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I grab Lauren's ass with both hands as she grinds her pussy against my thigh and we both moan from the undeniable passion taking over both of our bodies. "I love how you always make me feel." She moans as she grinds harder against my thigh. I slide one hand between us as I make my way to her delicious pussy.

"I can't get enough of you." I state as I rub my middle finger through Lauren's silky folds, filling the thick arousal that's there just for me. I easily slide my finger in Laurens pussy, loving the feeling of her hot walls around my finger.

Lauren stiffens from the sudden intrusion of my finger and she breaks our heated kiss as her head falls back and she gasps for air. I swear, she has never looked more sexy than she does right now. I pump my finger inside her drenched pussy as she presses her plump lips against mine again, eagerly kissing me like she can't get enough. She digs her nails into my shoulders and moans from pleasure. She suddenly breaks the kiss as she is gasping for air. "Can we... take this... to our bed?" She asks as she is rapidly breathing.

"Whatever you want, baby." I say as I remove my finger. Lauren is first out of the tub and quickly makes her way to our bedroom, not even drying off and leaving wet footprints along the way. I quickly follow her "someone's eager" I say as I stalk towards my wife. She seductively moves her wet, naked body backwards onto the bed while her lust filled eyes are locked on me the entire time.

My mouth waters from the sight of my wife on display just for me. I place a hand on both sides of Lauren's sexy legs as I get on the bed. I slowly crawl up her legs, letting my hard nipples graze against her smooth thighs and I watch goosebumps cover her skin. I place a kiss right on her pubic bone and feel her legs quiver from the touch of my lips. I look at Lauren and she is propped up on her elbows, watching my every move as she bites her lip, waiting for me to continue.

Very gently, I graze the palm of my hand up and back down Lauren's silky smooth thighs as I move back down to the bottom of the bed. I smirk as I watch her squirm beneath my featherlight touch. With both hands, I caress her legs and slowly push them open. I glance at my wife, her cheeks are flush and her chest is rising and falling quickly as she watches in anticipation. She spreads her legs further apart as her eyes are locked with mine, putting her delicious pussy on full display just for me.

I settle between Lauren's open legs and sit so I can tuck my legs beneath me. I grip her hips and pull her towards me so her ass is resting on the edge of my lap and she wraps her legs around me. I release one hip as I skim my fingers across her inner thigh until I reach her wet pussy. I graze her entrance, spreading her arousal very slowly. "I love how wet you are."

Lauren pushes her hips forward, "for you... only for you baby... now please," she breathes. Her beautiful blue eyes disappear behind her eyelids and she moans in appreciation when I run my middle finger up and down her entrance to continue building her up. "Please," leaves Lauren's mouth so I slip my middle finger inside her. "More baby, I want more," she begs as I move my finger around so I press another finger in slowly. I start moving my fingers in and out slowly and listen to her moan in pleasure. I finally begin thrusting a little harder into her wet pussy and press my thumb down on her clit causing her to thrust her hips forward. "Oohh fuckkk Kyler... yesss...."

With my free hand I reach for her right breast and lightly squeeze, making sure not to squeeze so hard that it hurts. I flick and pinch her nipple and watch as Lauren starts to come undone. Her beautiful body squirms and jerks under my touch and I watch every movement she makes. "Fuck... baby..." leaves her mouth as she thrust her hips in rhythm with my fingers eager for more. My fingers are sliding in and out with ease as I pump harder into her pussy. Lauren's hands fly out to her sides as she grabs at the sheets with both hands, desperate for so to hold onto.

"Oh god... Kyler... fuck... oh yes... it feels... so good, don't stop..." Lauren says with a horse voice as she is breathing hard. I thrust my fingers harder and deeper, pushing for her orgasm. I hit her g-spot as she screams "oh fuckkkk... yesss baby... this angle... ohhhh...." Her eyes are closed, her hands grip the sheets tighter and her breasts are bouncing up and down as I pound into her wet pussy and it's such a beautiful, erotic sight. I subconsciously grind my hips against her and she screams "yess... oh fuckk Kylerrr..." as her body begins to shake. Her legs tighten around me like a vise grip and I watch my beautiful wife fall apart as her orgasm hits and courses through her whole body.

Slowly, I pull my fingers out as Lauren's body is still slightly trembling, she reaches out and grabs my arms, pulling me down towards her. I make sure to not put any pressure on her stomach so I hold myself up on my hands and lean forward. As soon as my face is close enough, she grabs me by the back of my neck and crashes her lips against mine, desperate for my kiss. She breaks the kiss, gasping for air but manages to say "That angle just... oh God... it felt so good... but I... I want you to get... the strap on... please."

I look down at Lauren with raised eyebrows and a questioning look. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean...." I ask as I touch her growing stomach. I want to make sure that's actually okay for her. I don't want her uncomfortable in anyway. "Plus, they are... you know... right there."

"Yes, it will be fine. It's not like the babies will feel anything." Lauren laughs as her breathing is returning to normal. "Do you not want to? D-Does it make it weird for you?" She hesitantly asks.

"I knew the babies couldn't feel anything, I was just making sure you would be comfortable with that. We haven't used the strap on since finding out you were pregnant. I don't want to much pressure on your stomach." Lauren smiles up at me with love in her eyes and reaches up to caress my face.

Lauren drops her hand back down to the bed and she eyes my naked body. She smirks at me "well, we haven't used it because I mostly prefer your fingers and that wonderful mouth of yours but sometimes... I want the strap." She raises an eyebrow and with a stern tone says "go... get... it... and... fuck... me...." I swallow and nod my head as I scramble off the bed. Her authoritative voice turns me on so damn much and my pussy is already throbbing just from her voice.

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