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I'm still getting used to the fact that I am indeed pregnant. It's something I wanted for so long that at times it still seems to good to be true. At first I was worried that having a baby would be to much on Kyler but she is proving me wrong.

Kyler pampers me like I'm deathly ill, fragile and can't do anything for myself. I don't fuss about it though and just let her do it to make her happy. She seems to really enjoy taking care of me even though I can do for myself which she knows I can. It's so sweet and heartwarming at how caring she is. Even when she is at school she texts me all throughout the day checking up on me and especially to make sure I eat lunch.

Morning sickness has really kicked in and it's been hell. I have woken up every morning so sick plus it wakes Kyler up but she has not once complained about losing sleep. She even gets up with me until I can go back to bed. I even get sick throughout the day sometimes. Certain smells make me sick and certain foods make me sick. Now I know what my cousin went through when she complained about morning sickness.

It's the beginning of my last class of the day and I'm sitting at my desk grading papers as my students are working on an essay assignment. I have four papers left to grade when a big wave of nausea hits. I quickly get out of my chair and open the door so quick that it hits the wall. I don't have any time to stop as I run out of the classroom to the girls bathroom across the hall. I make it to an open stall and throw up my lunch and part of my breakfast. After vomiting a couple more times, my stomach feels a little better so I flush the toilet and head to the sink to wash my hands and rinse my mouth out.

As I'm drying my hands the bathroom door opens and Tylisha walks in. "Hey, are you okay Lauren?" She asks as she walks up to me and rubs my back. I nod my head and sigh. As she runs my back she says "B was sick through the day a lot too with her pregnancy. Hopefully it will pass soon. I heard a commotion so I came to see what was going on. One of your students told me you took off running out of class but they didn't know why."

I wet a paper towel and wiped the back of my neck. I look at Tylisha "It's ridiculous that it's called morning sickness and it can happen at any time of day." I grumble as I throw the paper towel away. "I feel so bad for Kyler because I have been waking her up in the mornings when I'm sick. She has been great though and so understanding. Not once has she complained about lack of sleep."

Tylisha nods her head "well, the girl is crazy about you. You know she would do anything for you." I smile because I know she is right. Kyler and now our baby mean the world to me. As we are walking out of the bathroom together Tylisha stops me "Lauren, why don't you go home for the rest of the day. I can cover your class and mine, it's no big deal."

I would love to go home but I hate to leave and especially hate to leave Tylisha to watch after my class plus her own. As soon as I start to refuse, she says "seriously, go home and let your woman take care of you. I personally do not know how morning sickness is but being with B when she was sick with it, I know it takes a lot out of you. Go home and relax, everything will be fine here. I will let the principal know you were sick. Let us know if you need anything."

I smile and hug Tylisha then walk into my class to gather up my belongings. Nobody at school except Tylisha knows that I'm pregnant and I prefer it to stay that way for now. Obviously when I start showing people will know but I just don't see the point in announcing it to the school. After all it is my personal business but I'm waiting to announce it until after the next ultrasound.

"Okay class, I have to leave but Ms. Smith will be watching the class for the remainder of the day. Finish your essays and put them in the basket on my desk when you leave today and please behave." The class said goodbye and some were asking if I was okay. "I will be fine, thank you for asking" I say as I exit my classroom and head down the hall towards the doors.

As I'm walking across the parking lot, a chill rushes over me and I get a weird feeling that someone is watching me. I glance around but don't see anyone or anything out of the ordinary so I continue on to my car. I know it's not Kyler because I always know when her eyes are on me. Once I reach my Ford Edge, I quickly get in and lock the doors. I set my stuff in the passenger seat and glance around the parking lot again but still don't see anything or anyone out of the ordinary. It's probably just me being paranoid with my hormones getting all crazy right now. I try to brush the feeling away as I start my drive home but I still feel on edge.

I park my car in the garage and try to settle my nerves then make my way inside our house. As soon as I open the door from the garage into the kitchen, the aroma of food cooking invades my sense of smell and my stomach rumbles from hunger. I didn't feel hungry before but I definitely am now. As I'm hanging my jacket and my keys up I hear "baby is that you?"

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