Chapter 51.

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I took Jordan's coat and hung our stuff in the hall closet. I was pretty pissed off right about now and he was just standing around pretty pleased with himself.

"What'd I do now E?"

"Just follow me."

"Relax I ain't here to invade your space but we do need to talk though."

"After dinner."

We were now in the living room where my mom and grandma were now deep in conversation. I cleared my throat to announce our arrival.

"Jordan," my mom exclaimed, getting up to give him a hug. "Oh, how long has it been! You look so grown!"

"Nice to see you too Mrs. Perkins, it's been awhile," he said giving her a genuine smile.

"So what brings you back to Atlanta this fine Christmas?"

"Well...," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I got a job offer out here which is a pretty good deal."

"How about you tell us more about it at dinner."

Everyone turned around to see my dad standing in the doorway then walk away to the dining room.

"Well everyone come along then let's not keep Peter waiting."

My mom placed Mari in her car seat and handed her to Jordan then left to go to the dining room. Everyone seemed relaxed and unbothered but that was just the calm before the storm. I was the last to arrive and everyone was already situated by the table, even Mari.

"So Jordan, tell us more about this job," my dad probed.

"It's for Ace of Spade Architecture & Interior Design Company."

"Those guys are top ten in the business right now, you chose well. Aren't they stationed in New York?"

"They pursued me actually, it was surreal to be honest and yes they are. Currently they're making another flagship office and basing it here in Atlanta. That's where they want me to be so, I'm here."

"Congratulations. Not many young men can say that have a good paying job at your age."

"Thank you," he said looking at me with apologetic eyes.

Dinner conversation went on all around me but I could not focus on anything else but the fact that Jordan took the job. I mean I encouraged him but I didn't actually think that he would do it. I guess I got what I wanted, in a strange way I feel betrayed and hurt at his decision.


"Oh I'm sorry what was that?"

"You okay sweetie you haven't eaten anything on your plate."

"Wasn't really hungry."

"Okay well Let me have your plate so I can wrap it up for you."

I helped my mom clear the table as the others made their way into the living room. I helped my mom wash the dishes and clean the place up. When I was finished, I walked into the living room to find that Jordan was leaving.

"Well I'm goodnight everybody."

"Good night Jordan and don't be afraid to drop in, after all we're neighbors again," my mom said.

What?! He not only took the job but he got a house directly across the street. I couldn't feel possibly feel worse right now.


The look on Emani's face all night was depressing.  I never meant for her to find out about everything this way. When I was leaving she wouldn't even look at me which only confirmed my thoughts. I got home and went straight upstairs to take a shower and go to bed. Looking through my overnight bag, I pulled a grey sweat pants and a boxer to sleep in. Striping out of my clothes, I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. It felt like it was melting all my stress away. When I was finished, I brushed my teeth and left the  bathroom.

"Jesus E! You tryna give a nigga a heart attack! How you even get in?!"

"You did not lock your doors Jordan."

I leaned up against the wall waiting for my heart rate to slow down. When I got over it, I walked over and sat on the bed next to her.

"Tell me what's on your mind it's obvious you came over here to argue with me. I'll listen cause I'm way too tired to argue back."

"I thought that by encouraging you taking the job... I wouldn't feel like I'm keeping you back."

"Oh boy this again. I can't keep having this conversation. You don't want to leave, you want your space. You get your space, you're still not happy. What can I do to please you?"

"I honestly don't know," she said as tears started streaming down her face.

"Does it bother you that I left New York?"

"I never thought it would because I didn't actually think you would do it. Guess I was wrong"

"Babe I know we haven't talked it straight through but it will be okay. You will finish school next fall and I can come up and visit whenever I can. It's just 8 months and you get your time away from me just like you wanted. When you come back to Atlanta if you don't want to live with me I won't pressure you. I think our problem was that we moved too fast, too quickly despite us wanting to take things slow. I'm here, always will be whenever your ready, no pressure."

"I don't want you to wait for me Jordan. You are young and I don't want you having regrets because of me. Don't you want to experience life without having to think about me for once?"

"No, why would I? Does it look like I'm inclined to let you go anytime soon? I understand you wanting to be free but I can't stop you, just wait for you to come home but only when your ready."

"What about Kamari?"

"I will always take care of mine, most importantly, I'll always take care of you. But if you don't want me to, what else can I do? I love you both to death but we both know you not going to leave Mari with me anyway."

"I don't doubt you taking care of Mari," she said resting her head on my shoulder.

I kissed her on the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her.

"You going to be okay though?"

"I think so," she said tilting her head up to look at me.

She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I couldn't help but respond to her advances. Pulling back she looked me in the eye.

"Make love to me please."

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