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   It seems like time is flying by and months are coming and going quicker than they should. We are currently towards the end of the second week of October. Kyler is out of school today because her classes were canceled, then she's out for fall break starting tomorrow. My last day before fall break is today. It's not a long break but including the weekend we have four days of no school so I can't complain.

   Since Kyler didn't really have anything else to do today, she offered to clean the house. I am so very grateful for her and her willingness to help. I never have to ask her to help do anything she just automatically helps. It's not just one sided with Kyler and it actually took me a little while to get used to that. I was always so used to doing everything around the house because Mike wouldn't help with anything. He always claimed that was my duty as a wife. Kyler would actually rather do everything so I didn't have to do anything at all but relax. Her words, not mine.

   Enough about that piss of shit ex, I am so glad he is out of my life. I really wish I would have asked Kyler to bring lunch today so we could eat together. I'm a little hungry but didn't have time to make lunch this morning because I forgot to set my alarm. After a long night and into the early morning of making love to my wife, we were both so tired neither one of us thought about an alarm.

   I leave my classroom door open since it's my lunch period and I start grading papers. I am so focused on grading that I don't even notice a presence in my doorway. "Excuse me miss, I think I've been a bad girl," I hear causing me to jump in my chair since I was caught off guard. I look towards the door and there is my beautiful wife. Kyler is propped up in the doorway with a sexy smirk on her face.

   A wide smile forms on my lips as I drop my red pen and quickly make my way to Kyler. "Hey baby!" I exclaim then ask "what are you doing here?" She holds up a bag from Station Cafe and I know she picked up our favorite sandwiches. It was like she read my mind about lunch because here she is. God I love her.

   Kyler wraps her free arm around me and pulls me in for a quick kiss. "I thought I would surprise you with lunch since I knew you didn't bring anything today plus I just missed you," says as her eyes travel from my feet up to my face. I just shake my head while smiling at her, grab the bag and walk back to my desk. Kyler shuts my classroom door and walks to my desk, taking a seat in my chair as I get our sandwiches out. I hand her sandwich to her then take a seat in her lap with mine.

   We fall into a comfortable silence as we eat and I'm happy to have this little bit of extra time with my wife. I can't quite take my eyes off of Kyler because she is so sexy. Only difference is, I can subtly check her out and she usually never knows but she is not that subtle. Kyler has a very heavy stare and I can always feel when her eyes are on me, not that I'm complaining.

   I look down at her black and white checkered Vans, then up to her black ripped jeans to her white v-neck t-shirt. Her collarbone tattoo is partially visible and of course her rose tattoo that's wrapped around her forearm. I never really thought of tattoos being sexy but I was definitely wrong. At least on my wife, they are sexy as hell. My eyes travel up her gorgeous neck to her lips and I smile just thinking about those lips. When we kiss, oh god and what her lips do to me as she pleasures and worships my body. I think about all the profanities and moans that leave those wonderful lips when she is in ecstasy.

   "Is there anything you need me to do at home? Besides cleaning because I'm already doing that." She asks, breaking the silence and breaking me from my trance.

   "No, baby." I reply as I gently cup Kyler's face and brush my thumb over her cheek. "You've got something..." I say as I lean in and lick across her bottom lip then kiss her. She grabs my hip with one hand and squeezes as her body shivers.

   "You know..." Kyler trails off as she kisses my neck. My body breaks out in goosebumps and she slips her hand into the back pocket of my jeans and squeezes my ass. She knows what that does to me and I quickly straddle her in my desk chair and brush my lips against hers as I wrap my arms around her neck. "We could break in your new desk Mrs. James" she mumbles against my lips.

   A low moan escapes my mouth as Kyler palms my ass through my jeans and pulls me against her. Just as she reaches for the bottom of my blouse to untuck it, there's a knock on the door. I rest her head against her shoulder and groan in annoyance.  I can't even have lunch without being interrupted.

   I get to my feet and adjust my clothes as I walk to the door. When I open it, there's a student from my first period class standing there. She eyes me then quickly slips around me and walks into the room. "Here's my homework Ms. James, sorry it's late, maybe I can..." her eyes dart in Kyler's direction and focus on her as I walk back over to my desk and stand beside my wife placing my hand on the back of the chair. "Hi" the girl says as her eyes roam my wife's body and she bites her lip.

   I move my hand to Kyler's shoulder and say "it's Mrs. James and is that all you needed Miss Martin?" The girl is still just staring at Kyler and it's pissing me that she is looking at her like that. I squeeze my wife's shoulder as I become more annoyed.

   "Um... hi are you Ms. James' sister?" the girl asks as she is still staring at Kyler, completely ignoring my question. I slide my hand down Kyler's shoulder before walking towards the door grabbing the handle. "Not that it's any of your business Miss Martin, but she is my wife. Now if that's all you need I would love to finish my lunch." I say with a harsh tone. I see Kyler smirk because it's obvious that I was jealous even though she hasn't paid any attention to my student.

   I motion to the door and Miss Martin walks out but starts to turn around. Before she can say anything, I close my classroom door and lock it. I quickly walk over to Kyler and she is staring at me and licking her lips. I roughly claim her lips with mine as I straddle her lap again and reach for the hem of her shirt. Just as I'm about to lift her shirt the bell rings. "Shit!" leaves my mouth as I let go of Kyler's shirt and stand up. I run a hand through my hair and sigh.

   "Lauren...? Are you okay?" Kyler whispers as she stands up in front of me. I look all around trying to clear my head and my eyes finally land on her. I shake her head "I-I just didn't like how she was looking at you." She smirks as she wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me against her. With her other hand, she cups my face and tenderly kisses me. "You have nothing to worry about baby. I am yours and only yours and you are the only one I want looking at me like that." She says as she breaks the kiss.

   I was jealous even though I know that I am the only one Kyler wants and shouldn't be jealous. I know she has said she feels the same when it comes to me but that still doesn't mean I don't get jealous or possessive, whichever you want to call it. We hear a knock on the door so I walk over and open it for my next class to come inside. I step out in the hall and greet my students as they are entering. Kyler stands beside me and we notice the student from earlier is standing across the hallway looking in our direction. We both roll our eyes and pay her no mind.

   Once my class is inside, Kyler looks at me with a smirk as she steps closer to me. She rests her hand on my waist and I raise an eyebrow, questioning her on what she is doing. She closes the gap between us and gently kisses my lips. "Bye wifey, I love you and I will see you at home." She says. My class is apparently listening because we hear the girls "awe" and I feel my face heat up as it undoubtedly turns red. "I love you too and will see you this afternoon baby" I say as I step inside my classroom, closing the door behind me as the tardy bell rings.

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