Chapter 16.

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It's been three days since Jordan's been shot and he was getting discharged today. I was on my way to his apartment to get it cleaned up so that he could come home and relax. His mom was bringing him home in an hour so I had to rush. I took his spare key and opened the door.

When I got inside the place was surprisingly neat. All I did was changed the sheets, swept and mopped the place. I decided to cook something since all he ate for the past couple days was hospital food. When I opened the freezer there was nothing there, same for the cupboard. I took my phone out and ordered some take out from around the corner. This neighborhood has all kinds of fast food places around no wonder Jordan has no food in his apartment. Just as the food arrived so did Jordan and Heather.

"Something smells good, did you order Chipotle?"

"Yes only cause your lazy ass ain't got no food in the cupboards."

He sucked his teeth and sat on the couch as I brought him a plate.

"What do you say?"

"Gimme ma food."

"Man you play too much you ain't getting shit."


"Boy don't you get me involved."


"Stop ya damn whining and eat."

I pushed the plate in his face and he grabbed the plate before I changed my mind spilling half the food. We both looked at the mess and started laughing.

"See what you did greedy."

"You better clean this mess up."

"Last time I checked you fired yo lil house maid April."

"Fuck you."

He sucked his teeth annoyed at my comeback which made me double over with laughter. I took some napkins and cleaned up the mess and disposed of them in the kitchen.

"I missed this, seeing you guys go at it just like old times."

"Yh me too." Jordan said with his mouth full.

"Now that your settled in I have to check out of my hotel and get back to Miami. Mama has to work to pay for all this," she said referring to the apartment.

"You're not staying, whose gonna help Jordan?"

"You," they both said in unison looking at me like I was crazy.

"I have a life I can't spend all my time looking after Jordan, he a grown ass man."

"You know you want to stay. Come on Mani who else gonna feed me my food and wash my balls seeing as I'm so helpless."


"Man why you always got bring her up in every conversation. Fuck you!"

"I never liked her from the get go I knew she was a hoe just after your money. I always told you that but no you never listen to me. Guess your momma don't know what she be talking bout"

"Is that why you slapped her at the hospital?"

"You did what? Ma you hit her? Damn I been out for all the action."

Jordan busted out laughing but had to stop so he doesn't aggravate the stitches in his chest.

"Why are yall so mean to her I don't get it."

"Don't let her play you like she played Jordan Emani. She may act like she is your friend now but she's just scheming to break you guys up."

"She could scheme all she wants she ain't never getting between us right baby."

He looked up at me and made a kissy face and I tossed a dish towel at him which made him laugh.

"For real though Jordan you play to damn much."

We hung around for hours before Heather had to leave. I agreed to move in with Jordan for a couple of weeks just until he got better. My clothes and books had to be packed and Heather agreed to help me bring them back to Jordan's apartment.

The car ride to my dorm was fun as Heather filled me in on yet more stuff that I missed out on over the years.

"You know Mani, I always thought you two would date at some point and break up and probably get back together again. Get married and give me some granbabies but I guess God had his reasons for things happening the way they did."

"I guess so," I giggled.

"Can I ask why you hate April so much. I can sense that you didn't tell the entire truth as if you were trying to spare Jordan's feelings. Lord knows he would have popped that vein in his forehead,"

I could see her mood darken as she gripped the wheel and her whole body tensed.

"She fucked my husband and has a baby by him."

Oh shit.

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