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The past few weeks have flown by and we're now at the end of November. Thanksgiving was great as we enjoyed the holiday with our families. My parents, sister Julia, cousin Blakley, her girlfriend and their son, Kyler's Aunt Mary, and brother Kyle were all here.

Our house has turned into holiday headquarters so to speak. Right after we bought our house, my mom suggested we celebrate holidays here since we have more room and that way both of our families can celebrate the holidays together. That wasn't an issue with anyone, especially with me as much as I like to cook.

Today is November 29, Kyler and I are currently at the clinic to have the IUI procedure done. Kyle did his specimen donation first thing this morning and they prepped the sperm for our afternoon appointment so everything is set. Of course Dr. Davis explained again that sometimes the first attempt doesn't work and if it doesn't then we can try again or move to IVF.

I am so nervous, which is quite obvious because I keep running my fingers over the armrest of the chair I'm sitting in. Every once in a while I pick at a little piece of plastic sticking up. Kyler knows I'm nervous and covers my hand with hers to calm my nerves. Once I stop moving my fingers, she flips her hand over and offers to hold my hand which I gladly accept. She brings my hand to her lips and kisses it then leans over and places a sweet kiss to my lips.

I smile as I feel my heart flutter. I caress Kyler's check "I love you baby." She smiles and pecks my lips and says "I love you too." As I sit back in my chair, Kyler stretches then places her arm around my shoulders. I glance at the clock on the wall by the reception area and notice the receptionist staring at us. I watch the young girl for a minute and she watches my wife's every move and bites her lip as she continues to stare.

What is the deal with people? Obviously we are married or at least together so why would you do that and especially in front of their spouse or significant other. I have never been a very jealous person but for some reason it seems like since I've been with Kyler, I am becoming one more and more. Obviously I have nothing to worry about but it's very aggravating. "I think you have an admirer," Kyler whispers as she leans into me. I look at her with raised eyebrows because I'm a little confused.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused. Kyler quickly motions towards the receptionist and I glance in her direction. When I do, the receptionist is staring at me and biting her lip again. Was she not staring at my wife?

"Don't seem so surprised that she's looking at you. You do know I'm not the only female to find you insanely attractive? You should have heard some of the girls in high school." Before I can ask what she means, Kyler's soft hand caresses my face as she pulls me in for a kiss. She bites my bottom lip as she pulls away and has a smirk on her face. "Damn, she sure has a heavy gaze," she states with a jealous tone. Guess I'm not the only one jealous.

Before I can respond, we are called back. Kyler takes my hand as we make our way to the front towards the waiting nurse. We have to pass the receptionist and as we are walking by, my wife releases my hand and stops. As I reach the door where the nurse is I hear Kyler say to the receptionist, "my wife is so sexy isn't she? But I'm the only one that gets to be between those glorious thighs." My eyes go wide and I quickly step back towards Kyler and grab her hand, pulling her with me.

I apologize to the nurse as we walk through the door towards an exam room. I look at Kyler, "you are so bad. You did not have to do that." She just laughs and shrugs her shoulders then mumbles "well I didn't like the way she was staring at you." The nurse laughs at our banter as we enter the room and she explains what I need to do then leaves the room.

"You have no room to talk baby. You stare at me the same way, if not worse. Including when we first met and didn't even know each other. I honestly thought she was staring at you though."

The nurse has everything set up in the exam room so I change into the cloth gown, get on the exam table, drape the paper across my lap and put my feet in the stirrups as instructed. Kyler eyes me as I'm laying back on the table and steps towards the end where my feet are in the stirrups. "I can play doctor," she says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me and starts to lift the paper cloth draped over me.

About that time, Dr. Davis comes into the room and I just laugh at my wife. I swear she is something else. I know I'm not super old but she definitely keeps me feeling young and she definitely says things that should stay in her mind. Kyler moves to my side, then Dr. Davis lets us know what she is going to do and asks if we have any questions. Once we are ready, she then begins the procedure.

Kyler stands beside the exam table and holds my hand all the while a big smile graces her face. It's amazing to see how excited she is for this and that definitely helps reassure me that we both want this. I can't wait to be a mother and I just know that Kyler will be a great mom too.

Dr. Davis walks us through each step of the procedure as she is doing them. She slides a thin, flexible tube through my cervix into my uterus. I feel a slight discomfort and my wife notices because she bends down and kisses my forehead "you're doing great baby." She squeezes my hand and smiles at me.

   Dr. Davis picks up a small syringe with Kyle's sperm and attaches it to the tube running to my uterus. She stops and looks at us "okay ladies, it's time to inject the sperm. "Kyler, would you like to have the honor of pressing the syringe for the initial injection?"

   Kyler and I look at each other and I see a glint in her eyes. I already know what she is thinking causing me to chuckle but nod my head yes. She releases my hand and moves to the foot of the bed where Dr. Davis is. The doctor tells my wife what to do then moves so Kyler can sit in front of my raised, open legs.

   "Ready baby?" Kyler asks with a huge grin on her face and I immediately say "yes." She presses the syringe plunger, injecting the sperm into the tube, where it will travel directly into my uterus. Kyler moves back up beside me and takes my hands again as the doctor finishes up once it's time to remove the tube.

The procedure took about 15 minutes then we were on our way back home. Dr. Davis said I might experience some mild cramping which is normal and to not be alarmed if I do. I was prescribed progesterone supplements to start on but we were informed that progesterone can cause common pregnancy symptoms.

We have to wait at least two weeks before we will know anything. We can do an at home pregnancy test after 14 days but they have already scheduled me for a blood hCG test at the clinic on December 20th. That's further out than expected but that was the first available appointment plus Dr. Davis said it doesn't hurt to wait a little longer sometimes. Until then, we go through the most excruciating thing which is to wait and hope for the best. I hope this works because we want to start a family so bad.

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