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   Once presents are all opened, we all talk and enjoy each other's company for a few hours longer until eventually everyone gathers up their stuff and decides to call it a night. We ended up getting two air mattresses to make sure we had enough room for everyone to sleep. I had told Kyler we would definitely make it work so she didn't question me. Who would have thought our four bedroom house would have ever been this full.

   Mary decided she wanted to sleep on the couch in the living room, mom and dad filtered to the first guest bedroom with a queen size bed and Blakely, baby Grayson and Tylisha were in the second guest bedroom sharing the queen size bed in there. Katie, Julia and Kyle are in the third bedroom which is going to be the nursery since it was the next biggest bedroom. It was used for Blakley and Grayson when they lived with us and since it was still empty after they moved out we put two full size air mattresses in there. At least everyone had somewhere to sleep.

   Once Kyler and I are ready to call it a night, she catches me off guard in the kitchen and picks me up bridal style "come on wifey" she says and carries me to our master bedroom. I hear Mary laughing at us as we pass by the living room.

   Kyler sets me down when we get to our bedroom so we can both get ready for bed. We go to our en-suite and quickly brush our teeth then put face cream on. We both walk back into our bedroom to change and go to bed. I strip out of my clothes and while looking for a shirt to put on I feel my wife's eyes on me the entire time. I grab an oversized t-shirt of Kylers and slip it on, then slide into our comfortable bed. She quickly takes her clothes off and walks to the bed in just her boxers and a sports bra.

   As Kyler is trying to get in our bed, I grab her hand and pull her down beside me and she starts laughing. I wrap my arms around her and whisper "I hope you plan on keeping your promise even though I did the honor of taking most of my clothes off."

   Kyler kisses my lips then looks at me with a smirk and says "shh... you will have to be quiet. Do you think..."

   I cut Kyler's words off as I lean forward and take her lips in a simple kiss as I slide my hands up her sides then deepen the kiss. I pull away from the kiss and whisper "I know a better use for your mouth right now than talking. I have waited all day for this."

   Kyler smirks at me as she pulls the covers over us and slips on top of me. "Me too..." she whispers as our lips connect again. Her hands slip under my shirt as my hands roam over her body. Kyler's tongue invades my mouth and I grind my hips against hers, desperate for the attention I need. She grinds back against me and I gasp softly into her mouth. She breaks the kiss and looks down at me with a smirk. "You are so beautiful." She says in a sexy voice that sends tingles straight between my legs.

   "You always say that, baby." I say as I lean up enough to kiss Kyler's exposed neck. She moans softly as my lips trail over her hot skin. Her fingers waste no time sliding further up my shirt, over my stomach and up to my breast. She skims her fingers over my sensitive nipples then lightly pulls and tweaks them. My nipples are so sensitive right now that if she continues I will cum just from that stimulation. I squeeze my legs together trying to ease the overwhelming desire and slip my hands into Kyler's boxers, digging my fingers into the thick flesh as I grab her ass.

   Kyler pushes my shirt up, exposing my aching breasts and her hot mouth covers my right nipple as her hand trails down my stomach to my hips. She switches to my left nipple as she skims her fingers over the outside of my panties. I thrust my hips forward seeking the release I desperately need.

   "Someone's impatient." Kyler laughs as she trails kisses down my body, stopping at my hips as her fingers latch onto my underwear.

   "Fuck..." escapes my mouth in a moan as Kyler smirks up at me while she pulls my underwear down and off my legs. I know my face is flushed with as hot as it feels and I moan again as she places featherlight kisses all around my pubic bone. Before my overstimulated brain can process anything, Kyler grabs my thighs and roughly spreads them apart. My eyes fall onto my wife as her eyes are locked onto my wet folds.

   Kyler licks her lips and I softly moan at the thought of what she is going to do. I buck my hips up in need and she smirks again as she glances up at me as she places my legs over her shoulders, wraps her arms around my thighs and quickly wraps her wonderful lips around my clit and sucks hard. I thrust my hips forward and grind impatiently against Kyler's face. Her tongue slides between my folds and I swear my mind goes blank.

   "Oh god, Kyler..." I moan softly, trying to keep my voice at a minimum as I grab onto her hair. She slides her tongue in and out of my wet pussy and nips here and there with her teeth as she teases me and it nearly sends me over the edge. Kyler hums against me as she swirls her tongue around my clit and I moan in pleasure.

   "Lauren," my wife says in a warning tone but right now I don't care. I grind against her face and pull her mouth closer against my pussy as I grab her hair. She gladly accepts my unspoken request as her tongue continues its assault on my clit. I rock my hips with her tongue and close my eyes.

   "Oh fuck, I'm..." my words are cut off as Kyler thrusts two fingers inside my soaked pussy, causing my orgasm to hit. "Fuck, Kyler!" echoes in our bedroom as I moan louder than expected. I could care less who hears me right now because I am on cloud nine. My body spasms in wave after wave of pleasure as her fingers continue to move inside me as she also sucks on my clit.

   As I'm coming down from one hell of an orgasm, Kyler slips her fingers out of my pussy and my legs hit the bed like a dead weight. I don't even think I can move right now. As she crawls up beside me she says "I'm probably going to have bruises tomorrow."

   I look at Kyler for a couple seconds then ask "why?" She laughs as she leans forward and kisses me. "Your heels." She states as she softly kisses me again. I moan softly as I taste myself on her tongue.

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