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I felt really tired the first couple days after the IUI procedure but now, a week later, I feel a lot better. School has been super busy for both Kyler and I and I've had to stay a little later the past few days. Today however, I actually left at regular time and headed home. Kyler on the other hand had to stay at The Art Institute an hour later than usual for a lab.

I'm sitting on the couch reading when Kyler gets home. When she walks into the house from the garage, she comes straight to the living room looking for me. She leans over the back of the couch "what's up baby?" She greets as I tilt my head back to look at her. She kisses my lips then walks around the couch and sits beside me.

I love it when Kyler calls me baby! Even as long as we have been together, I still get a tingly feeling in my stomach hearing her call me that. I've always liked pet names but was never called any until her. She sits next to me and I can feel her body heat and it invades my thoughts and ignites the want for her. "How was your day sweetie?" I ask as I look at my wife, whose head is resting against the back of the couch and her eyes are closed.

"I'm so fucking tired of school." Kyler states as a matter of fact. She seems very tense and I definitely think I can help her release some of that tension. I lean forward and whisper "my poor baby" before gently biting her earlobe. She lifts her head and our faces are inches apart. I take Kyler by surprise as I push her down on the couch and quickly straddle her. I pin her wrist above her head and smirk as I make eye contact. Her eyes are full of lust as her breathing becomes uneven.

I lean down and ghost my lips over Kyler's. "Lauren..." she pleads as I slowly brush my lips against hers. My plan was to tease her but I can no longer contain myself and smash my lips against hers in a needy kiss. She kisses me back with just as much need. I release her wrist and cup her face, deepening the kiss. Her fingers from one hand tangle in my hair as her other hand grabs my ass and she squeezes.

She knows squeezing my ass really turns me on. "I want you so bad Kyler." I whisper against her lips as I move to her neck, gently biting. She releases a soft moan as I wedge my body between her legs and apply pressure against her with my thigh.

"F-Fuck...!" Kyler moans as her breath hitches in her throat. I smirk to myself as I kiss all over her neck and jawline. She starts grinding against my thigh and I can feel the heat from her pussy through our clothes. I love the fact that I can turn her on so easily. I kiss up to her ear and whisper "come to bed with me," as I slide my hand down, lace our fingers together and pull her off the couch with me.

I hook a finger in a belt loop on Kyler's jeans and guide her to the bedroom. "I bet you're already so wet for me." I growl as I pull her jeans down, over her ass and thighs. She steps out of her jeans and quickly takes her shirt off, throwing it across the room and her sports bra and boxers follow. Kyler steps forward and helps remove my shirt and pants but before she can get to my bra and panties, I gently push her down onto the bed with me following behind her. She props up on her elbows and watches me with lust filled eyes as I move towards her. "God, you are so beautiful Kyler," I smile as I wrap my arms around her, bringing our bodies together. I press closer and kiss my wife with passion as her bare breasts rub against my bra covered breasts.

I push Kyler down onto her back and slowly crawl on top of her. She wraps her legs around my waist and I feel her wetness against my skin. I slide my hand down her abs and feel her ab muscles tighten and her hips buck upward. "Baby..." and her words are cut off as I slip and hand between our bodies and skim my fingers through her drenched folds. A loud moan escapes Kyler as I stop at her clit, add pressure and move my finger in hard, tight circles.

Kyler moves her hips in rhythm with my fingers as I pick up my pace then gradually slow down. She groans as I move my finger away from her swollen clit to pay attention to the rest of her slit. Her back arches each time my fingers brush over her sensitive clit and her moans are music to my ears. Kyler arches higher into my heaving chest and her breasts brush against me, causing a moan to escape my lips.

I move my body enough to gain the relieving friction I need. "Lauren..." Kyler gasps as I slip two fingers inside her wet pussy and slowly start thrusting in and out. I brush my lips across the skin of her neck as I move them to her sweet spot. "Oh, Lauren..." Kyler moans and she closes her eyes as I curl my fingers, grazing her g-spot.

A wave of pleasure courses through Kyler's body and sends her back arching higher and her hips bucking. I begin to bite and suck on her sweet spot on her neck, causing her body to shiver. "Fuck..." she moans then a breathy "please..." escapes her mouth. I thrust my fingers faster as I move my other hand into play and use two fingers to rub tight, fast circles on her clit.

"Yes baby, cum for me'" I breathe against Kyler's lips as I kiss her passionately. She is a withiring mess as her moans fill our bedroom. Her hips grind and rock in rhythm with my fingers as she chases her orgasm.

Kyler's orgasm hits hard and fast as her movements slow and her body shakes with pleasurable spams. I continue to pump my fingers in and out of her soaked pussy as I prolong her orgasm as long as possible. I slow my fingers as her body trembles slightly and she crashes against the bed. I slowly pull my fingers out and I have to have a taste. God my wife tastes so good.

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