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After my orgasm-induced nap, I shower again, throw on a tank top and maternity shorts, then Kyler and I enjoy the rest of the morning and early afternoon just cuddling up together on the couch before she has to meet with her school counselor. We also spent time looking on Pinterest for nursery ideas. We had not decided on a nursery theme or even picked a paint color yet and here I am already into my seventh month.

While we were looking, we decided on a light, cool gray for the nursery walls, light aqua accents and accessories all paired with white furniture. We went to Ashley Furniture's website and ordered two convertible cribs, a changing table, two dressers and two rocking chairs. Kyler also picked a small bookcase so we can fill it with childrens books. We decided we want the twins in the same room for now and once they get older, we will put them in their own bedrooms.

Watching how excited Kyler is for the babies is so adorable. They are definitely going to be spoiled rotten for sure. She was so excited, she was going to get the wall paint for the nursery when she leaves The Art Institute. Since she had the meeting with her counselor, I have been working on cleaning the house. I especially wanted to make sure the nursery room was ready to be painted and for the furniture to be delivered Saturday. I was making pretty good headway cleaning until my mom called to talk. She wanted to check up on me and she was glad when I told her Kyler was home.

After my call with mom, Julia called and informed me that she needed my help this Saturday looking at apartments and that it wasn't up for debate since we needed to spend some sister time together. I don't mind spending time with her but I really just wanted to stay home all day instead. At least it's just Saturday morning and not all day.

I finally finished cleaning the house and I really wish I would not have stayed up on my feet for so long because now they are hurting worse than they were this morning. My socks feel like they are literally cutting my circulation off from how swollen my feet are.

I put my hair up in a messy bun, get my laptop and head to the living room. I grab my reading glasses that I'm not fond of wearing, but my vision has changed with my pregnancy and I need them when reading or using the computer. I settle myself on the couch in the living room and work on my lesson plan for next week. I have not long started on my lesson plan when I hear the garage door opening and I know Kyler is home. "Baby? I got the paint and I've got news!" She calls out as soon as she enters the house and is shutting the door. I chuckle at how eager she always is to see me as soon as she gets home.

"In the living room." I call out so Kyler knows where I am while I am typing away. I hear her footsteps then they suddenly stop and I hear her mumble "holy shit." I stop typing long enough to look up and my wife is just standing in the entrance to the living room with her mouth open. I tilt my head to the side and watch her as she licks her lips while staring directly at me and I notice her face looks flustered. "Kyler, are you okay?" I ask but she doesn't respond. "Kyler!" I say louder and she finally snaps out of it.

"W-Wha... When did you start wearing those?" Kyler asks as she clears her throat and walks to the couch and stands in front of me. I know she is talking about my reading glasses because this is her first time seeing them and that's the only thing different I have on.

I smirk at Kyler stumbling over her words as I look at her. I love how she still gets flustered by simple things I do or well, have on. "Oh, I had to get them last week. Do you like them?"

Kyler swallows and carefully takes my laptop off my lap and sets it on the coffee table. She holds herself up and hovers over me, placing a kiss on my neck then kisses up to my ear. "You look so sexy in them. I just want to eat you up right here, right now on this couch." She whispers as she nibbles on my ear then kisses just below it. I instantly feel a rush of arousal in my underwear.

I grab Kyler's chin and pull her mouth to mine for a searing kiss. I pull away from her lips just enough to whisper "what's stopping you," then pull her lips back to mine. She breaks the kiss this time and moves to the end of the couch and motions for me to lay back against the other arm. As soon as I lay back at an angel against the arm of the couch, she is already starting to pull my shorts and underwear down. I lift my hips as much as I can and she quickly pulls them down the rest of the way and throws them down on the floor.

I open my legs for Kyler, desperate for her mouth to please me in a way only she can. She gets on her knees on the floor in front of me and places a loving kiss to my left hip bone then to my right one. Then she places a kiss to my pubic bone, just above my clit causing me to thrust my hips upward. "Kyler please..." I moan waiting to be devoured by my wife.

Kyler moves so her face is directly between my legs and she rubs her hands up my thighs, "so damn beautiful" she whispers. Before I can complain about her teasing, she places a kiss on my clit then forcefully licks up between my slick folds.

"Oh god... Kyler...." I moan then I feel her tongue thrust inside my pussy, exploring every inch. She curls her tongue causing my body to jerk and I roughly grab her hair, desperate for something to hold onto. Kyler pulls her tongue out and flicks my clit as she thrust two fingers inside of me. "Oh fuck..." I moan as my thighs clamp around her head. She moans against me as she thrust her fingers harder and faster. I greedily pull her head closer for her to devour my clit. My breathing picks up and I grind uncontrollably against her face desperate for my release as I am a moaning mess.

Kyler's tongue and fingers completely stop when I hear my mothers voice yell "Lauren Alisa!" I quickly turn my head to the side, grab the throw pillow from behind my head and throw it towards the door and my mother. "Get out!" I scream and hear the door slam. I tighten my grip in Kyler's hair to keep her mouth where I want it as I continue grinding my hips. "Don't... stop..." I say as I feel Kyler's tongue and fingers start moving again.

"Kyler," I gasp as she wraps her lips around my clit and starts sucking while her fingers thrust deep, hitting my g-spot. "Right...there...oh god...I'm...." I mumble as I feel my walls tighten around Kyler's fingers. As she is sucking on my clit, she uses her tongue at the same time to rub against my clit and my body stiffens as my orgasm erupts and I cum all over her fingers and hand.

I relax into the couch as my body trembles from my orgasm. Kyler licks up the mess she created and I hear her moan in appreciation. When she is done, she carefully places loving kisses on my skin then stands up to reach my lips and she has a giddy grin plastered to those wonderful lips.

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