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I finally got to tell Lauren my news, that I'm still graduating early from the Art Institute. I will also finish my second major that's online and will also graduate from West Alabama. I decided to have that degree mailed to me because there was no way I was leaving Lauren to go to West Alabama and she is too far along to travel that much. She of course wanted me to walk for both graduations but understood why I didn't want to go to the one at West Alabama. Regardless if I walk at both or not, my wife is super proud of me especially after everything I've been through. Not to sound conceited but I'm proud of myself too and I'm so ready to be finished with school.

After Lauren's mom barged into our house Wednesday, her mom texted her the next day and her text read 'You should be ashamed.' Lauren got pissed and instead of texting back, she called her mom. As soon as Mrs. Jessica answered the phone, Lauren went off on her. I don't even think Mrs. Jessica got a word in and I could definitely tell Lauren was pissed so I kept my mouth shut.

I heard Lauren tell her mom, "You don't get to text me that mom. You're the one that barged into OUR house uninvited and unannounced. You were given that key to our house in case of an emergency when Kyler was in Houston and you knew she was back. That doesn't mean you use that key as you please, especially when we are home. I am too pregnant, too hormonal and too damn horny to even care what you think about it. If you don't want to see my wife's head between my legs then don't barge into our damn house again." She ended the call after that and went to take a relaxing bath.

Lauren had informed me that Julia was coming to our house this morning and her mom was coming over this afternoon. I already knew about both of them coming over because of mine and Mrs. Jessica's plan we had already made the day I got home from Houston. Lauren just didn't know her mom would actually be here earlier than she told her.

Mrs. Jessica had planned a surprise baby shower for Lauren and I'm working on the nursery today to surprise her with it being finished. The furniture is being delivered this morning which is perfect and the nursery will be complete. Julia is taking Lauren with her to look at apartments and is going to take her time until Mrs. Jessica texts her that she can bring Lauren back. It was the perfect plan for me to do the nursery and for Mrs. Jessica to set up the baby shower and for the other guest to arrive.

Mrs. Jessica had everything set up for the baby shower and the other few guests were here. As soon as I finished the nursery, she texted Julia letting her know they could head back home. I was waiting for them outside and as soon as they were parked in the driveway, I immediately went to the passenger side of Julia's car and opened the door for Lauren. I offer her my hand to help her out, which she gladly accepts and says "thank you" as she pecks my lips.

"Of course baby." I reply to Lauren as I lead her to the front door of our house. I open the door for my wife and she walks in but completely stops when we enter the living room and she sees her mom, Blakley, Tylisha, Aunt Mary, Katie and Mrs. Scott excitedly sitting there. Julia walks in behind us and joins the others.

"What are y'all doing here?" Lauren asks as she looks at everyone. "What's going on?" She asks as she glances at me and I just smile at her.

"We wanted to give you a little baby shower but first, Kyler has something to show you." Mrs. Jessica says to Lauren. My wife glances at me with a questioning look but I just smile at her again, take her hand and lead her to the nursery.

I open the door for Lauren and she gasps as soon as she walks into the nursery. "Kyler..." She walks over to the wall with the two cribs side by side and runs her hand over the railing of one as she looks around the room. She walks to one of the rocking chairs and sits down and starts crying. I kneel down in front of her, "what's wrong Lauren?" I ask as I place my hands on her knees.

"T-This i-is all so perfect. It's even better than I imagined and I can't wait to see our babies here. This is all so beautiful. Thank you so much Kyler. I love it and I love you." Lauren says as she wipes her tears.

"I love you too Lauren. Now come on, you have a baby shower waiting." We make our way back to the living and Lauren sits on the loveseat with a beautiful teary eyed smile on her face. I sit beside my wife and watch her as she excitedly opens each gift and shows me every item.

I completely tune everything and everyone else out as my eyes are glued to Lauren. I just... I love watching her. She is so beautiful and perfect in everything she does. I watch as she unwraps each gift, opens each bag and pure happiness just radiates off of her. The way her hands caress each item, the way her eyes sparkle as she takes in every detail, the way she licks her lips, the way she smiles and the way she rests her hands on her rapidly growing stomach with our babies. She will be an absolutely perfect mother to our children. I...I don't know how I got so lucky to have her as my wife, the mother of our children and that I get to love her and be loved by her for the rest of my life but I am so thankful.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear Julia loudly call my name. I look in her direction and she says "do you constantly have to look at my sister like that? Geez, you're already married to her." She laughs as she shakes her head at me.

I feel unshed tears in my eyes because of everything I'm feeling then I feel Lauren's hand on my thigh. "Are you okay?" My wife questions.

I nod my head yes but quickly stand up and say "excuse me." I make my way to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water, quickly drinking it. I don't know what came over me or why I got so emotional just from watching Lauren.

I'm standing, gripping the edge of the countertop when I feel Lauren caress my back. "Baby, are you okay?" She asks as she turns me around to face her. Her ocean blue eyes look into my brown ones and they are burning right into my soul. She searches my eyes and whispers "I know baby." She licks her lips as I cup her beautiful face between both of my hands and I capture her lips with mine. Our tongues sweep softly against one another as we slowly kiss with so much love and compassion for one another. Lauren breaks the kiss and rests her forehead against mine.

We hear someone clear their throat loudly, causing Lauren to turn around. We see Julia standing there shaking her head. "Really, you two. I wondered what was taking y'all so long in here, now I know."

I cleared my throat, "sorry, I just needed some water."

Julia laughs and asks, "were you drinking it from Lauren's mouth? That sure didn't look like drinking water. Y'all can't go two minutes without sucking face."

Lauren rolls her eyes, "shut the hell up Jules, I will kiss my wife whenever I damn well please" and makes her way back to the living room. I follow behind my wife with my eyes glued to her swaying hips and ass as she goes back to the baby shower.

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