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Kyler starts with my hair and towel dries it, placing gentle kisses to the back of my neck which sends shivers down my spine. She places kisses all over my face saving my lips for last, before she works her way down. I try to deepen the kiss but she pulls away and playfully shakes her head no. She dries my back, placing kisses on my shoulders as she does so. She repeats the process as she dries my expanded stomach then chest, making sure to pay close attention to each enlarged breast. Before continuing with her drying, Kyler makes sure to pay attention to each hard nipple. She kisses each of my hardened nipples and gently flicks her tongue over them. I swear if she would have taken one in her mouth I would have cum right then and there.

Kyler smirks at me before she squats down to finish drying me off. With one hand on my hip to keep me balanced, her towel covered hand finds the curve of my ass and she gives it a squeeze causing my clit to throb with need. She dries the back of my legs then the front and places light kisses to the outside of my thighs.

"Spread your legs, baby." Kyler says in a husky voice and I spread them as eagerly as I can. I can't look down at her because my stomach is too big but I can just imagine the mischievous smirk on her face as I nearly moan from her drying the inside of my thighs and getting close to where I desperately want her.

A small moan does escape as she pat dries between my legs, kissing closer and closer and I suddenly remember that I haven't been able to shave. "K-Kyler..." is all I manage to say before my words get caught in my throat as I feel her fingers part my outer lips and she places a kiss at my entrance then on my throbbing clit.

"So beautiful and delicious." Kyler says as she places one more kiss on my clit causing my legs to tremble. She stands back up and has the sexiest smirk on her face as she tosses the towel aside and guides me to our bedroom in silence. We stop at the foot of our bed and Kyler softly cups my face as she stares deeply into my eyes. "I love you Lauren. I am so in love with you and that will never change." She gently captures my lips as I try to wrap my arms around her and my body just explodes with love for my wife.

Kyler breaks our kiss and gently helps me onto our bed and helps me lay down. Her eyes roam my body from my toes to my face and she smiles lovingly at me as she leans down and kisses me. She places kisses on every inch of my body, making sure to place kisses on every curve, scar, beauty mark and newly formed stretch marks. She caresses my body with each kiss like she is worshiping me. My skin feels really sensitive and every one of her touches sends tingles all over my body and I feel the wetness building more between my legs.

"Is it more comfortable for you to lay on your side so you don't have the twins weight pushing down on you?" My wife asks as she rubs her hand over my enlarged stomach.

I breathe out "yes it actually is" because it's definitely a lot when I lay on my back. Kyler is right beside me as I turn over onto my side with my back facing her. She quickly lays behind me and her arms pull me close, mindful of my stomach. Her breasts press firmly against my back and her warm breath sends chills down my spine as she kisses my neck. Kyler moves her hand to my hip and caresses my skin and that for some reason sets my body on fire. I press my butt into Kyler and feel her automatically push her hips against me as she digs her fingers into my hip bone.

Kyler kisses my bare shoulder and whispers "so perfect" against my skin as her wonderful fingers slide from my hip bone as she wedges a leg between mine. Her hand slides between my legs and a wave of arousal courses through me. I nearly whimper when I feel Kyler's fingers part my outer lips and moan as she skims a finger from my entrance to my clit.

"Kyler..." I moan as my wife slowly rubs circles on my clit. I press my butt harder against her, nearly begging for more. Kyler places kisses on my neck and shoulder as she slides her fingers away from my clit to my entrance and spreads my arousal around. I moan as I grind my hips against her fingers, desperate for her to please me. Kyler kisses up to my ear and whispers "this is sexy on you" as she runs her fingers through my growing pubic hair then pushes her fingers inside my wet pussy.

"Ohh... yesss..." I moan as I grind my hips in desperate need for my orgasm. My body is on fire and my moans get louder as Kyler starts grinding against my butt. She slips her fingers out of me and rubs tight circles on my clit as she holds me close while grinding harder against my butt and worshiping my shoulder, neck and ear with her mouth.

Kyler sucks right below my ear and I feel my orgasm rapidly build and I become a withering, moaning mess as I continue to move my hips. "Yesss... fuck..." I dig my nails into Kyler's arm as my orgasm rips through me and my hips stop against her fingers as I ride out wave after wave of intense pleasure. "Baby... kiss me... please." I beg as I turn my head and Kyler claims my lips as her fingers keep going against my clit and I feel another intense orgasm. I moan into her mouth as my second orgasm rips through me. I break the kiss as I nearly scream "ohhh... god... Kylerrr!" My clit is super sensitive and I manage to grab Kyler's hand to stop while my body trembles with aftershock after aftershock from the intense orgasm.

My body feels worn out after the never ending orgasm and I feel my eyes getting heavy. Kyler smiles as she caresses my face then tenderly kisses my lips. "I think you definitely needed that. Go to sleep my love and rest." I am too tired to even respond so I just close my eyes and go to sleep with my wife holding me.

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