctantly handed over Kamari.
"Now take her stuff down to the car I'll be right down."
I sucked my teeth and did what she said. When I came out of the nursery the living room was empty so I guessed everyone left. When I got down the stairs and into the parking lot I saw Mani bent over in the car trying to strap Mari in her car seat. I put the bag in the front seat and went around the car to kiss Mari good bye.
"Drive safe and obey the speed limit."
I watched my mom drive off before I could head back up to the apartment with Mani coming up behind me. Might as well get this shit over.

Beautiful Ruin
FanfictionWhen people leave your life unexpectedly, fate has way of creating a path for them to find their way back. The journey to happiness isn't easy as it is paved with more trials and tribulations so Emani thought until she found Jordan again. Through t...