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"Wake up baby." I faintly hear.

"No... I'm still tired." I mumble as I refuse to open my eyes and I pull the covers over my head. Kyler sits on the edge of the bed and uncovers my face. "I'm sorry beautiful but we have the doctor's appointment at one and it's already 11. This is the week 20 appointment and we get to see our little bean again today. Plus we will hopefully find out what we're having so come on and get up." She traces her fingers along my jaw which sends goosebumps over my skin and I just snuggle into the mattress more and get comfortable. "Come on baby, get up, we have our appointment."

I huff softly which causes my wife to laugh at me and I finally open my eyes. "I know we do but I was comfortable and I'm still tired. It's your fault that I'm tired anyway, you wore me out last night."

Kyler smirks at me, "you were the one on me as soon as you got home yesterday afternoon. You were also the one begging for more last night so I was just giving you what you wanted. I don't recall hearing you complaining after the fourth orgasm."

I playfully slap Kyler's shoulder "you know I'm insatiable right now and it's too early for you to be this excited. You just looked so good laying on the couch in your sports bra and boxers when I got home. I couldn't have complained last night even if I wanted to because I swear I passed out afterwards."

I close my eyes again and Kyler laughs because she knows I'm right. "Well you have to get up and I know for a fact that you've been excited for this appointment too. You need to go shower and I will fix you a mixed fruit bowl." She moves one hand to my stomach and softly massages my growing stomach and I hear "good morning little bean." I open my eyes and smile at Kyler as I watch her and she places a kiss on my stomach. She looks up at me and smiles as she traces my lips with her finger. "There's that beautiful smile."

I roll my eyes as I sit up in bed. Kyler gets off the bed and holds a hand out for me. I look at my hand then at my wife with a raised eyebrow. "Do you think I'm already too big to get up by myself?" I ask with a laugh before taking her offered hand. My fully naked body comes into view for her eyes as I leave the bed and I already feel her gaze on me.

"Of course not baby and I wouldn't care how big you were. I'm just being a gentlewoman." I giggle at Kyler's comment as I walk to our en-suite to brush my teeth then shower. She follows me to the bathroom and just watches me for a few seconds as I start brushing my teeth. When I finish brushing my teeth, I walk into the shower and Kyler heads to the kitchen. After I finish my shower and dry off, I walk back into our room and head straight for the walk-in closet. She is sitting on the bed and her eyes follow my naked body. Before I grab anything to put on, I feel Kyler's arms wrap around me from behind and she places her hands on my stomach. "You are so perfect Lauren and absolutely beautiful carrying our little bean."

I turn around in Kyler's arm and kiss her then I walk back into our room and lay my clothes on our bed. I put on a Calvin Klein sports bra that's getting too tight, matching underwear, a light blue baggy v neck t-shirt, black yoga pants and my Nikes. I put my hair up into a messy bun and grab my purse. "Okay, let's go so we can stop by Starbucks on the way." I say as I walk past Kyler and out of our bedroom.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea but you need to limit your coffee intake." Kyler says as I stop and grab the mixed bowl of fruit she cut up for me. I feel her eyes glued to my ass because of these yoga pants. I look over my shoulder and roll my eyes at my wife. "I swear, you make the simplest, most comfy looking clothes look so damn good." She says as she grabs my ass and squeezes.

"Well, you stare a lot and if you do that again we will not be going to the doctor's appointment. We will be right back in bed because you know how much it turns me on when you squeeze my ass like that."

Suddenly Kyler grabs her car keys, "And miss seeing our baby? Not happening so move your sexy ass, I'm driving." She rushes past me to the garage and I laugh at how excited she is. Kyler is holding the passenger door to her Ford Fusion open as I lock the door to the house. I walk to her car with a smile on my face and shake my head at her giddiness.

As Kyler is holding the door waiting for me to get in the car, I peck her lips and wink at her "thank you baby." She smiles really big as she starts to close the car door but I reach out and stop the door. "Baby!" Kyler looks at me with a panicked and confused expression. Before she questions me, I grab her hand as I get back out of the car and put her hand on my stomach. As her hand rests against my stomach there is another flutter as our baby moves again.

"Did he just... our baby just... he's moving and I can feel it." Kyler says with a big smile on her face and tears in her eyes. She places her other hand on my stomach then bends down so she is eye level with my baby bump. "Hey there little bean, I love you. Move again if you're a boy."

I laugh at Kyler and laugh even more as the baby suddenly moves under her hand. "I hope you are wrong and that we're having a girl." I say playfully as she stands up and I peck her lips. She smiles and motions for me to get back in the car. As soon as I'm in, she shuts the door then goes around to the driver side and gets in. Once we are buckled up, we leave and head into town for the doctor's appointment after my requested Starbucks stop of course. On the way, Kyler constantly moves her hand from my thigh to my stomach in hopes of feeling our baby move again.

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