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Lauren is propped up against the headboard of our bed with her shirt and bra pushed up exposing her breasts and completely naked from the waist down. She is massaging one breast while her legs are bent at the knees and she has two fingers knuckle deep inside her pussy.

"Shit..." I mumble as I watch in disbelief as my sexy wife pleases herself. My eyes travel back up her beautiful body and her eyes are locked on me and she moans as our eyes meet. I walk to our bed and Lauren never stops as she is already breathing heavily.

"Let me finish taking care of you." I say in a low husky voice as I get on the bed. My own underwear is wet from me watching Lauren but the only thing I want to do right now is take care of her. She nods then pulls her fingers out of her pussy and groans at the loss of pleasure.

I quickly position myself between Lauren's legs and thrust two fingers inside her wet pussy. "God..." she moans as she matches my rhythm and rides my fingers. I lower my mouth to her clit and as soon as my tongue joins in she moans "fuck... baby, I-I'm so close. Faster Kyler..."

I thrust my fingers faster and Lauren wraps her legs around my head and grinds her hips harder. She laced her fingers in my hair and I feel her walls start to tighten around my fingers. Her back arches off the bed and she moans loudly as her orgasm washes over her while her legs are like a vise grip around my head.

I stop thrusting my fingers and slowly pull them out, wrap my lips around her clit and start sucking on it. "Fuckkk.... yes baby... fuck don't stop!" Lauren yells as another orgasm washes over her. She releases her death grip with her legs from around my head and let's them fall to the bed.

I crawl up the bed beside Lauren and give my heavily breathing wife a kiss on the lips then prop myself up against the headboard. "I was not expecting to ever see you like that. That was one hell of a sexy sight to see." She laughs and finally opens her eyes and smiles as she is looking up at the ceiling.

"My sex drive is crazy right now with this pregnancy and I'm horny all the time. You're not mad are you?" Lauren asks as she finally turns her head to look at me. "And give me a minute and I will return the favor."

I chuckle as I play with her hair. "Hell no I'm not mad. Like I said, watching you was sexy as hell. Seeing you as you were squeezing on your breast and the moans escaping your beautiful mouth while you fingered yourself... damn I swear if I would have just kept watching you, I would have cum. And baby, you don't have to always give me something in return. You look pretty tired anyway so why don't we eat dinner then you go take a relaxing bath while I clean the kitchen up."

Lauren looks at me and takes me by surprise when she quickly sits up and straddles my legs. "Lau-" I'm cut off when she presses her index finger against my lips, successfully shutting me up. My eyes scan my gorgeous wife's body, sending goosebumps across my skin. She had fixed her bra so it was back in place but her breasts are full and spilling over her bra so it's obvious she has gone up a size already. She shifts slightly in my lap and her pussy presses against my thigh. Even through my pants I can feel the heat and wetness of her pussy. "You're already so wet again," I breathlessly whisper against her lips.

She instantly deepens the kiss and her hands reach for the bottom of my shirt. In one swift motion, she pulls my shirt up, breaking the kiss long enough to pull my shirt over my head and toss it across the room. "You make me wet, always. With the way you look at me and the way you make me feel and... my hormones are all over the place and... I want you."

I swallow hard because Lauren is always so damn sexy but when she talks dirty... umm... oh god. I reach around her back and unclasp her bra and gently slide it off her shoulders and drop it to the bed. I bite my lip as I brush my thumb over her sensitive nipple, making her shudder. "Are you okay baby?" I ask softly. She nods her head, bites her bottom lip and places her hands around my neck.

I brush my other thumb over her other sensitive nipple and her nails scrap along the skin of my neck as her eyes close and her mouth falls open. I slowly tweak both of her nipples between my index fingers and thumbs. Her breathing picks up and she moans "don't... stop... keep going" breathlessly as her nails skim my neck again and down to my shoulders. I lean forward and close my mouth around her right nipple and Lauren moans as she arches her back, pushing her right breast more into my mouth and the other more into my hand. I suck on her nipple and she gasps and says "k-keep g-going and... I-I'm going to cum."

Shocked, I ask "what?" in surprise as I release Lauren's nipple. She grinds her pussy against my thigh and I latch onto the other nipple this time and gradually suck harder on it.

"Fuck..." Lauren moans as she grabs my hair with one hand and the headboard with the other as her body spasms from the orgasm washing over her.

"Damn, that was hot as hell." I say with a smug grin on my face as I place my hands on Lauren's thighs. She lays her head on my shoulder as she is still heavily breathing and coming down from her climax. Suddenly her stomach growls really loud and we both start laughing. I pat her thighs "you go get a quick shower to clean up and I will get dinner out of the oven."

Lauren gets off of me and glances down at my legs "you might want to change since I ruined your pants." I glance down at my Under Armour sweats and sure enough there is a huge wet spot on them. I get off the bed to change my pants as she is going into the bathroom and she glances over her shoulder "I'm kind of tired Kyler but I need to taste you so I'm not done with you yet."

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