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    After Kyler changed her mind quite a few times in two days and constantly asked if I was sure I would be okay, she finally decided to give the internship in Houston a try. Of course she did not make the decision before calling my parents multiple times to make sure they would check on me everyday. She was super worried about me, which was rather endearing but I assured her that I would be fine.

   I am super proud of her because it's such a great opportunity for her plus I know how bad she was wanting one of the internships. We didn't know one of them was at the Houston office but it's an opportunity I hated for her to pass up. She definitely deserved the internship because she has worked extremely hard and to still be on track for early graduation after everything that happened.

   I'm just so proud of Kyler and even though I miss her I want her to excel in her education and career. I want the best for her and never want her to let me keep her from advancing her education. Her education is very important no matter what. It was funny though because the first thing she packed for the internship was two picture frames. One frame with one of our wedding pictures and the second was a copy of the last ultrasound pictures of our twins.

   This is the third week Kyler has been in Houston. She ended up missing my next doctor's appointment and I told her it was fine but it wasn't to her. She was been rather upset over not being there for me and our babies. She is also aggravated over the way the internship has been going and I honestly am too, I just haven't told her that. She already feels bad enough about not being able to come home the past two weekends, I don't want to make her feel worse. She was supposed to come home every weekend but that hasn't happened yet. It's been nearly three full weeks since I've actually seen my wife in person. Hopefully she can finally come home this weekend. We have only been able to FaceTime once which aggravates me too. I was looking forward to FaceTime calls even though it's not the same as seeing her in person.

   Kyler was put on a project with her boss Ms. Kelly Parker as soon as she started the internship. The project supposedly has one week left then it will be finished. Hopefully then, Kyler will be able to come home on the weekends like she was originally supposed to.

   Honestly, I do not like her boss and for multiple reasons. She has Kyler working late nights, early mornings and through the weekends also. Anytime we try to talk on the phone, even when Kyler is on her break, her boss always interrupts us.

   The biggest reason I don't like Kylers boss though is because last week she started flirting with Kyler while we were on the phone even though she knows Kyler is married. Kyler had already told her she was married and shut down her flirting immediately and told her she was being unprofessional. Kyler's exact words the other night when we were talking was, "I'm really regretting this." Truth is, I'm regretting her taking the internship too. I trust Kyler but her boss doesn't seem to take the hint that my wife isn't available or interested in her.

   I have sat in my classroom everyday and text Kyler off and on throughout the day hoping to get a reply from her. Usually she will text back and sometimes she will call when she knows it's my planning period or lunch. Of course it's not long though before her boss tells her she needs her. We try to call each other at night but a lot of times she is still working so we end up not getting to talk at all before I go to sleep. I do get a text message every night from Kyler though, telling me goodnight, she loves me and misses me so much.

   I miss hearing my wife's voice and just talking to her. I never missed Mike like this or missed hearing his voice but it's so different with Kyler, it's like a piece of me is missing. I just crave her, whether it's seeing her, talking to her or touching her. I crave her looking at me, touching me, caressing me... making love to me. I want her hands caressing my body, pleasing me and her mouth, god I miss her mouth. Ok, I've got to stop with those thoughts before I start pleasuring myself.

   Good thing school is over for the day so I can quickly finish a few last minute things and head home. Maybe just maybe Kyler and I can FaceTime after I get home and she gets to the hotel. For now though, while I finish my paperwork for the English department, I'm going to call her because I'm desperate to hear her voice.

   Before I can even press my wife's contact on my cell phone, Stephanie knocks on my classroom door and makes her way inside before being invited. "Can I help you with anything?" I ask kind of annoyed.

   Stephanie props herself up on the edge of my desk "I just thought I would keep you company. I haven't seen your... wife around here lately." She states with a look I don't quite understand.

   I glance at Stephanie for a second then say "I was actually getting ready to call my wife."

   Stephanie just hums at my response then says "I don't understand you being with her. She is hot but I don't think she's your type. Plus...."

   "I don't recall asking your damn opinion about who I'm married to or if Kyler is my type." I sternly say as I'm rather annoyed by this idiot.

   "She is quite a few years younger than you. How long have the two of you been married?With you being pregnant do you really think she will stick with you? She's too young to take your pregnancy, much less your marriage seriously." Stephanie spews out.

   "Excuse me! I don't know who the hell you think you are or what you're trying to insinuate but the best thing you can do is stay out of my personal life. I would also advise you to watch yourself if you value your job. Now get the hell out of my classroom." Stephanie looks rather shocked at my outburst but doesn't say anything else and just smiles. She walks out of my classroom shaking her head.

   "Damn bitch!" I say as I press Kylers contact on my cell phone. The phone rings four times before there's finally an answer. "Hey baby, I miss you." I say, ready to hear my wife's voice.

   "Oh, um she is... well she's still in the shower at the moment after we...." I freeze at first when I hear another woman's voice answer Kyler's phone. I feel my heart racing like it's going to burst out of my chest. I move my phone away from my ear to make sure I actually called Kyler and not someone else somehow but I definitely called my wife. "Did you need to leave a...."

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