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Mike paces back and forth in front of me for a few seconds and I just watch, trying to figure out what he is going to do. He stops and looks at me and says "I'm going to take the tape off of your pretty little mouth. If you know what's good for you, you will stay quiet and not try to scream for help. Do you hear me?" I nod my head in understanding even though I want to scream but he seems on edge and I know I don't need to do anything just yet to make things worse. I need to think of a way to get away from him and be smart about it.

Mike takes the tape off my mouth and leans in to kiss me but on instinct, I turn my head and he kisses my cheek. Luckily he just laughs it off this time and walks to the dining table, grabs another chair and sits it in front of me. He sits down in the chair and says "imagine my surprise when I found out you remarried. You didn't just marry anyone though, you had to marry the fucking lesbian! Yeah, I know exactly who you married. You married Kyler, the fucking lesbian that's supposedly my daughter. She's not my kid though, there's no damn way. I don't have any kids."

I watch as Mike shakes his head with a disgusting look on his face. "M-Mike, w-what about the baby you were having with..." I shut my mouth because he pulls the gun out, points it at me and stands up so quickly that the chair falls over.

"Shut your mouth about that fucking whore." He picks the chair back up and sits back down. "That bitch, that bitch cheated on me. On me! You know Lauren, everything was perfect for me until you convinced me to have that dyke live with us. Was that your plan all along? Did you and her have that worked out ahead of time? Did y'all have it planned for her to move in and her take you from me? Did you cheat on me with her when I wasn't home?"

I shake my head no and try as calmly as possible to talk to the monster in front of me. "N-No Mike, I had never even talked to Kyler until the first day she arrived at our house. I promise you that she and I only got together after the divorce. She is your daughter though Mike, just like Kyle is your son. They are your kids and I know you know that. Just like I know you could have been a good father to them."

Mike looks at me and screams, "neither one of them are my kids! I. Do. Not. Produce. Gay. Offspring! Sara must have cheated on me for them to turn out like that. There's no way they are mine. No damn way!"

I can't believe this sick bastard. My emotions get the best of me and I yell, "Mike! Do you hear yourself?! I wish I would have realized what an egotistical, homophobic, psycho, cheating piece of shit you were before I ever married you! I wish I would have realized that before I ever dated...." Before I can even process what is happening, I feel an unbearable amount of pain as the back of his left hand connects with my cheek and my bottom lip.

I feel warmth and pain radiate through my cheek and my bottom lip as I fight back the urge to cry. I lift my head and my blue tear filled eyes drift towards the man that I don't even recognize anymore. Mike has a stupid grin plastered on his face as he looks at me. He walks away to the kitchen and I try even harder to keep my sobs in. He returns with a wet paper towel and wipes away the blood that's dripping from my lip. I realize then, that he's wearing his wedding ring. The wedding ring I gave him which undoubtedly cut my lip. "You forced me to do that Lauren. Stop being an ungrateful bitch. You belong to me and only me. Be grateful to have a man that's willing to possibly raise a child with you that isn't even his. Be grateful I even want to have a kid with you considering how your body will change. That just means you will have to work super hard after birth to get that perfect body back but we will have a family together."

As soon as Mike says that, I swear it feels like all the air leaves my body and I don't know how to breathe. He looks at me and laughs as he sees the panic in my eyes then he steps forward towards me. "I will admit though, it's not really ideal for me to help raise that baby so we can always put it up for adoption instead. Unless of course you happen to have a miscarriage." He rips my blouse open and skims his fingertips over the top of my breasts. I try to jerk away because I just want his hands off of me and him away from me. My eyes water from his unwanted lingering touch, not because it hurts but because of how it makes me feel.

Mike grops one of my breasts and I cry out in pain from how sore and sensitive they are. When he let's go he says "yeah, I know you're pregnant. I've seen the two of you leaving the fertility clinic when I was watching you. Just think though, you won't have to go through all that again because I'm going to fuck you everyday until you get pregnant the right way. With my child! Something I tried to get you to do before but you always had a bullshit excuse."

A few traitorous tears escape my eyes as a sob breaks free and I start crying. Mike laughs and says "don't worry, you will enjoy it. I know I damn sure will. Or are you upset over your "wife" not being here? She will be home today eventually. If she tries to get a hold of you and can't, she will probably hurry home quicker. She is probably like a poor pitiful lost dog running behind you. Imagine how surprised she would be to walk in and see me having my way with you and you enjoying it."

Mike sits back down, "she took everything from me. Everything! So it's only fair I return the favor. She will realize you actually don't love her and that you were just confused and desperate for attention thinking you were gay. Hell, there's no way she even loves you. I can guarantee you that she played you just so she could sleep with you. After all, she was the very one that said she didn't do relationships. What makes you think you are special enough for her? I bet your not the only little bitch she is sleeping with. You will inform her that it's over between the two of you and that you don't actually love her."

I take a few deep breaths because I know he's trying to get in my head and make me doubt everything I have with Kyler. Finally I scream "shut up, shut the hell up. Kyler does love me! She loves me more than you ever did or ever could." I start crying again "j-just s-shut up."

Mike starts laughing and says "you are a really good fuck but you need to learn your place as a wife. As my wife! And you will do as you're told if you want to possibly see that baby born. I don't want to have to kill you too but if it comes to it then I will. Once I'm done with the dyke, you and I will get remarried and you will be my trophy wife like you were supposed to always be. You belong to me and whether you like it or not, I will fuck whoever I want too. I'm marrying you so it doesn't matter if I want to fuck somebody else. I come home to you so that's all that matters. Be grateful for that."

I never thought in a million years that I would be in this situation. I never thought the man I once loved was capable of anything like this. My eyes fill with more tears but I try my best to hold them in and not cry anymore because of this monster. I wish I could warn Kyler so she wouldn't come home today. I don't know what Mike has planned but I have a really bad feeling. Kyler has her whole life ahead of her and I don't want her to get hurt or worse....

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