It was the night before Christmas and I was in the kitchen preparing the food for the next day. Jordan and I had erected the tree and adorned it with beautiful ornaments. Heather was expected any moment now which was good as Jordan was still out cold. I was cleaning up when I heard a knock at the door. Unlocking the door I was excited but once I saw who was on the other side, I was terrified now that I opened it.
"Hello again Emani, where is Jordan?"
"He is not home and I'm not sure when he will be back," I said closing the door but he stopped me.
"It continues to amaze me the way you two tend to cover for the other even when you don't know what you're covering for. I know he's here, his car is downstairs so go get him."
"No, I said he isn't here now leave."
"Look here you little bitch, you are going to go get my son for me before I have to fuck you up."
As if on queue, Jordan stormed out of the bedroom and came over to the door.
"Emani get in the room now."
"Jordan I'm..."
"Just do what the fuck I told you!"
I backed up some, surprised at his sudden coldness.
"She can stay and listen to what i have to say or are you afraid I'll hurt her."
"Leave her out of this."
He pushed pass Jordan and walked over to the couch and sat down.
"This is my last day Jordan and I'm done fucking around with you. Now I need you to convince your mother to sign over her shares of the company."
"The fuck?! That's what you wanted?!"
Jordan laughed and put his hands over his face.
"What's funny?"
"You! Coming in here trying to get me to side against my mother. Are you fucking for real right now? No I won't do it and I'm sure as hell keeping mine too."
"I know you wouldn't give me yours and I won't need them once I've got Heather's."
"The only how you're getting our shares is if you kill us and I would like to see you try that."
"That could be arranged," he pulled out a Desert Eagle and aimed it at Jordan.
Shit just got bad.
I stood my ground as he pointed the gun at me not showing any signs of fear. Mani was still in the room cowering in the corner as silent tears ran down her face. This is why I sent her to the bedroom but her stubborn ass had to still be here.
"You would kill your own son for money? You're one twisted motherfucker you know that."
"You don't regard me as your father and you have shot down any chance of us reconciling so I see you now as some punk who is standing between me and my money. It wasn't hard the first time around shooting you so it should be easier now."
"Wait a minute, you're the one that shot me?"
"Did I stutter?"
"I always thought..."
"Of course you would think it was that bitch April or one of the guys she was seeing. She was so hung up on you so I had to take you out but by some miracle you're still here."
"You motherfucker, I'm gonna..."
"Do what," he got up and put the gun to my chest." You ain't gonna do shit Jordan."
Next thing I knew my mom walked through the door. She had to stifle a scream as she walked in on us.
"Good now Heather is here it makes things easier."
He pulled some files out of his coat pocket along with a pen and placed them on the table.He aimed the gun at my mom signaling her to come closer. She walked over slowly and sat on the couch and he sat next to her putting the gun to her temple. This made me angry as I stood there powerless unable to help her.
"Just sign Heather and you won't have to see me again that's all I ask."
"Don't do it ma he won't..."
"Won't what shoot her? I shot you in cold blood and didn't look back what makes you think I give a fuck about this bitch."
Out of nowhere Emani appears from behind the couch with an icepick and stabs my father in the shoulder. I took the chance to grab my mom and pull her out of the way. Next thing I knew shots rang throughout the apartment and I saw my dad hold his shoulder and ran out. I ran out after him but by the time I got outside he was nowhere in sight. I hustled back upstairs to check up on my mom and Emani. I walked in not seeing anybody.
"Everybody okay?" I asked walking around the couch to where I last saw them.
"Jordan, I'm so sorry."
I looked down to see Mani bleeding out on the floor. I dropped down and held her in my arms as my mom called the ambulance.
"Stay with me Mani, please."
"Don't let me die."she said her eyes glistening over like mine.
That was the last thing she said before she went limp in my arms.

Beautiful Ruin
FanfictionWhen people leave your life unexpectedly, fate has way of creating a path for them to find their way back. The journey to happiness isn't easy as it is paved with more trials and tribulations so Emani thought until she found Jordan again. Through t...