Chapter 50.

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Ever since the showcase Emani has been giving me the cold shoulder for 'hiding' stuff from her. I didn't tell her what the card said or who it came from because I didn't want her mixed up in this mess but I guess she forever will be. I had already made my decision to take the job. I called them the morning after the showcase and they were ecstatic and wanted me to start right after the New Year. Since Mani was going home for Christmas, I decided to go get set up in Atlanta earlier than I planned.

She didn't know I took the job as yet which is bad cause that would just add to the stuff that I'm 'hiding' from her. I made sure to wait until she left for Atlanta to pack up my stuff. Most stuff I would leave because I already put the apartment in Emani's name and paid three months in advance. Soon as I packed up the U-Haul, I gave the driver the address and they left. It was a 13 hour drive to Atlanta and I wasn't having that with it being Christmas and all. I drove my lambo to a vehicle transport agency and gave them the address to my house in Atlanta then took a cab to the airport. Lucky for me, I was able to use the company plane to avoid being grounded.

"Welcome aboard Mr. Lamar, I am your captain John Levitchek, and this is your in flight assistant, Kassandra Franks."

"Nice to meet you." I said shaking both of their hands.

"I will proceed to the cockpit and Cassandra will let you know when we are taking off okay."

"Okay thank you."

"I could get used to this," I thought.

The flight was smooth, short and Kassandra was friendly, too friendly. Soon as I landed in the A, there was a driver on the tarmac waiting on me to take me to my new house. Can you say young n' gettin' it? Twenty minutes into the drive, we pulled up to my old neighborhood which was now gated. It has been a long time since I've been back home. The house I got was situated across the street from my old one, what a life. I didn't get the house in the will which was strange cause neither did Averie. Come to think of it, lots of stuff were missing from that will but I could only guess where they went.

"Mr. Lamar, if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask. Here is an envelope; in it you'll find everything you need. Welcome to Atlanta."

I took the envelope and took the keys out and entered the house. It was fully furnished for the most part. The art pieces around the house was exquisite. After I finished looking around I decided to call Mani.

"Hey Jordan, wassup?"

"Just checking up on you guys."

"We're fine, I'm actually at my parents house for dinner."

"Oh, word? Well I'll let you go and shout you later then."


Should I go over there?


I never wanted to be at this dinner but my grandma wasn't having it. Kamari and I both wore a peach dress with nude flats which I thought was cute. She was so hype and full of energy as she just woke up ready to play. We were huddle in the living room as my dad was doing the cooking. My mom was playing with Mari while my grandma and I looked on.

"See baby it isn't that bad."

"Not yet grandma Vi, just wait for it."

"You always expect the worst from people."

"I never leave room for disappointment with those two."

"What about Jordan? You seem to cut him off real fast on the phone."

"I came here to get away from him okay can we not talk about him."

"Sweetie he is the father of you child, and he loves you to death. When are you going to stop pushing that boy away when all he wants t to do is give you the world. You deserve this but you aren't letting yourself enjoy the little happiness that you now have received. Forget about all that shit that happened in your past. It's time you let it go and embrace the now. Live in the moment Emani."

"I'm not ready to settle down, I'm young and I still have lots of mistakes to make."

"I think you already made the biggest one."

She got up and went upstairsto use the bathroom leaving me to think. The sound of the doorbell brought me out of my thoughts.

"Emani can you see who it is at the door please."

"Yes mom."

I got up and made my way towards the door. When I opened it I was not expecting to see Jordan on the other side. I put my coat on and stepped outside to see what he wanted.

"Are you fucking crazy?! What are you doing here?!"

"Well hello to you too, is it so bad that I'm here?"

"Jordan, I came here to get away from you, why do you keep doing this?"

As he was about to speak, the door opened up revealing my grandma Vi; just great.

"Emani Victoria Perkins why do you have this boy out here in the cold?"

"He was leaving," I said before turning to leave.

"Emani don't come back in this house without Jordan understand me?"


I turned to face him and he was wearing a big smile.


"Get the fuck in the house."

"Aww thank you sunshine. "

He walked past me and into the house. This won't end well.

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