Chapter 34.

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"Where. Is. He."


"Don't play dumb April I will dead ass hurt you right now."

She stood there looking at me terrified and she should be. Nobody is gonna get between me and him. Tonight he dies. I pushed past her and made my way in the apartment. The bathroom would be the first place to check as he would be cleaning his wound. I felt a sudden tug on my arm.

"Jordan wait Averie is here don't do it. Please I am asking this one thing."

"You're not the only one with a child to think about April, Mani is pregnant and if my seed dies so shall his."

I opened the bathroom door but he wasn't in there. A high pitched scream hit the air giving away his position. When I opened the bedroom door, he had a gun to Averie's head.

"Come any closer and I'll shoot her."

"I don't give a fuck that's your child so why should I care. You didn't care enough to shoot me or Emani so go ahead. I'll wait."

He saw that I was serious and tossed her aside and made his way towards me. Once again we were face to face only this time someone was going to die. April ran over to get Averie and he shot at her twice. I took my chance and knocked him to the floor. The gun slid across the room and I started punching the hell out of him.

"The fuck is wrong with you! How you gonna shoot April in front of the kid! Your a twisted motherfucker."

He got the up hand and hit me with a toy across the head making me fall over. He crawled across the floor for the gun but to our surprise Averie had it.

"Give it to daddy sweetie."

She had the gun pointed to him and she was crying.

"You hurt mommy."

“That was an accident baby. Come on now and give it to daddy,” he said sweating a bit.

She fired the gun at him.

Before I could get up, the door was kicked down and the police were here. This is not looking good for me at all.


I was taken away in cuffs after the paramedics treated my wound. They took me straight to the police station for questioning. Soon as I arrived they took me straight to the interrogation room.

"Can I get my phone call please?"

"After the interrogation."

I sucked my teeth as he left the room. I knew I didn't do nothing but at the same time I do have motive and that shit can get a nigga ten years. I went over the events in my head as I waited on the detective. Just as I finished going over the story in my head, in walks Detective Miller.

"Well Mr. Lamar this does not look good for you. Hours after your father shoots your girlfriend, he and his girlfriend are found dead at her apartment. Now I know you didn't kill your father because they found the little girl with the gun pointed at him, but what about his girlfriend?"

"Man I ain't killed nobody. He shot April when she tried to protect Averie and then I punched him and the gun slid across the floor. Next thing I knew, I was hit over the head and he went for the gun but Averie already had it. She told him he hurt her mommy and she shot him. That's when you guys busted up in there and cuffed me."

"Why were you even at the apartment?"

"I was looking for him you know that."

"This does not look good for you Mr. Lamar. You better hope your testimony adds up to that little girl's or you would be facing 25 to life for murder."

"That's fucking bullshit I ain't do nothing! I want my fucking lawyer I'm done talking to you! Get me my phone call."

He opened the door and two officers were outside ready to escort me to a jail cell. As I got to the cell, I sat down and put my head in my hands. In less than six hours I lost my girl, possibly my child and my freedom all over some bullshit. God help me now.


"Doctor any more news?"

"Yes. We were able to remove the bullets and stop the bleeding but we are still waiting for the swelling to go down in her brain."

"That's much better than before right? She is progressing."

"Yes she is so all we can so is hope that she continues to progress."

"Thank you doctor."

"Did you contact her parents?"

"Yes but they won't be coming. They just don't care if she dies or not."

"Well they still are the ones to make the decision so let's hope it doesn't have to come to that."

"Yes. Thank you doctor."

As the doctor turned to leave my phone rang.


"Ma, I need you to call my lawyer."

"Call your lawyer? Jordan what happened, where are you?"


"Jail? Jordan you didn't?!"

"Just call my lawyer okay I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you too."

All I heard next was a dial tone. I looked through my contacts to call the family lawyer as I headed out the hospital to call a cab. I hope he didn't do anything stupid.

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