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   "We have a stowaway, you're having twins!" Dr. Walsh says with a huge smile as she moves the probe around on Lauren's stomach just a little.

   My eyes widen and I just freeze for a second as I'm looking at the monitor. "W-What?" I practically yell as I finally shoot to my feet and feel my heart beating like crazy.

   "T-Twins?" Lauren gasps as she clutches my hand tight. I look towards her and she is definitely as shocked as I am especially considering twins don't run in either of our families.

   Dr. Walsh laughs as she slightly moves the probe and a clearer image of two fetuses appears on the monitor. One is behind the other but over just enough to be seen now. "A-Are you sure?" Lauren asks the doctor like there is some sort of mistake.

   "Yes." Dr. Walsh confirms. "This also means we have to keep you more relaxed and extra healthy. Don't worry though, you will be fine and love it. It may get hectic but you get double the love and the feeling you will get will be indescribable."

   I feel a tug on my hand that Lauren is still holding and it brings my attention away from the monitor and back to her. "Baby? Are you okay?" She asks with a concerned look on her face and tears in her eyes as she looks at me.

   I am still shocked but manage to lean down and kiss Lauren's temple as I feel tears of joy in my own eyes. "H-How?" I hear Lauren ask Dr. Walsh as I let my lips linger on her temple.

   "Okay, since this has taken both of you by surprise, let's talk about the "how" aspect. This is all really exciting after all so let's let the initial shock wear off some before we try to see what you're having." All Lauren and I can do is nod our heads because I honestly believe we are both still shocked. "Ok ladies, first of all, you have a super stealthy baby." We both laugh and it seems to lessen the intensity and shock of our current discovery. "Ultrasounds are not perfect and hidden twins are common. Luckily by 18 to 20 weeks it's hard for them to hide since they are growing and starting to move. Coincidentally their heartbeats were also in sync which is amazing for that to happen and that's why the heartbeat sounded so strong and it seemed to be only one baby. I know from your chart Lauren, that twins do not run in either of your families."

   "Intrauterine insemination or IUI does not increase the risk of twins, the use of fertility medication does make it more likely though. Fertility medication is used in women who have fertility issues but it's also used with IUI or IVF to increase the chance of a successful insemination in women. Any questions?" Dr. Walsh asks.

   Lauren and I both shake our heads and Lauren says "I think you pretty much covered everything. This is just... a lot to take in."

   Dr. Walsh says "okay great and I understand. Now with twins, nausea and morning sickness tend to be more severe, higher levels of hCG, rapid weight gain and a very increased sex drive." I can't help but laugh at that and Lauren slaps my arm as her face takes on a light shade of pink. "Twin pregnancy also comes with higher risks of complications like preterm labor, high blood pressure and preeclampsia to name a few. We will keep you monitored and you will have more frequent appointments to make sure everything stays on track and that there's no complications. Make sure to continue taking the prenatal vitamins, rest and relax as needed and don't stress yourself out. Now let's get cracking and see what you have in the oven."

   Lauren and I both laugh as Dr. Walsh resumes the ultrasound. "They are growing as they should be and have strong heartbeats. They each weigh about 10.2 ounces which is about the size of a banana. They can swallow and their digestive system is working. They have fingernails and toenails and are starting to grow a little hair on their heads. Let me see if I can get them to move just a little more to get a better view of both of them. They are both doing really well and everything appears to be on track." As we are watching the monitor, she moves the probe and presses down again and one fetus moves rather quickly which causes the other one to move and suddenly we hear two separate heartbeats and two completely visible fetuses.

   "Dr. Walsh?" The doctor turns her attention to me waiting for me to continue. "Is there any way I can record the heartbeats?" Lauren gives me a confused look and I just smile at her because she has no idea what I plan on doing with the recording.

   "Sure and I will be printing out new pics at the end also." Dr. Walsh says with a big smile and leaves the probe on Lauren's stomach as I get my phone out and record our babies heartbeats. Once I have 30 seconds recorded, I stop and put my phone down so we can continue.

   Lauren is still looking at me. "Why did you need to record their heartbeats?" She asks.

   "Well, that's a surprise so I guess you will just have to wait and see baby." We look at each other and I am completely overwhelmed with emotions right now. The pure joy, happiness and love in Lauren's eyes and on her face says it all and I just can't control myself. I cup her face and passionately kiss her but it doesn't last long before she pulls away and gives me a warning look as her face turns red. "Sorry baby, I just... I'm so happy and... you just... I just love you and our babies so much. They are perfect just like you."

   I smirk as I notice Lauren squeeze her thighs together and she clears her throat as she turns her attention to Dr. Walsh who is looking at us with an amused expression.

   Dr. Walsh looks between Lauren and I then says "okay love birds, they are definitely on display now so let's see what we have." We turn our attention back to the monitor and eagerly watch the screen as we hold each other's hand. "Congratulations, you're having a... girl and... a boy, unless the baby has three legs." Lauren and I both laugh at Dr. Walsh's joke as Lauren wipes the gel off her stomach so we can leave. As soon as we get the new baby pictures, we leave the clinic and head home.

Wow, I still can't believe we are having twins. As soon as we are in the car heading back home I take Lauren's hand in mine. "I love them so much already."

Lauren looks at me "I do too. I'm still shocked that I'm carrying twins but I'm excited at the same time. As long as I've wanted to have a baby, now I get two at the same time. Oh lord, we have to rethink names now. I know we were not set on any certain name yet but we need good names for our twins and preferably not over used names. I really like unique names at least for their first or middle name."

I smile big as I glance at Lauren and see how happy and excited she is. Surprisingly I'm just as excited too even with having twins and not scared. "We've got to start shopping for the nursery too. There's so much we can buy for our babies. Just imagine how mom and dad are going to react when we tell them."

Lauren laughs "mom will be so excited for sure. I don't think the news of twins is something I want to tell over the phone. I think we should have a family dinner and announce it. Is that fine with you?"

I glance at Lauren and smile then say, "that's perfectly fine with me baby. Perfectly fine. God I can't wait to hold both of them for the first time. I can't even put into words how I'm feeling right now."

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