Chapter 36

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The only thing keeping me sane in this hell hole is the thought of my daughter. I was laying in bed looking at her sonogram thinking about the past couple months. She was due to come any day now and I was not going to be there. That tore me up to have Emani be alone after I promised I wouldn't leave again time after time.

These past five months have been manageable at the most. I kept to myself and kept far from trouble. My lawyer told me he spoke to the judge and I could reduce my sentence to at least two years if I behave. I was already missing out the best parts of my daughters life so a nigga wasn't trying to get caught up in here.

It was visiting day and my mother came every week to update me on Emani. She woke up last month and was making even more progress. My mom says she feels bad that I am where I am, blaming herself constantly for it. She never wants visits because she is so close to her due date. I miss her but I don't think I want her seeing me like this. I put on about 10 lbs in muscles all over my body. My hair has grown wildly over my face and I was sporting an afro now.

I heard footsteps approaching so I hid the picture between the mattress.

"Inmate you have a visitor."

I got up as he opened the cell and made my way down the block towards the visitors area. As I entered the room I saw that my mom was there but so was my lawyer. I pulled out the chair and sat in front of them confused.

"Hey Ma, what's wrong?"

"I think we found away to get you out of here by Christmas."

"I'm listening."

"Your little sister came forward and was finally ready to give her testimony so there is going to be a retrial. But this isn't going to court it will be a closed hearing."

"If her defense is in your favor then you will be set free on bail but be put on parole."

I place my head in my hands as I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I prayed to find a way out of this mess and God gave me one. He never fails.

"Now let's not get our hopes up," my lawyer said. "It can go either way. She could say you killed them both which would go against the evidence or she could side with you and say you defended them, let's hope it's the latter."

"I would take 4 more months over four more years in this place, so let's make it happen."

"Oh baby, we will get you out. Emani was so happy when she heard the news. She said even though you would miss the birth of your daughter she knows you will find a way to make up for it."

"How are they?"

"They're doing okay. The hospital released her last week and she has been trying to sort her self out for when the baby comes. She we t back to school but they told she would have to redo her last semester if she wanted to catch up."

"Damn she must be feeling real fucked up about that. You got access to my accounts do me a favor and buy some stuff to help her out. Start baby shopping you know get her mind off of everything."

"Jordan she is fine..."

"I just want to know that she isn't struggling okay so please, just get what ever she wants. Nothing is gonna be too good for my baby girl."

"Well son, I will go ahead and make arrangements with the judge to get this trial moving and work on getting you out."

"Appreciate it."

My lawyer stood up and left, so did my mom.

"Ma wait."

"Yes baby."

"Can you do one more thing for me?"


2 weeks later

I was once again in court hopefully for the last time. I looked around the court room as I entered for any sign of my mom or Emani but they weren't there which was strange. They made me clean myself up so that Averie would recognize me if needs be.

"All rise, Honorable Judge Sanchez presiding."

"You may all be seated."

"I call to order case number 201874, Mr. Jordan Lamar versus the state of New York."

"Okay Mr. Lamar we are here again because new evidence has been brought to the attention of the court. Counsel you may proceed with your case."

"I will like to call to the stand Averie Lamar, daughter of the Ms. Manners and Mr. Lamar, to testify."

I saw her walk up to the stands looking scared. How she must feel having to relive such a nightmare with no one left to protect or fight for her.

"Place your right hand on the bible please. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"


"Okay Ms. Lamar can you tell us what happened the day your parents died?"

"Daddy shot mommy so I shot him."

"Do you remember seeing him that night?" the prosecutor asked pointing at me.


"And what do you remember him doing."

"He tried to hit my daddy and the gun came to me right after he shot my mommy but then daddy hit him."

"Did he try to harm you?"

"No. He helped me so I helped him."

"Why would you help him? after all he did hit your daddy and tried to kill him."

"'Cause he my big brother, he save me from daddy."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded her head and clung to her teddy bear. Just looking up at her and felt a sudden urge to protect her even though I didn't really try to that night.

"That will be all your honor."

"Okay, Mr. Lamar after hearing this testimony I have made up my mind. You were merely defending yourself and your sister so you will be let out on bail with two years of parole and community service. You will be assigned a parole officer in two days. Bailiff, set bail to $50,000. Mr. Lamar you are free to go."

I wanted to scream how happy I was but I settled for a smile right now. Looking over at Averie my heart sunk. I have to make it up to her some how and I will.

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