Chapter 33.

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I felt sick to my stomach as I watched Mani fight for her life. She kept going in and out of consciousness as the ambulance made it's way to the hospital. Was this how she felt when I got shot? So many what if's ran through my mind as we pulled up to the hospital. As they took her away to the ER, I sat outside on the curb hugging my legs and rocking back and forth as the tears couldn't stop coming.

After 10 minutes, my mom came out and tried to make me go inside. I didn't want to face what ever news I would receive so I started walking away. In the back of my mind I felt guilty because I knew Mani wouldn't leave me the way I was leaving her. I decided to man up and head into the hospital.

"Jordan baby just have faith that she will pull through. She always stood by your side and now it's your turn to do the same. All we can do right now is pray that she will make it out okay and that the baby would be alright."

The baby! I almost forgot she was pregnant which made me break down even more.

"It's all my fault ma. Had I just gone and seen him then all this could have been avoided. I just let my pride get in the way and now Emani is paying for it with her life."

"No one is to blame for what happened no one could have possibly predicted this."

Just at that moment the police approached us.

"Good evening I am Detective Miller, are you Jordan Lamar?"


"Can I ask you a few questions?"


We walked down the hall which was completely isolated.

"Your neighbors said they heard gunshots fired and then saw a man fitting your father's description fleeing the scene, can you identify him?"

"It was my father."

"Can you please describe what happened leading up to the shooting?"

I explained what had happened as best as I could. My mom helped answer some more questions about my father and Emani. The detective said that he would keep us posted if he heard anything then left.

My mom and I waited for three and a half hours before a doctor came out to see us.

"Family of Emani Perkins?"

"I'm her boyfriend."

"I remember you, you were admitted a couple weeks ago."

"Yes but right now I just need to know about Emani."

"Right, Ms. Perkins is in critical condition right now so we had to induce a coma to keep her stable. One of the bullets hit a major artery in her chest while the other got lodged in her collarbone. We can't say for sure when she will wake up but for now we are trying to stop the swelling in her head caused from impact."

"What about the baby?" My mom asked.

"We ran a test and the baby is fine. so long as Ms. Perkins pulls through then the baby will continue to progress well."

"What does that mean?"

"It simply means that she has to wake up from the coma on her own. If we don't see any progress in 48 hours then her parents would have to make a decision on whether to pull the plug or further her care."

"They don't care about her."

"Then for your sake pray she wakes up. I'm sorry sir."

He turned and walked back to the ER.


I looked in the mirror at my pale face as I watched a strand of my
now thin hair fall out. In just one week I would have surgery to cut my breast off and get implants. This disease was taking a toll on my body but it would soon be over. I heard a knock on the bathroom door and knew it was Averie.


"Yes sweetie I'm coming."

I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and tied a head tie around it. Averie doesn't know about my cancer and I would like to keep it that way. I left the bathroom to find Averie waiting patiently for me.

"Someone is at the door."

"Ok I'll go get it, you go get ready for bed."

I went to the door and saw him leaning against the doorframe for support.

"What's wrong?"

He made his way inside the apartment holding unto his shoulder which was bleeding.

"That bitch stabbed me in the shoulder," he said as he made his way to the bathroom.



"Why would she do that? Wait a minute, did you go over to Jordan's?"

"Yes and once again he refused to listen to me. Just as Heather was about to sign the documents she stabbed me so I shot her ass."

"You what?!"

I sat on the toilet in pure terror as he cleaned his shoulder with alcohol and wrapped it in a gauze.

"I will be here a couple of days the police are probably out searching for me."

"Poor Jordan, I hope Emani is okay."

"Who gives a fuck whether she's okay."

I heard the door bell ring and we both froze.

"Go answer it and act normal. Don't say shit you understand me."

I shook my head fast and made my way out of the bathroom and towards the door. As I opened the door my heart stopped.

"Wh-hat are yo-ou doing here?"

The devil himself couldn't save me from this retribution.

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