Epilogue Part 2

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   As I'm sitting here on stage waiting for the graduation ceremony to start, I look over the list of names one more time. As head of the English Department, I have the honor of calling out all the graduates' names for graduation. I don't mind the responsibility but this year I really wasn't looking forward to it especially since my own daughter is a senior. I really wish I was sitting next to my wife so she could help calm my nerves.

   I glance off to the side where the teachers are sitting and I see Kyler sitting beside Tylisha talking. My eyes lock with Kyler's as she looks at me and I know she can tell how emotional I am right now so I look away and close my eyes to keep from letting any tears escape.

   Suddenly I feel hands on my thighs and I hear the love of my life whisper "baby."

   I open my eyes and turn my head to Kyler kneeling right beside me. "Kyler, your dress pants are going to get dirty with you being on your knees."

   Kyler shakes her head as she gently holds my face between both of her hands. I don't care if they get dirty, the only thing I care about right now is you, beautiful." My blue eyes lock with her brown ones and we just look at each other a few seconds before she speaks again. "I know baby, I know. I had to step behind the bleachers on the way over here because... it just doesn't seem like our little girl should be graduating already."

   I search Kyler's eyes then whisper "why didn't you come find me?"

   My wife smiles "because I knew you were going over name pronunciations to make sure they were perfect and I knew you were already emotional about today." Kyler gets up off of her knees but instead of standing, she hovers in front of me and pulls me in for a hug. My body shivers to her familiar arms being wrapped around me and I feel my body relax.

   Kyler pulls away from our hug just enough and places one hand on the back of my chair. With her other hand she cups my face and slowly moves in until our lips touch. Our kiss is soft, slow and full of passion. I feel the love she has for me in this kiss and I feel my nerves slowly fade away knowing that everything is okay. "I love you beautiful."

   My heart is racing but not from nerves but from my wife. I get lost in her beautiful brown eyes and feel like a love-struck teenager as she seductively winks at me before standing upright to go back to her seat. It's a good thing I'm sitting or my knees would have probably buckled under me. "Kyler!" I call as my wife starts walking
away. She looks back at me with that sexy smirk. "I love you too and thank you."

   After the principal and superintendent gave their speech, it was time for Taytum's Valedictorian speech which she did not let me proofread. No matter how many times me or Kyler asked, she was very adamant about nobody reading or hearing it until graduation.

   "We stand here today on the precipice of our future. It's not a distant reality anymore because it is here and it begins today."

   "It has been four long years but here we are, ready to graduate. We worked hard to get to this point but we didn't do it alone. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our guidance counselors, principal, vice principal, front office staff, our coaches, advisors, custodial staff and lunchroom attendants. Each and everyone of you have helped shape and guide each and everyone of us in some way and we are better off for it. So thank you for everything you have done thus far and for everything you will continue to do."

   "To our teachers, including both of my moms, thank you for sharing your time, talent and knowledge with us. While yes, it is your job, you all went above and beyond to make sure we succeeded. You all set the bar high and challenged us to reach it."

   "To our parents or guardians, thank you for supporting us in more ways than it's possible to count. From waking us up, chauffeuring us to and from school and extracurricular activities, helping us with homework and listening to us complain and all the childhood drama. These are just a few ways you have supported us on our journey."

   "Lastly, to my moms. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for always being there for me. Thank you for protecting me, guiding me, encouraging me, letting me make mistakes, teaching me, believing in me, supporting me and most of all, for loving me unconditionally. I love both of you, always."

   "As you can see, behind each graduate there's at least a dozen or more people providing support in numerous ways. The best way for us to show our gratitude is to make the most out of the opportunity we've been given and go forward in the world with the intention to make it a better place for the generations to follow. Thank you!"

   I have tears in my eyes as Taytum finishes her speech and I glance over to Kyler. She wipes her eyes then her eyes lock with mine. She smiles which causes me to smile. God, I am so in love with her. We both get lost in each other's eyes as the other two speeches are being made. Our staring ends when I suddenly hear my name being announced which scares me. "Sorry" I apologize as I make my way to the podium. I glance over at Kyler one more time and she blows me a kiss then winks at me. I feel my face get warm and clear my throat to get started.

   I see my parents, Tristan, Blakley, her kids, Julia and Katie all sitting in the first row as I start calling out names. As I announce "Taytum Elizabeth James," I am startled by all of the cheers and screams from the student body, friends and our family. I clap as hard as I can and suddenly I hear loud screaming. I look towards Kyler to see her screaming and clapping like a mad woman and I just shake my head and laugh.

   Taytum stops in front of me and I pull her into my arms. "I'm so proud of you, my baby." She squeezes me gently, trying to fight back tears but I'm already crying enough for the both of us. She lets go, kisses my cheek and gets her diploma then heads straight to her other mother for a hug before walking off the stage.

   The graduation ceremony lasted nearly three hours and as soon as it was over we headed to Taytum's graduation dinner with our family. After dinner we left the restaurant and went home ready to relax after this long, emotional day.

   I'm laying here in bed waiting on Kyler to finish brushing her teeth and it's still hard to believe that our little girl, our first born, graduated high school today and will be starting college in fall. It's also hard to believe that Tristan, our little boy, is 15 and already in high school. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I didn't know Kyler was finished until I felt the bed drip as she slipped under the covers beside me. She opens her arms and I curl into her body for her to hold me. "I love you Kyler." I mumble as I close my eyes.

   Kyler runs her finger through my dirty blonde hair and kisses my head. "I love you more."

   I smile as I tilt my head up to look at my wife and kiss her. "I love you the most." I whisper then kiss her one more time. I lay my head back down as I get lost in my thoughts again. I am so happy with my life and the life Kyler and I have made together. She came into my life at the perfect time and even though we had a rough start, our love for one another prevailed and I know with her and our two kids, I have everything I need.

~ This is the end of Everything I Need. Thank you all so much for reading, voting, sharing and commenting on my story. Kyler and Lauren's story has been an emotional rollercoaster at times but it's has been so much fun to write. I will be slowly editing this story as I am working on rewriting I Loved You Before I Met You. This will not be all you see of Kyler and Lauren because there will be bits and pieces of them in another story which will be centered around their daughter Taytum. Again, thank you all and I hope you've all enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Happy reading!
~Eden Shay❤️

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