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   I am awakened by swift movements from the babies plus a terrible back ache and can't get comfortable enough to hopefully go back to sleep. Kyler is still asleep beside me with her arm still over me and I took a few minutes to take in my beautiful wife. I'm so glad she quit the internship and that she is back home where she belongs. I know that sounds a little possessive but I swear it felt like a piece of my heart was missing while she was in Houston. I am still mad at myself for being so stupid on encouraging her to take the internship.

   I carefully move Kyler's arm from over me, get out of bed and go to our en-suite to brush my teeth. Afterwards, I head to the kitchen to cook breakfast for Kyler. I want to give her breakfast in bed since she always does that for me. I cook scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes with some sliced strawberries on the side. As the breakfast is finishing, I make a cup of coffee for her and poured some orange juice for myself.

   I make it back to the bedroom with the tray of food and set it on Kyler's bedside table so I can wake my wife up. She is still on her side so I place featherlight kisses to her cheek and whisper "wake up, baby." Kyler stirs and reaches out for me only to find my side of the bed empty and she groans.

   Kyler slowly opens her eyes, turns over on my back and looks at me. "Where did you go? I wanted to wake up beside you." She says with a little pout and it's so adorable.

   I caress Kyler's face "technically you did wake up beside me because I'm sitting right here. And to answer your question, your babies were working me over so I got up and made breakfast."

   Kyler smiles at me and says "you didn't have to make breakfast, I would have done that for you." She sits up in bed and moves over so I can directly sit beside her against the headboard. "I wanted to and figured we could eat together." I pass Kyler her plate of food then make an attempt to get in the bed. After getting situated on the bed, with her help and hearing her snicker at my struggling, I grab my plate so I can eat also. We share small talk while eating and just enjoy each other's company.

   Kyler checks the time on her phone and her eyes widen as she realizes what time it is. "Baby, you're going to be late for work, it's already 7:30."

   I laugh and shake my head then say "I took today off actually." She eyes me for a couple seconds and I nod my head to confirm I'm not going into work today.

   "Good, that means I can spend the morning with you. I emailed my counselor yesterday about the internship situation and have to meet with him at two this afternoon. Let's put the plates on the tray and I will take them to the kitchen after brushing my teeth. Thank you for breakfast, it was delicious." Kyler pecks my cheek and gets out of bed. She takes my plate with hers and sets both on the tray then heads to the en-suite. As soon as she is finished brushing her teeth, she walks back out of the bedroom and sees me getting some clothes out.

   I catch Kyler's eyes in the mirror and smile at her. "I'm going to take a hot shower. My feet and back hurt and I want to feel the hot water on my skin and aching back." As I turn around, she is directly in front of me. In a split second, her lips claim mine in a hungry kiss I think we both have been longing for. I cup her face, pulling her closer and her hands slip under my shirt and caress the skin on my back  as she holds me as close as possible.

   "How about I join you?" Kyler questions against my lips and I instantly freeze. Before I respond, Kyler is already pulling her shirt up and over her head. She tosses it to the side and looks at me with a smirk which normally makes my knees weak. Instead, I'm panicking inside as an uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach and Mike's hateful words somehow pop into my head. She quickly ditches her sweat pants, leaving herself in just her sports bra and underwear. She notices me just standing there. "Lauren, what's wrong? Do you not want me to shower with you?" She asks with a hint of sadness in her voice.

   I shake my head no and notice her face drop."I-I do want you to shower with me but... but my body is... it's not what it was. It's obvious that I've put on weight." I quickly say as I look away from Kyler. It's like Mike's words about my body changing during pregnancy are flooding my mind. All I hear is the last thing he said to me about me wanting a baby. "You will have to lose all the baby weight from a pregnancy because I will not have a fat wife. You want a baby so badly then you will put in the work afterwards to have your sexy body again even if you have to starve yourself. Don't expect me to fuck you as you get fat from the pregnancy because I don't fuck fat women."

   I watch as Kyler balls her fist up then releases it. She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "Lauren, baby, do not think that way around me, please. Do not think about the ridiculous things that asshole said to you." She takes my hand and tugs me along to our en-suite. We stop in front of the mirror and her eyes catch mine and she smiles at me with nothing but love and admiration in her eyes. Kyler stands behind me and caresses my belly and says "you are carrying our babies. There is nothing more beautiful or sexy than that."

   I feel my eyes watering and I look away from my reflection. "But I'm... what if my body...."

   Kyler cuts me off as she turns me to face her and places her finger on my lips. "Looks aren't everything baby. I mean yes, you are beautiful and have a very sexy body even when pregnant but that's not what caught my attention when I first met you. The first thing I noticed were your beautiful ocean blue eyes. They just sparkled and pulled me in. I could have drowned in them and been completely happy. The next thing was your lips. These perfect, plump lips that I wanted to kiss so bad. These lips that I wanted all over my body."

   My heart is pounding in my chest as I listen to what Kyler is saying as she gently skims my lips with a finger and it sends chills down my spine. The way she keeps eye contact and looks deep into my eyes, I know she means every word she is saying.

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