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Love. People say love can be pure, painful, sweet and dreadful all at once. Love is the deliberate act of valuing someone more than you value yourself. Love is wanting others to succeed, to be happy and fulfilled. Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. Love is more than just being physically interested in someone.

I can honestly say I now know what love is. I have never been happier than I am now. Even though this is my second marriage, being married to someone you truly love is the absolute best feeling and I am so in love that sometimes it scares me. It scares me because I had never felt so loved and never loved anyone as much as I do her. I definitely had never fallen for anyone as quickly as I had fallen for Kyler.

I was so drawn to Kyler when we first met. The attraction was there and I knew it was wrong because she was my stepdaughter and a student at my school. I knew I shouldn't feel like that towards her and didn't really understand it. I had never been attracted to another female but there was something about Kyler that drew me in. I instantly felt so comfortable with her and it felt like I had known her for a long time. Sometimes, I wondered if she could actually see my true feelings in my eyes.

My feelings for Kyler were slowly growing more and more with each passing day. The feelings I had for her only intensified and there was no stopping them. No matter how much I tried to deny it, I was in love with her. It was love and it felt like we were meant to be. It felt so right even though it wasn't. The joy I felt from seeing her smile, her desire to make me smile, to always help me, the butterflies from just one look and the way my heart fluttered from just her touch.

I tried to ignore my feelings for Kyler and was doing a great job of it, at least I was until the first time she kissed me. When she kissed me... oh god.... When she kissed me, I just, I didn't know my body could feel everything at once just from one simple kiss. I wanted to be mad at Kyler for kissing me but I just couldn't. I was shocked that she kissed me but on the inside, my body was buzzing with excitement. After that one kiss and the feelings that arose, I longed for another one from her.

Even though it was so wrong, I always felt joy knowing I had someone who cared for me as much as Kyler did. She of course made that obvious quite a few times. After I had moved out I missed her badly. I felt so lost, so... empty without her. I longed just to hear her voice and all the inappropriate things that came from her mouth.

Kyler speaks her mind, usually without thinking and she says some things that she should definitely keep to herself. Okay, more like a lot of things she should keep to herself. She definitely doesn't get embarrassed by anything she says, she just speaks freely and doesn't have a care in the world but will apologize if she thinks she made you uncomfortable. At first, I thought Kyler was being immature when she would just blurt things out but soon realized that's just who she is and she doesn't care what anybody thinks. She is actually mature beyond her years and sometimes I forget she is still so young.

The day in my apartment when Kyler said she wouldn't kiss me again unless I asked and when she was going to leave, I just knew I couldn't lose her. She was that one person I couldn't let slip through my fingers. She was the one person that had feelings just like me and would be absolutely destroyed if we didn't pursue our feelings for each other. The feelings I had for her were way deeper than just an attraction and no matter how much I tried, I fell so hard and so fast.

When I looked at Kyler, yes, I saw someone young but I also saw someone I adored, thrusted, longed for a touch or a look from. After meeting Kyler, she made my life so much better. I was scared to admit out loud that I was in love with her and definitely scared to tell her in fear of pushing her away and losing someone so important.

I saw a future with Kyler even though we were not together at the time, I could see us overcoming all obstacles that would definitely be in our way and actually being happy together. Maybe it was just me being hopeful because I didn't have that happiness with Mike, who knows, I just knew what I felt for her and only her. She made me happy. I think that was the major thing for me. She made me happy and I knew we would figure things out along the way because I never wanted to lose that happiness.

Sometimes it's hard to describe in words how she makes me feel because no matter what words I think of or say, it's not suitable enough. No matter what I do, my thoughts always go back to Kyler.

Don't even get me started on the looks Kyler gives me and what it does to me. The things I feel when she stares at me and she stares a lot. My heart could melt just from the way she looks at me. To some, she make seem like a hormonal teenage boy or just a hormonal teen in general but once you see the look in her eyes when she is looking at me then you will see it's love. She makes me feel special, like I'm the luckiest woman in the world and really, I believe I am.

Now as for sex. I can honestly say, I never enjoyed sex before Kyler. I had only been with one other person but sex was never that good. I didn't understand why a lot of my friends talked about how great sex was and how it made them feel because I never experienced any of the things they did. I have never been a very sexual person but with Kyler, it's always on my mind. The way she makes love to me and cherishes me, oh god. I get turned on just thinking about what she does to me. Hell, I'm always turned on around her. There's just that attraction there that makes me constantly want her and to have her take me and just... fuck me.

It's so crazy because I thought I knew what love was when I was dating Mike then married him but I was so wrong. I honestly didn't know love until Kyler came into my life. She is love and she is everything I need.

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