Chapter 8.

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"Emani hurry up dear your date is here," my mom shouted up the stairs.

I was putting on my favorite Mac lipstick 'Dare You' and looking in the mirror at my finished product.

"Damn I look hot!"

I was wearing a peach backless flare dress that stopped mid thigh with my Anne Michelle nude sandals.
Taking my nude clutch to match I went downstairs to where my date was waiting. When I got to the bottom of the stairs both my parents were taking photos of me and complimenting me on my outfit.

"Come on you two, let's get one with the both of you."

My boyfriend at the time was Tyson Michaels. He was a junior and the captain of the basketball team and we had just started dating.

After what seemed like forever, we made our way to his car and drove to the hotel that hosted our Spring Fling. When we pulled up to the Mandarin Oriental, Tyson parked in the back which I found odd but I paid it no mind.

"You ready?"

"Yes let's go in."

Tyson took my hand and we walked into the ballroom together. The music was loud everybody was on the dance floor having a good time.

"Amma go get a drink real quick want one."


He kissed me on the cheek and walked over to the drinks table where his other teammates were. I went out to the dance floor and started dancing with my friends to 'Adorn' by Miguel.

Tyson returned with a cup of punch that tasted like it had been spiked but I downed it in one go and continued dancing. After a couple more songs I started feeling funny so I went outside for some fresh air.

"Emani you ok?"

"Yh I am fine you didn't have to follow me outside."

"Just wanted to see if you would want to finish the party cause some of us are going up to a room."

"I'm not sure Ty."

"Ok how about I just take you home then."

“I think that would be for the best,”

We walked back to the car at the back of the hotel and he drove out the lot in the opposite direction of my house.

"Ty I live the other way."

"I know."

“Do you trust me babe?"

"I guess."

"Good. Relax."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and he continued driving. He pulled up in a drive thru movie which I thought was romantic. We got in the back where Ty had spread a blanket out and after a couple minutes we started making out. At first, we were just making out until his hand wandered up my thighs to my panties.

"What are you doing?"

"Come on ma just relax."

"No Ty am not ready for this"

But he never let go. He grabbed both my hands over my head and continued to pull my panties down with the other. I tried getting up from under him but he was too strong. After a while, I just stopped struggling and laid there while he had his way with me. I cried out as he penetrated me but no one heard my cries as we were the only ones there. He made me look at him as he was having his way with me. When he was done he pulled his pants up and straighten himself before getting into the front seat.

"If you tell anyone about this I will kill you understand me."

I could tell that he meant it as his eyes held nothing but fire. Terrified as I was for what just happened, I shook my head and continued sniffling in the back as he turned around and started the ignition.

"Now clean yourself up."

He flung some baby wipes at me and drove off to drop me home. When he reached my drive way he threatened me one more time as I got out before speeding off into the night. I went inside through the back to avoid my parents. When I got upstairs I went to take a shower trying to scrub away what just happened to me. I went to bed that night feeling hurt and cold not knowing that my life was completely changed forever.

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