Chapter 2.

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"Finally! I thought I would never make it on time."

I arrived at Hunter College; my new home away from home for the next 4 years. If it wasn't for my grandma my ass would be back in the ATL bussing tables in the food court. My parents have money but I didn't ask them for shit and in return they didn't give a shit back.

I've been dancing since I was 2 years old as my parents thought that it would keep me busy while they worked. It became more than a hobby and they started coming down on me for wanting to do it full time but hey, they only have themselves to blame for putting me on the path am currently on.

Finding my dorm was pretty easy as the campus is pretty much not that big and the layout is simple. As I was looking at my itinerary, I bumped into someone causing me to fall over my suitcases.

"Watch where the fuck you going bitch."

He didn't even look back but kept pushing. As I got up ready to hit the nigga I noticed who I bumped into and it couldn't be. It was Jordan. He never looked back but continued walking mad as hell.

We were once neighbors up until back in our freshman year of high school.  His parents got a divorce and he moved to God knows where. He looked fine as hell though with tattoos covering both his arms and he was tall and yellow just like I remembered him. Wonder who pissed him off. I shrugged and made my way to my new dorm room to meet my roommate.


I know that was a dick move to walk off and yell at her but right now I don't even give a fuck. All that was on my mind was going back to my apartment and rolling up some purple haze and lighting up.

I hopped in my camero and sped off campus. My parents were loaded so i didn't have to stay on campus and live with a roommate who would most likely get on my nerves. Plus with my anger issues my mom thought it was best. Ten minutes later, I pulled up to my apartment complex and went straight to my crib.

When I got in I immediately went for my weed stash and started working on getting fucked up. Just as I finished my first blunt, Omari messaged me talking bout some party tonight. At first I wasn't really feeling it but I said fuck it why not, ain't like I got class the next day anyway.

Later that night...

Walking into the party, I was fresh af in a plain white tee with a jean jacket,tan skinny jeans and my Jordan's topped off with a beanie on my head. You could say I was kind of popular around here so soon as I rolled up everybody was on my dick. Niggas was dapping me, bitches was eyeing me and offering me drinks but I refused and made my way to the stairs where I planned to chill for the rest of the party. Omari had already gone off to chase some pussy so I know I was on my own.

Next thing I knew the DJ started playing 'Loyal' by Chris Brown which happened to be my song. I made my way over to where people was dancing and started doing my thing. Everybody loved watching me dance because I don't just dance, I entertain. By the time the song was finished everybody was giving me a round of applause and I bowed out heading to the kitchen to cool off with a beer. Making my way to the nearest keg, I grabbed a cup off the counter next to it and instantly froze.

That's when I saw her...

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