Chapter 22.

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I woke up to Mani still in my bed sprawled all over me. Getting up was going to be tricky as she would have a massive hangover. If I were to wake her up now she would be hit hard with a headache and problem not make it to the bathroom to throw up. I eased her off of me gently and got up to close the blinds. Then I walked out of my bedroom in search of some painkillers.

It was Saturday morning so I decided to do something nice for Mani to apologize for last night. Opening the refrigerator I got out some eggs, ham cheese, peppers and some bacon to make her and omelet. I couldn't make pancakes so I placed some waffles in the toaster while I began cooking. When I was done frying the bacon, an idea hit me making me smile. She was going to love what I have planned for her ass later.


Opening my eyes I realized that I wasn't in my bed but Jordan's. How did I get here? Better yet where is he and why was it so dark. I tried getting up but felt sick instantly, so I ran straight for the bathroom to puke my brains out. Next thing I knew, Jordan was next to me holding my hair back while I threw up some more. When I was done he handed me a hand towel and left giving me my space to clean myself up. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and pulled my hair up in a messy bun before I left the bathroom. Jordan was sitting on the bed waiting for me with a glass of orange juice and painkillers. I went to sit next to him taking the tablets and drinking the juice. I don't deserve him being this nice to me even after last night.

"You feel better now?"

"Yh, a lot more than I deserve."

"Don't start that so early come on let's eat."

He kissed me on my forehead and left me alone once again. Why was he giving me so much space all of a sudden? Did I really piss him off that much. I ate the breakfast he prepared then took the tray to the kitchen. His back was turned to me as he was washing the dishes. Placing the tray on the countertop, I walked up and hugged him from behind.

"Thanks for the breakfast baby."

"You're welcome."

"I'm sorry for last night."

"Emani just forget about it okay, your right I ain't your daddy you do what you want."

"Then why are you still mad at me."

He turned around making me release him.

"I'm not mad at you babe, I was but I got over it okay."

He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips then turned around to finish his cleaning. I left the kitchen and went to my room with a feeling that Jordan was hiding something from me.

Later that day...

I spent all day at the studio seeing as Jordan wanted his space. I had a project for Music class to complete and it was almost finished. Since I was in the studio, this dude named Troy came in and asked me to sing the hook on his song so I agreed.

"Hey Troy I think I wanna do the hook over."

"Aite well I'm fine with it but if you can make it better go for it."

I stepped into the booth with my notebook. Putting the headphones on I signal to Troy that I was ready.

"It may seem like our fire
Has been a little burnt out, we're tired
We only need to stay close
In time, sparks will fly
(And we fly too, and we, and we, we fly too)"

I put the headphones down feeling confident in my work.

"That was good you were right you did make it hotter."

"Okay well all I have one more thing. left to finish an I'm done what about you?"

"I got time, I'll wait."

"Okay great."

I hopped back in the booth and started on my project.

"Picture me rolling..."


Emani was gone all day and I was getting worried cause she didn't say where she was going. I had spent all day fixing up the apartment to make the place look romantic. I rearranged the furniture and placed a table in the middle of the living room setting a candle in the middle. The table was set, the food cooked and mood set all that was missing was Emani. I took a shower and went to get ready.

I sent her a text message asking her when she was coming home but got no reply. Going all out for Mani once again I hope she doesn't disappoint me by letting my work go to waste. A half hour later, she came through the door surprised at what she saw. I took her bag from her and handed her a single white rose as she came closer to admire my work.

"Wow, Jordan you really went all out didn't you?"

"This is just my way of apologizing to you for how I've been acting these past couple days. You really didn't deserve me going off on you last night I was only looking out for you. I would do anything for you Emani and if I refuse to it's because I have my reasons. Protecting you is always my number one priority and if I fail at that then I don't deserve to be with you. That's why I gave you your space all day, I felt that I was pushing you away and I don't want you to feel that I'm holding you back from what you want to do."

I wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes then leaned in to kiss her. She placed her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss, sucking my tongue teasingly. Pulling away slowly, I looked her dead in the face and said,

"I love you Emani."

"I love you too."

"Come on let's eat before the food gets cold." I said as I pulled her chair out for her.

"Did you cook?"

"Fuck no,"

I took the lid off the plate to reveal a grill cheese sandwich. She looked at it and we both began laughing. It felt so good to hear her laugh and be happy again. I sat down and poured her some wine as we talked and ate. After dinner, she decided to take a shower while I cleaned up. I was almost finished when I heard her clear her throat behind me. Turning around, my heart stopped. She walked off towards my bedroom signaling for me to follow.

"You ain't gotta tell me twice."

I turned out the lights and locked the door then made my way to my bedroom. Hope she is prepared because I'm about to change her life.

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