Chapter 35.

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It's been two months since Christmas and I had my final court hearing in an hour. For the past two months I have been trying to prove to the court that I didn't kill April or my dad. I was charged with first degree murder but then as the evidence were brought forward it changed to attempted murder. Who knew just being at the scene of the crime could really bite you in the ass.

My mom came to visit me earlier to let me know how Emani was progressing. She woke up three days after the incident dazed and confused but then slipped back into her coma. Doctors were baffled but believed that it was caused by the brain swelling which didn't go all the way down. They moved her to a facility that handles special cases like hers. As I laid in bed an officer came to my cell.

"Lamar get up, you're being transported to the courthouse."

I got up and kept still as he opened the cell and came in to cuff both my hands and feet. He then told me to walk while pointing a stick in my back. We walked down the corridor in silence as he lead me through the doors. Arriving at the courthouse it was flooded with news reporters. My case was the first for the day. I got changed into a suit as I prepared for court. Today would by my judgement, either they throw it out or they stick it on me. I looked around in the audience and saw my mom looking real stressed out. When we made eye contact she told me she loved me and I did the same.

"All rise, Honorable Judge Sanchez presiding."

"You may all be seated."

"I call to order case number 201874, Mr. Jordan Lamar versus the state of New York."

"Counsel how does your client plead?"

"Not guilty, your honor."


I was nervous as the case was not going in Jordan's favor at all. The jury was about to give the final verdict. The foreman stood up ready to decide his fate.

"Due to substantial evidence presented to the court, we the jury find Mr. Lamar not guilty of the murder of Ms.Manners and Mr. Lamar."

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding, relief rushing over me.

"However, we the jury convict Mr.Lamar one count of attempted murder with the intention to inflict great bodily injury."

Suddenly that relief was gone as I realized what just happened, Jordan could be going to jail.

"Order! We have all heard the verdict given by the jury court will recess for one hour as I decide the sentencing."

Every one rose as the judge left to go to her chambers. I looked at Jordan with tears in my eyes as they took him away to a temporary holding cell. I left the court house to get something to eat but just ended up visiting Emani.

She looked so peaceful laying there blissful unaware of what was going on. Her stomach got noticeably bigger since Christmas and my grand baby was healthy as ever which I am ever grateful for. Her grandmother came to visit and was completely devastated to see Emani like this but she knew God wasn't done with her yet. She gave me hope that both Jordan and Emani would be okay no matter the out come of the case.

I promised Jordan that no matter what happened I would take care of them both. That was something I would have done regardless as I already considered her the daughter I never had. The nurse came by and updated me on her progress which was good. She was due in August and the doctors feel that she would wake up long before that which is good.

I kissed her on the forehead and rubbed her tummy as I prepared to go back to court. I raced to get there as I realized that recess was going to be up in five minutes. I barely made it back to the court room on time. I slipped in the back as the judge was about to give her final statement.

"Due to the fact that Mr. Lamar has no criminal record nor any prior run ins with the law, he shall be sentenced to five years in prison with parole for first degree attempted murder. Case is dismissed."

I watched horrified as they shackled him and took him away. Five years with parole was a good deal so I can't be too upset. Just having him free would have been better. He looked back at me one more time with his head held high and left with the officers through the side door.

I pray he would be safe. Jordan was not made for that kind of life. He was too pampered but even so I know he can hold his own.

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