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I wasn't the only one nervous about our revelation. Lauren was nervous too and Julia definitely noticed the closer it got to the time everyone would be arriving. She even asked Lauren what was wrong with her. Lauren's answer was that she just wanted Christmas dinner to be perfect.

The doorbell rings and Lauren and I lock eyes and look at each other. My heart is racing as Lauren makes her way over to me taking my hand in hers. We both lean into each other for a quick kiss then head to the front door. She opens the door to reveal her parents. I inhale deeply as I smile at my in-laws. "Hey guys, glad y'all made it."

Mrs. Jessica quickly wraps me in a hug and squeezes me before letting go. "We are glad to be here sweetie and thank you for taking such good care of my oldest baby, she looks great and just has a glow to her." She says as she pulls Lauren into a hug too. Mrs. Jessica and Mr. David follow us into the house and we all head to the kitchen where Julia is still at with her head resting on one hand as she scrolls through her phone with the other.

The doorbell rings again "that will probably be Aunt Mary and Katie." As soon as those words leave my mouth, Julia's head shoots up and she quickly excuses herself to the bathroom. That was weird to say the least but I brush her behavior off and head to the door. I'm glad Katie decided to come here and have Christmas with us. Her parents didn't like the idea but were understanding so they had Christmas a few days earlier just so Katie could be here to visit us.

Kyle finally made it, then Tylisha, Blakley and her son Grayson arrived and now everyone was here. Conversations are in full swing all around the kitchen while the food finishes cooking. Katie and I are setting the dining table and I caught sight of my blue eyed beautiful wifey talking to her parents. I smile as I watch my Lauren and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. It's crazy how sometimes just a glance at her makes me feel the way I did when we first met.

As we are setting the table, I notice Katie constantly glance up and look towards the kitchen. I also notice Julia doing the same from the kitchen. Eyeing my best friend for a couple seconds I finally break the silence that has taken over the two of us. "Something up between you two?" I ask as I glance between the two.

Katie looks at me, "what? No. What do you mean?" She quickly finishes her last place setting as I finish mine. Without even excusing myself, I head straight to Lauren because I need to talk to my wife and see if she knows what's going on with her sister and my best friend. I've never seen my best friend act so weird.

Lauren notices me walking towards her and smiles as I wrap an arm around her. She wraps one arm around me and pulls me into her side. "You alright?" She asks as she kisses my cheek. I smile as I glance at her and shrug my shoulders. Of course I'm alright when I'm with Lauren but I'm about to burst from excitement to tell our news.

I turn my head to whisper in Lauren's ear "I'm... I really want to tell... you know... about you know who...." Her eyes light up and she smiles softly at me then leans in and sweetly kisses me. As we pull away from the kiss, Mrs. Jessica is blushing and Mr. David is looking the other direction. Before anything can be said, the oven timer beeps indicating that the rest of dinner is ready. We get everything to the dinner table and arrange things so it all fits. We all gather around the dining table so we can all fix our plates and enjoy Christmas dinner. It's times like this that I'm glad Lauren wanted a large dining table that would seat 10.

Lauren had already told me that I could start off with our news since I have wanted to tell everyone since we found out. Once everyone has their plates fixed I figure we can break the news before anyone starts eating. I take Lauren's hand in mine and we both stand up. "Before everyone digs in, we need to say something."

Julia starts laughing and says "oh this should be good. Last time you made a speech you asked your principal out." Everyone starts laughing, me included. I mean she's not wrong.

"Yeah well, who could blame me for asking her out just look at her. And to know her is a blessing and to be loved by her is the absolute best feeling in the world." Lauren squeezes my hand and kisses my cheek. "Anyway, we are happy that our families are together today to celebrate Christmas with us. This Christmas is an extra special one for Lauren and I." I pause as I look over at my wife and she is already looking at me and smiling from ear to ear. We look back at our family and together we say "we're pregnant."

"Holy shit!" leaves Julia and Katie's mouth at the same time then they both start laughing.

Mrs. Jessica brings her hands to her mouth as she gasps "oh Lauren" as she tears up. "I get to be a grandmother. We will have a grand baby to spoil." Mr. David smiles as he stands up and walks around the table, pulling Lauren and I both into a hug "this is amazing." He says. Mrs. Jessica is next as she pulls Lauren and I both into her for a big hug as she cries tears of joy.

Kyle, Blakley and Tylisha all congratulate us and I notice Aunt Mary hasn't said anything yet. As I turn my attention to her she says, "wait, you're both pregnant?"

Lauren starts laughing "no, no, I am, not Kyler." Aunt Mary nods in understanding and finally gets up and hugs Lauren then me. As she breaks the hug with me she asks "are you sure you're ready for this Kyler?"

I look at Aunt Mary for a second "what do you mean?" I ask as I frown at my aunt. She presses her lips together but finally says "are you sure you're ready for a baby?" I sigh as I look at Aunt Mary and shake my head in disbelief at her. Why the fuck does she always have to question everything concerning me. I get that she is only looking out for my best interest but seriously.

"Yes." I answer and I push away my first instinct to argue. "I'm ready for this. We are ready."

Aunt Mary nods her head "okay, as long as you are." She hugs me and Lauren and says "congratulations you two, I'm happy for you two."

Everyone calms down some from our news but you can still feel the excitement in the air and the talk around the table of course revolves around our little bean, baby names, baby shopping and so on. Everyone is excited and I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful, loving family.

We all eat and carry on conversation and of course my wife is praised for her wonderful cooking. I swear she could be a chef with her own restaurant. After dinner is over, left overs are put away and the kitchen and dining table is cleaned up. Finally we all gather around the living room to open presents. I know I will more than likely receive gifts but there is nothing I really need or want. I have everything I need with Lauren as my wife and my greatest gift is her and our little bean she is carrying.

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