Chapter 1.

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"It feels so fucking good to be back here." I said putting the finishing touches on my latest masterpiece.

Art is my passion whether it be visual or performing. I'm in my sophomore year at Hunter College majoring in both Visual Art and Music.

"Me and you both bro,"

"Man Omari you just miss the pussy."

"And you just pussy whipped."

" Yo fuck you nigga."

"Haha but for real though I ain never seen someone so hung up on one girl before especially a hoe like April."

"April ain no hoe so you just watch yo fucking mouth when you talk about her."

"Whatever you say man. Amma holla at you later though bout to go shoot some hoops."

"Aite well amma go see if I find April I ain seen her since I came back."

I've been with April since freshman year while she was in her sophomore year. She is light skinned with long black hair that flows down to her tiny waist. One thing about April is she has a body that can bring any man to his knees and she ain afraid to show it off. Don't get me wrong, she is smart, fiesty and can dance her ass off. We met orientation day as I got lost she helped me out and ever since then we been rocking.

I cleaned up the mess I made then headed straight to the bathroom to shower. After I was finished, I pulled on a simple white tee and some dark denim. Spraying my self with some cologne, I grabbed my keys then headed out.

I drove over to her dorm hoping to surprise her. As I got to her dorm building, I forgot I needed to be buzzed in. Lucky for me someone was already coming out. I jogged up the stairs pulling a spare key out of my pocket. I turn the knob realizing the door was already open so I snuck in.

When I reach the bedroom I started hearing some noises so I stood still to listen. Maybe it's just my imagination but for a second I thought I heard someone fucking so I opened the door. The first thing I saw was April's double d's bouncing up and down as she rode some nigga's face. I was livid.


She scrambled off the nigga's face she was riding tripping out the bed and looking at me shocked .

"Jordan.. uhmm I can explain."

“Yo man who the fuck are you and why are you busting up my girls place?!”

“Yo girl? Man she belong to the damn public,” I spat giving them both menacing looks.

“Jordan please,”

I turned around not wanting to hear what she had to say. She chased me to the door turning me around before I could reach the doorknob. Anger was radiating off of my body and she must have felt it as she let me go instantly.

"I'm sorry he came over to use the shower as his is broken and it just happen."

"I don't ever want to see you again u fucking bitch. I can't believe I trusted yo ass ! Everybody kept telling me you a hoe but my dumbass defended you! Not anymore I'm done."

I flung her key on the table and walked out the apartment slamming the door. I jogged down the stairs as fast as I could without looking back as I heard her calling after me. Every time am faithful to a girl she always play the fuck outta ma ass but not anymore. From now I'm trusting no bitch.

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