Chapter 21.

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"Why did you ask for Jordan to meet me and Averie?

"It's time he knew about us. He is my son and I want him to be apart of my life."

"He sure as hell don't want to be apart of yours. You should have seen his face when your bitch ass wife called, he was so angry I had to take off."

"Why are you so worried about them? So long as Jordan knows why his mom and I got divorced he can do what he wishes with the information but at least he knows. Jordan is a grown ass man, I can't force him to love me no more than I can force you to keep your fucking legs shut."

"This is going to end badly."

"Stop worrying. Just show up at the restaurant like I told you too and April sweetheart."


"Don't fuck this up."

He hung up in my ear. My life is getting more fucked up by the day.


It's been a week since the incident with Omari. Jordan was beyond furious when I woke up and explained what had happened. He even took matters farther by walking into his Music class and beating the shit out of him with his keyboard.

Jordan earned himself another two weeks suspension along with Omari for what he did to me. I fear for Jordan as he has one more time to get suspended before he get's kicked out of school. He was currently in the shower and forced me to be in the bathroom with him. Not taking any chances with me that one. I was sitting on the toilet going through my Instagram when my phone rang.

"Sup Austin."

"Hey I'm having a lil get together later and wanted you and Jordan to come through."

"Hold on a minute." I covered the mouthpiece of the phone. "Hey babe Austin invited us to a house party later, wanna go?"

"Nah I just wanna hang out here."

I sucked my teeth and put the phone back to my ear.

"Austin amma holla at you with a response later."

"Why you such a dick towards Austin? It's just a party."

"Why you getting worked up over a party Mani shit."

"Cause I ain been out in months an I wanna have some fun."

"Well you not going end of story."

"Who the fuck died and made you daddy?"

He stepped out the shower rendering me speech less as he came out glistening from all the water. He was an Adonis fully sculpted and chiseled to perfection from head to toe. His six pack was well defined right down to his sexy 'v'. My eyes stopped at what was between his legs; suddenly I got scared thinking how all of that would fit in me. Snap out of it Emani.

"Since I found your ass passed out on my living room floor, I made a promise not to let anything else happen to you while I'm still around so this discussion is over Mani."

I snapped out of my trance when he put his towel on and walked out the bathroom. I followed him and made my way through the bedroom door.

"Mani where are you go."

I ignored him and went to my room grabbed my purse and keys and left. I didn't know where I was going but I just couldn't take anymore of Jordan's fucked up attitude that he's had lately.

Walking to the corner store, I decided to grab a bottle of Grey Goose off the shelf and head back to Jordan's. I wanted to make him squirm but then I don't want him worrying about me cause it seems to be getting him in a lot of trouble lately. On my way back to the apartment I got a text from Jordan but I ignored it. When I got to the apartment I went straight to my room and locked the door. Grey Goose and I will be having our own little party.


After I realized that Mani left the apartment I got real pissed. If I didn't know any better I would think she was trying to get me kicked out of school. I think I have proven myself time and time again that I'll do anything for Emani so why she was getting upset over a party I would never know. She always gets her way with me but I know Austin and them niggas he chills with would dog her out worst than Tyson did. If me wanting to protect is a bad thing then I guess she will hate me forever.

I sent her a text message and two minutes later I heard the front door close. I went out and locked up and turned the lights out. Going back to my room, I turned on the tv and watched some basketball knowing that she was safe.

I had no idea when I fell asleep. When I got up I went to the kitchen to get some water. On my way back to my bedroom, I saw Mani laying there in a pink silk robe that barely covered her ass. I made my way towards her and realized her eyes were unfocused.

"Are you drunk? Mani what the fuck."

"I had like half a bottle of Grey Goose I'm fine."

I sat on the bed next to her.

"Mani, just beca-"

She cut me off with a kiss. She climbed on top of me and continue her assault on my lips. My hands moved to caress her body but it took me a moment to realize that she was naked underneath her silk robe. Did I really want to do this, especially now that she is drunk out of her mind? I flipped her over on the bed and pulled away.

" I can't do this Emani not when you aren't fully aware of what is happening. If you're mad at me it's fine but I won't take advantage of you." I whispered gently as a moved the hair out of her face.

She sat up hugging her knees and hid her face between them. Next thing I knew I heard her sniffle. Oh what now.

"Are you crying?"

She looked up at me and I saw the tears and hurt all over her face.

"Why are you treating me like this?"

"Baby," I said taking her face in my hands. "Believe me, I want you in every possible way I can get you but I won't have you drunk. I want you to be able to remember the first time I make love to you. It's an experience that I owe you after all you've been through that's the least I can do."

I kissed away her tears hoping to make her feel better. She rested her head on my chest and I laid back so that we can cuddle.

"I love you Mani."

She didn't respond so I took it that she fell asleep. So I relaxed and did the same.

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