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Kyler tenderly brushes my hair away from my shoulder as our eyes connect. "I..." she shakes her head like she's trying to gather her thoughts. "I want to Lauren, trust me I do but.... Do you think it's a good idea? I mean... I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or scared. I don't want you to feel like you have to do this. I didn't do anything to make you feel like you had to, did I? This will be our first time since... everything that happened."

I close the small gap between us, our lips are a breath apart and my nose brushes against Kyler's. Her eyes close as I skim my lips against hers and just that little desired connection sends shivers down my back. She pulls back just a bit but does not pull away completely so I grip the back of her neck and passionately kiss her. My body is on fire for her as I part my lips persuading Kyler to follow my lead. I don't hesitate as I deepen the kiss and feel the all too familiar throbbing for her between my legs.

We both moan as our tongues sweep against each other's and I feel Kyler smile against my lips as she slowly pulls away. She rests her forehead against mine and caresses up and down my back as she holds my body flush against hers. Her heart is beating fast and I know she can feel mine beating just as fast.

"If you're sure about this then I want you to take the lead. That way I know you're comfortable and okay but only if you're sure." Kyler says as she looks at me with worry in her eyes.

I smile as I look at my wife. "I love how concerned you are baby but I promise you that I'm okay. I'm okay with this because it's with you, I promise, so please don't act like I'm made of glass. He didn't get a chance to do anything remember. Thank you so much though for checking and making sure." I take Kyler's hand and lead the way to our bedroom. I feel like we are two lovesick teenagers about to make love for the first time with the way we keep glancing at each other and smiling.

Once in our bedroom, we both strip out of our dresses and Kyler is first in bed still in her bra and underwear . I join her and I am drawn to her like a magnet as I embrace her. My lips meet hers with an urgency and I am desperate for my wife to make love to me. She cups my face with both hands and holds me in place like I might disappear. I drape an arm around her and hold her close as we continue to kiss.

Soon I feel wetness against my face and I know it's not from me. I try to pull away enough to see Kyler's face but she just holds me tight. "I love you so much Lauren. I was so scared of losing you. Whether we're apart a few seconds, minutes, hours or days, it always feels like a part of me is missing. I don't know what I would do without you, I honestly don't think I could even function. I've miss this, I've missed being intimate with you and not just in a sexual way." Kyler confesses as her voice cracks and I feel a few more tears against my face.

I feel tears in my own eyes because of the love I feel radiating from my wife and the love I have for my wife. The love we have for each other is a love so undeniable, a love that sets my whole body on fire. A love I have never felt for anyone but her. I tighten my arm around Kyler and with my other hand, I run my fingers through her hair. "I know what you mean baby and I love you so much too." I whisper as I kiss down her jaw to her neck. I feel her arch against me and a moan escapes once I reach her sweet spot.

I turn to lay on my back and pull Kyler with me so she is on top of me. I know she wants me to take control but I'm not scared of her. Our eyes meet and we look at each other as we silently communicate. She hovers over me as her fingers caress my shoulders and slip under my bra straps as her eyes search mine to make sure I am still okay. I smile and nod my head so she leans back to sit up and straddles me, pulling me to sit up with her. She smiles with love in her eyes as she slowly pushes my bra straps down my arms as far as they will go then places soft kisses on my bare shoulders. With shaky hands she pulls my face to her for a passionate kiss. She slips her hands around my back and unclasps my bra. She slides my bra the rest of the way off my arms and lets it fall to the bed.

Kyler pulls away and her eyes lock with mine as she takes off her own bra, tossing it to the side. I watch every move she makes then wrap my arms around her as I caress her bare back. I lean forward and place slow sensual kisses to her chest and breasts. She runs her fingers through my hair and moans as I place a kiss on each of her hardened nipples.

Kyler gently lays me back down then kisses my lips, cheeks and down to my neck. She takes her time placing soft gentle kisses down my neck and chest to my breasts. One hand caresses down my body with her lips as her other hand holds mine, squeezing it. My entire body is on fire and I swear every touch and every kiss that she places is embedded into my skin.

Kyler looks up at me and looks into my eyes again, "Lauren... are you sure?" She asks. I stare into her eyes and smile as I nod my head. She lets go of my hand and reaches for the top of my underwear as her lips place gentle kisses to my hot skin. She traces the material of my panties then hooks her fingers inside the waistband and stops. She looks up at me again and I let my hands roam down her shoulders and arms until I reach her hands and we both pull my underwear down.

Kyler moves back up to be face to face with me and kisses me slowly. I softly skim my fingers over the back of her thighs up to her panties. I dip my fingers inside the waistband and slowly pull her underwear down as I look at her. She moves to take her underwear off and releases a shaky breath as our fully naked bodies finally touch.

Kyler buries her face in my neck and starts placing soft kisses there. She kisses up to my jaw and continues up to my ear and nibbles on my earlobe. She slowly rubs her hands up and down my side grazing the sides of my breasts each time. She kisses her way back down my jaw to my mouth and passionately kisses me. As our tongues meet, I moan into her mouth.

Kyler breaks the kiss and kisses down my neck to my chest until she gets to my breasts. She lightly grazes her palms over my nipples causing them to harden more. "You are so fucking beautiful." She says in nearly a moan as she latches on to my right nipple as her left hand massages my left breast. My breathing picks up as she swirls her tongue around my nipple then sucks on it. Kyler pulls and pinches my left nipple while continuing her assault on the right one with her mouth and I could feel the increased throbbing between my legs and the rush through my body but I couldn't do anything but moan. "Baby!" I gasp as I feel her teeth graze my nipple. Kyler has me a moaning and writhing mess as she switches breasts and repeats the same actions again. I am breathing harder and the overwhelming pressure in my lower stomach and between my legs becomes too much. "K-Kyler... I... oh fuckkk..." I moan as I grab onto the bed sheets with both hands as my orgasms washes over me and my body jerks and trembles.

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