Chapter 20.

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"You make it look like it's magic, cause I see nobody nobody but you you you."

"Cause girl your perfect."

"Can you stop, am trying to focus on this choreography."

"Girl you eearr-urrned it, shit."

I tossed a pillow at Jordan as he continued his usual antics of distracting me from work. It's been almost a month since we've been together and so far I must say he is living up to his promise of taking it slow. We've been taking it at my pace which I like cause I feel the more things are rushed, the less you get to enjoy the little things that matter the most.

"Don't you have an Art project to do?"

"Finished. I even turned it in before it's due."

He gave me his big cheesy grin. I couldn't help but laughed.

"Well let me finish my home work and since your not helping get out my room."

"Okay, okay don't get your panties in a twist let me see what you got."

He took my notes out my hand.

"Question six, 'Explore two music videos that you feel exploits the sexuality of women. The first video should use imagery while the second lyrics.' The fuck kinds of questions are these?"

"Give me my notes back arse. See why I need to focus. So would you get out."

"Give me a kiss first."

I pecked him on the lips and he grabbed my face to deepen the kiss. I pulled away.

"You can go now."

"Damn you stingy with them kisses."

He got up and left leaving me to finish. About a half hour later I was finished with my assignment. After putting away, my work I got up in search for Jordan. He was no where in the apartment which I found weird cause he usually says where he is going. I heard a knock on the door and went to check who it was.

"Jordan's not here so bye." I started closing the door but he pushed it open.

" The fuck is your problem?!"

"I don't like you."

"Well boo fucking hoo deal with it.”

" Get out !" I yelled pushing him towards the door.

Next thing I knew he sent me flying with a push and I landed on my ass, hitting my head hard on the coffee table. All I saw next was black as I passed out.


I ran to the corner to get some food for us to eat. Seeing as she didn't want to be disturbed, I dipped out hoping to get back before she realized I was gone. As I banked the corner I  changed my mind and decided to cook for her instead. So I hopped in my car and sped off to the grocery store. When I got to Walmart, I grabbed a shopping cart and started maneuvering  through the aisles.

"Wonder if Mani would like steak or pork chops? Oh well steak it is."

As I turned around my cart collided with another. It was April. I sucked my teeth and kept it pushing.

"Jordan, wait!"

"What can I do for you today April? How do you intend on fucking up my life anymore than you have, huh?"

"I just want to apologize for everything and to wish you the best in everything you do."

"Cut the crap April. Say what you really want to say and stop wasting my time."

I saw right through her act. She was fighting with something and she wanted to tell me.

"I found out I have breast cancer. It's still early but you never know what can happen right."

"Damn, sorry to hear."

"Don't be. I guess this is payback for screwing over everybody and being a selfish bitch."

"Stop it. Nobody deserves this not even you do."

"I have to tell you something Jordan and I don't think you will feel the same after this."

My phone rang at that moment and it was my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Jordan I haven't heard from you in weeks."

"Are you okay mom you sound like something's wrong."

"It's nothing really."

"Mom." I said sternly.

"Have your dad reached out to you."

"No, I don't want him to either."

"Well it turns out he got some college girl pregnant awhile back and now he wants you to meet up with him so he could introduce you to her and your little sister."

"The fuck! He wants me to meet his daughter and his fucking hoe."

"Watch you mouth when talk to me."

"No. I'm not doing it."

"Sigh Jordan, you have to speak to your father at some point. Just think about it okay."

" Fine. Just text me the number and I'll call him."

"You're doing the right thing."

"What ever."


When I hung up, I turned around to find April was already gone. I guess I'll never know what she wanted to tell me. I walked to the check out line and paid for my stuff then took them to my car.

Walking up to the apartment I felt that something was wrong. I jogged up the stairs with my arms filled with groceries. I fished my keys out of my pocket to open the door but found that it was already opened. Walking in, I placed the bags by the door and started looking around.

My eyes froze on I saw Emani passed out on the floor next to the coffee table. Rushing over to her I realized there was a little blood on the floor. I picked her up and took her to my bedroom and laid her down on the bed. I went to the kitchen to get some ice for her head.

"Why do you always attract trouble Mani?" I said placing the ice on the back of her head.

"I'll make it right though. I promise."

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