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I have to go back to the doctor on February 7th and this time it's with my regular Obgyn, Dr. Walsh. We are done with the fertility clinic and Dr. Davis which I kind of hate because I was really getting used to her being my doctor. Dr. Walsh is a good doctor also and has been my gynecologist for years. She is really good so I'm not worried one bit about having a doctor I can trust.

I'm currently in my classroom and it's second period, which is my off period. I'm sitting at my desk entering grades into the computer when suddenly I hear an innocent sounding familiar voice say "Excuse me Mrs. James?" I glance away from the computer towards my door, shake my head and laugh at my wife's playful antics. I look back at the computer to finish entering grades and I smile when I hear her footsteps come closer as she walks into my classroom. "I was wondering if you might tutor me Mrs. James?" Kyler says in a playful suggestive tone. I laugh again and proceed to type in the last grade on the computer so I will be finished with this.

"Tutor you with what exactly?" I ask to play along with Kyler as I file the papers away and exit out of the computer.

"How to eat out my extremely sexy pregnant wife?" I snap my head up and see Kyler with a shit eating grin on her face. My eyes quickly moved to my open classroom door to make sure nobody heard her.

"Kyler!" I hiss as I stand up and walk around to the front of my desk and lock eyes with my wife and shake my head.

Kyler laughs as she steps forward, stopping right in front of me. "Did I do something wrong Mrs. James? Would you like to... punish me?" She whispers in my ear then quickly turns, sits on the edge of my desk and smirks as she wiggles her eyebrows at me. Why did that just turn me on so much? This happens at the most inappropriate times. Damn pregnancy hormones!

I feel my face turn red and shake my head as I laugh, "you are something else baby. You definitely don't need tutoring on how to... you know... eat me out as you said. You better be glad though that we are in my classroom and on school property. Otherwise I would take you right here on my desk and have you screaming my name."

She raises an eyebrow at me and asks "is that a promise?" I swat her leg because the more this conversation keeps going the more turned on I'm becoming. So I figure it's best to change the subject.

"I love having you come visit me Kyler but what are you doing here?" I ask as I step between her open legs and drape my arms around her neck.

Kyler smiles, rests her hands on my hips then pulls me closer to her. She leans in just enough to close the space between us and gently kisses my lips. As she pulls away she says "I just wanted to see you and get a kiss before I head to campus. Plus I wanted to give our little bean a kiss." She pushes me back enough so she can slide off my desk then bends over and places a kiss to my stomach. "Hey my little bean, I love you and missed you and mommy this morning." As she stands back up I pull her face to mine and passionately kiss her.

The bell rings, signaling the end of second period and I break the kiss because I will have students coming into my classroom and don't need them walking in on us. "We have got to start picking baby names so you will stop calling our baby little bean when we find out what we are having." I say as I quickly peck her lips again.

Kyler laughs "yes ma'am and by the way, we will have sex on this desk one day" I glare at her and she laughs again as students enter my classroom. As she's walking out the door she says "bye wifey, love you." I can't help but smile and the group of girls that walked into the classroom beforehand broke out into "aww that's so sweet."

Five minutes into my third period class, I realized I left my folder with their test for today in my car. I step down to Tylisha's room and knock on her classroom door. "I need to get a folder of tests out of my car. Can you keep a listen out for my class?" She agrees so I head outside to the teacher parking lot to my car.

After getting my folder and locking my car I start walking back towards the school building. On my way across the parking lot, I feel like I am being watched again. I look around but don't see anyone. A bad feeling washes over me and I quickly get inside the school and go straight to my classroom. Now I'm feeling even more paranoid.

Kyler is in class so I hate to text her because I know she will leave school and come straight here. I get a student to pass out the test and I take the next 10 minutes to calm myself down so I don't freak out. Throughout the remainder of the day everything seemed fine which I was happy about. I don't know what is going on with me but I hope it doesn't keep happening. I'm stressing out and the extra stress isn't good for the baby.

Once the final bell rings for the day, I pack up my stuff so I can head to the library for our faculty meeting. As the 30 minute meeting comes to an end, I am ready to head home. I quickly gathered my belongings, bid my coworkers "goodbye" that wanted to stand around and talk, then made my way outside to the teacher parking lot. Once I am a couple feet from my car I use the key fob and unlock it. When I reach my car and start opening the door, I hear a vehicle pull up close to me but ignore it because I am so ready to go. Just as I am about to get in my car I completely freeze in place when I hear "well, hello Lauren."

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