Chapter 28.

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I dreaded going back to school as I would have to face Jordan. Hell I didn't even want to go back to his apartment for my stuff. Walking towards the dorms, I decided to move back in with April before Jordan came back from Miami. To my surprise, the school had already reassigned the room to someone else without telling me. Lucky for me, April packed up the rest of my stuff and sent them to Jordan's while I was gone. Guess I have no choice now but to face him.

I took a cab to Jordan's apartment and when I got there I walked slowly up the stairs. Taking my key out, I opened the door and went inside. Thank God Jordan was not home as yet. As I was unpacking my bag pack, I noticed a box on my bed.

"The Fuck!"


Driving down the highway, I was nervous as I knew Emani would be at the apartment already. I wasn't ready to face her at all. Part of being a man is owning up to your mistakes and acknowledging them. I fucked up big time but I was going to make it right even if it kills me.

Pulling up to the apartment, I took my rug sack out the trunk and walked up to my apartment. When I got to the door I turned the knob hoping it would be open and it was. I decided I would leave her alone until later but then I heard an outburst coming from her room. Dropping my things I rushed over to her room and opened the door.

"You okay Mani?! What happened?"

She looked at me in shock. I looked down to her hands to see she was holding the morning after pills I left on her bed. I took a step towards her cautiously, then took the box from her and threw it back on the bed.

"Emani, say something."

"Get out of my room Jordan, just leave me alone."

She turned around and crawled into her bed pulling the covers over her head. I left and went straight to my room and did the same.


It's been two weeks since the incident with Zee and ever since she has been following me around like a lost puppy. We basically had every class together this semester as freshmen through seniors who were chosen to be in the end of year showcase had classes together to prepare. This was some straight up bullshit especially since now Mani was in all my classes as well. Each time Zee is around it just hurts my chances of making up with Emani even more. She makes it her mission to sit next to me each class, every class. Bitches are so bold these days, I just don't get it.

"Mr. Lamar am I boring you?"

All eyes were on me as I was brought back to the present.

"No sir."

"Good. Now as I was saying, for this year's showcase we are doing duets and features assigned by me. Everyone has three pieces to perform in the showcase: a dance, a musical arrangement and a group choreography. It is up to you if you want to do a solo performance but, you must have a duet. Now I will e-mail the names after class is over so please meet up and plan accordingly."

The class started chatting excitedly.

"Now for your Christmas break assignment."

Everyone groaned. We basically had to compose a song and then make a music video for it. We get extra credit for features which was good but also tough. After we got the assignment class was dismissed. I packed hurriedly trying to get home as Emani didn't come to class today and I was worried. On my way out Zee called out to me but I ignored her and kept it moving. Next thing I knew she was next to me breathing heavily as she ran to catch up with me.

"What do you want Zee?"

"Just wanted to see if you were busy later, maybe you can come over and help me with the project."

"No, now fuck off I got things to do."

"Why do you always treat me like this?"

"Cause you're fucking annoying and I don't want your ass. On top off that you got Mani pissed off at me so bye with all yo shit."

I was already in the parking lot and getting into my car. She stood in front of my car not wanting to move. I blew my horn, this bitch was crazy as fuck. Not wanting to waste any more time, I reversed and turned out the parking lot leaving Zee standing by herself. I should've ran her ass over

About 10 minutes later I pulled up to the apartment and got out my car in search of Mani. When I got to the apartment I went straight to her bedroom and knocked on the door. She came to the door with bloodshot eyes.

"What's wrong..."

"I missed my period and I took a test."

My heart stopped.


"I'm too scared to check."

"Where is it?"

"On top the dresser."

I walked over to the dresser and picked up the stick. Were we ready for the results?

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