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    Kyler and I were so caught up after the doctor's appointment then had work and school Friday that we forgot all about arranging a family dinner to announce our news. Saturday we finally made quick plans for a Sunday lunch to make our announcement. I know we could have just called our family but I wanted everyone together and to announce it in person. Surprisingly Katie was even able to make Sunday lunch. She had flown over Friday apparently to check out a university she is more interested in attending to finish up school.

   After we ate lunch Sunday, Kyler and I announced that we are expecting twins and supposedly will have a boy and a girl. Everyone was so excited but I think the most excited and happiest person was my mom. She broke down crying and cried for a while but assured us they were tears of joy. She is so happy to be a grandmother and even happier that we're having twins. She was ready to go shopping and kept bugging us about names which I know we still need to decide on.

   I'm currently sitting at my desk grading some tests the class just finished and waiting for the bell to ring. I'm really hungry right now even though I ate breakfast so I'm ready for lunch. Normally I could go ahead and eat lunch since my planning period this semester is right before lunch but I can't today. We had an English teacher take a leave of absence so now we have a new teacher, Miss Stephanie Pearson. Since I'm head of the English department, I have to show her around and help her get settled in during my planning period. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a fill-in teacher so we didn't have to divide the students and increase our current classes but I really just want food and so do the babies.

   As soon as the bell rings and my class leaves, shouting their goodbyes on their way out, there's a knock on my open door and I look up to see the new teacher standing there. She walks towards my desk with a big smile and her eyes fixed on me. I show her around campus then we make our way back to my classroom to go over anything else. Stephanie seems really nice and I believe she will do well here. I honestly just want a few minutes to myself before I leave to grab lunch but she wants to continue talking about non-work related stuff.

   As I'm leaning against the front of my desk, I tune Stephanie out as I'm mentally debating what I want to eat for lunch. I focus back on her when I suddenly feel her hand on my arm. Right as I'm about to move away and say something to her, I hear a loud knock on my open classroom room.

   "Oh hey! What are you doing here?" I ask Kyler excitedly as I see her walking into my classroom, cutting her eyes at Stephanie.

   "I brought lunch." Kyler states as she holds up a bag of food from McAlister's Deli. As soon as she is beside me, she sets the bag on my desk then cups my face and kisses me. "Plus I wanted to see my beautiful WIFE." I giggle because she stresses the word wife as she pulls away from our kiss. I shake my head at her as we start taking our food out of the bag. It's cute how she gets jealous sometimes over nothing.

   "Oh, I didn't know you were married Lauren." We hear Stephanie say and I realize she is still awkwardly standing in here.

   "Yes, I am very much married." I say as I hold my hand up to show my beautiful wedding ring and I hear Kyler scoff beside me.

   "I-I will let you enjoy your lunch." Stephanie says and she leaves my classroom.

   "Who's the she devil?" Kyler asks as she pulls a chair up beside mine and we sit down to eat lunch.

   I laugh as I sit down. "That's the fill-in teacher, her name is Stephanie Pearson and you have no reason to be jealous, baby."

   "I'm not jealous, I just didn't like her being that close to you or touching you. It's obvious she likes you even though your wedding ring is plain as day on your finger to show you're married." Kyler says then takes a bite of her club sandwich. I laugh because I knew she was jealous but she definitely has nothing to be jealous of.

   "If you say so, baby and she doesn't like me, at least not like that. I guess she just didn't pay attention to my ring." I peck Kyler's cheek and start eating my French dip sandwich.

   Kyler shakes her head and says "you always see the good in everyone."

   I swallow my bite of my sandwich as I'm shaking my head. "I try not to assume the worst unless I have a reason to think otherwise about someone. I just don't think she likes me in that way." Kyler shrugs her shoulders and we start talking about shopping for the twins while we eat. I wish I could have lunch with my wife everyday. I really love this little bit of extra time we have together every once in a while. I know we see each other at home but this is just so nice and I love spending time with her.

   I finish my sandwich rather fast and I'm still a little hungry. Kyler still has another half of her sandwich and the more I look at it the more my stomach wants to growl. As she is looking around my classroom while drinking her water, I pick up the other half of her sandwich and take a bite. I just couldn't resist.

   "Hey, I was probably going to eat that." Kyler says as she looks back at me with an amused face and sees I took a bite of her sandwich.

   "Well, me and our babies were still hungry. I just wanted a couple bites." I smirk as I watch Kyler's eyes drop to my mouth as I take another bite.

   "You can have it baby, I was actually leaving it for you in case you were still hungry." Kyler says as I slowly take another bite of the club sandwich as her eyes are still on my lips. After swallowing that bite, I lean towards her "good, because I have something better you can eat."

   Kyler's eyes fill with lust and she smirks as she pulls me in, claiming my lips with hers. I moan as her tongue enters my mouth and she smiles into the kiss. I wrap my arms around Kyler, holding her tightly as our kiss heats up more. Suddenly, a throat clears, making me pull away from our kiss. I look towards my classroom door and see a red faced Stephanie standing just inside my classroom.

   "T-These papers w-were accidentally put in my box in the office." Stephanie says as she walks towards my desk. I try to move my chair so I can stand up but Kyler keeps me in place. I shake my head at my wife because I know what she is doing even though she is acting innocent.

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