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I waste no time and thrust into Lauren's needy pussy causing her back to arch off the bed. "Fuck," she moans as she tilts her head back into the pillow, exposing her beautiful neck for me. I lean down and pepper her neck with featherlight kisses. I kiss up to her gorgeous mouth and capture her plump lips with mine as I slowly move my hips.

"Faster baby," Lauren says into our kiss so I pick up my pace and thrust faster into her pussy, hitting her g-spot.

"Lauren," I moan as the toy shifts inside me as well because every time I slide out, her wells clench the toy causing it to rub against my g-spot.

"Harder baby," Lauren moans so I thrust my hips harder until I can hear the skin on skin contact. I look down at my beautiful wife as I'm pumping in and out of her and watch her beautiful, round breasts bounce each time in ram into her. My clit twitches at the sight and my mouth waters just by looking at her hardened nipples, desperate to suck them into my mouth.

Lauren looks up at me with her dilated eyes and flushed cheeks and says, "you feel so good baby." After a few more thrust she says "I love how you make me feel... yesss... I love it when you fuck me like this."

"Lauren" I groan as I slow my thrust a little. "Baby... damn... if you keep talking like that... I'm gonna...." I lean forward, closing the space between our faces and devour Lauren's mouth as I continue to pound into her pussy. Her lips abruptly stop moving with mine as the sexiest moan escapes her that is just raw and dripping with pure sex. She forcefully grabs my face and continues kissing me.

As I grind my hips harder, she releases my face and digs her fingertips and fingernails into my arms and shoulders. "Yes, Kyler..." I feel more pull against the toy as I'm thrusting so I know she is getting close.

"I love how you fill me up... you feel so good." Lauren moans and I thrust harder at the sound of her voice. "I wish... ohhh God... yess... I wish you could cum in me. I love how you fuck my pussy so good."

I close my eyes and bury my face into the crock of Lauren's neck just as she digs her nails into my back. It's a glorious mixture of pain and pleasure as she claws at my back and thrusts her hips into mine causing the end of the toy inside me to press against my g-spot.

My orgasm washes over me just as Lauren's back arches off the bed and her mouth falls open as she moans in pleasure with her orgasm while we cum together. With my hips still slightly moving, we both tremble violently in each other's arms as we ride the waves of our orgasms. Lauren gasps for breath as I stop moving my hips. She moans one more time as I slowly pull out of her drenched, swollen pussy. She reaches for my hand and carefully helps remove the toy from my pussy causing me to shiver.

I immediately lay face down on the bed which causes Lauren to giggle. She groans as she gets off the bed to go clean the strapless strap. I giggle at the way she is walking the close my eyes. I hear the water running as she cleans the toy and realize my leg is in a puddle of sweat and cum. I move over some to get out of the wet spot even though I know I need to get up and change the sheets. As I am stretching before getting up, I feel a slap to my naked ass. I look over my shoulder at Lauren and she is grinning at me with both hands behind her back like she didn't do anything. "What was that for, my love?"

Lauren doesn't say a word at first, instead she pulls the clean strapless strap from behind her back and bites her lip. I give her a questioning look and she finally says, "I... I want to try this if you're okay with it. I want to fuck you."

My mouth goes dry from hearing Lauren say that because she has never wanted to try the strap like this. Just the thought of her fucking me turns me on all over again. "How do you want me, baby?" I huskily ask Lauren as I sit up on the edge of the bed and already feel the wetness between my legs in anticipation.

"First, I want you to put the toy inside me. Then I will tell you." Lauren says as I watch the lust fill her eyes.

"Get on the bed." I tell Lauren as I take the toy from her. "Are you still wet enough?" I ask as my eyes drift down to between her legs as she gets on the bed on her knees.

Lauren reaches between her legs and slips a finger between her folds then shows me her wet finger. "Definitely, please just put it in me." I grab Lauren's hand and suck the arousal off her finger then take the smaller end of the strap and rub it through her folds to make it wet. I press it to her entrance and it easily slides into her pussy. She grabs my shoulders to steady herself as she gasps at the feeling. "How can you not cum just from putting this side in?" Lauren questions as she closes her eyes for a second. When she reopens her eyes she looks at me and asks, "are you wet enough, baby?"

"More than enough." I say as I open my legs for Lauren to see.

I watch Lauren lick her lips then she husks "face down and ass up, now." I was not expecting that from her but I quickly flip over and get into position as told. "Spread your legs," Lauren says as she slaps my ass causing me to jerk forward. As soon as I spread my legs wider, she wastes no time as she grabs my hip with her left hand and with her right hand she skims the toy against my pussy. She guides the toy between my folds and slowly pushes into me.

"Fuck," I moan as Lauren falls forward, pushing the strap deeper inside of me. She grabs both of my hips as she slowly pulls part of the way out then thrusts harder back into my pussy. The moan that escapes me encourages Lauren to continue as she pounds me from behind with her body slamming into mine.

"You're so damn hot like this," Lauren moans as she releases my right hip and slaps my ass again but this time harder. Dominate Lauren is just so damn sexy and I love it.

"Fuck, yesss," I moan because that slap brought me close to my climax as Lauren continues thrusting in and out of my pussy. She slaps my ass hard again causing me to jerk. "Fuck, baby, I'm..." I trail off as she thrusts harder and faster into me. Her grip on my hips tightens and I feel her nails digging into my skin. I grab a hold of the sheets and my knuckles turn white from my grip and I hear "Kylerr..." as both of our orgasms rip through us causing our bodies to convulse together.

I manage to hold myself up as Lauren falls against me and I hear her breathing heavily as she places kisses on my back. She slowly pulls the toy out of me and crashes on the bed beside me with the strap still in her. "Shit... that was..."

"Amazing," I say as I let my body crash against the mattress beside her.

Lauren moans a little as she pulls the toy from her own pussy then says "I should have done that sooner," causing us both to laugh and I eagerly nod my head yes. "I don't want to move but come on, let's go shower so we can change our sheets and get some sleep." I groan but get out of bed anyway, grabbing the strap to clean it before we shower.

~ You all had asked for smut so here is the last chapter of smut for this story. Also there are only two chapters left and this story will be finished. I will be posting those shortly then will go back and edit the story. Happy reading and enjoy 😉.~
~Eden Shay ❤️

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